Sovereign class/Deck Layout
Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards |
Deck 1Main Bridge, Captain's Office, Situation Room, Life Pods Deck 2Stellar Cartography, Astronomy Labs, Communication Hardware Deck 3Senior Officers Quarter, Captain's Quarters, Officer's Lounge, Operation Offices, Life Pods Deck 4Forward Small Shuttle Bay (1 Wave Rider, 2 Pods) , Transporter Room I (12 person), Security/Armory/Brig, Conference Room, Holo Deck 1 Deck 5Junior Officer's Quarters, Gym, Multi-purpose room, Life Pods Deck 6Computer Core, Library, Sciences Labs, Cargo Holds A - G Deck 7Computer Core, Surgery Suites 1-3, Quarantine, Decontamination Chamber, Diagnostic Labs, Transporter Room II (6 person), Surgical Recovery Rooms, Surgery Waiting Room Deck 8Computer Core, Medical Bay, 65 bed recovery area, Clinic, Doctor Offices, Counseling Suite, Life Science Labs, Life Pods Deck 9Family Deck, Crew Quarters, Café, Day Care/School, Life Pods Deck 10Entertainment Deck, Ship Lounge, Holo Decks II-V, Game Room, Cargo Hold H Deck 11Diplomatic Deck, VIP Suites, Transporter Room II (6 person), Diplomatic Conference Rooms, Formal Dining Room. Deck 12Crew Quarters, Life Pods, common mess, Sensors, Navigational Deflector Deck 13Crew Quarters, Secondary purpose Evacuation and Marine Transport (A level), Navigational Deflector Deck 14Crew Quarters, Secondary purpose Evacuation and Marine Transport (B level), Navigational Deflector Deck15Phaser Arrays 1-12, Targeting and Firing Control, Deuterium Storage Deck 16Engineering Deck, Warp Core, Secondary Bridge, Life Pods, Life Pods Deck 17Main Engineering Deck, Warp Corp, Transporter Room III (4 person), Life Pods Deck 18Fabrication Deck, Shuttle Repair, Main Deflector Deck 19Aft Shuttle Bay, Tractor Beam, Probe launcher, Sensors Deck 20Weapons Deck - Torpedo launchers 1-3, Torpedo Magazine Deck 21Anti Matter reactant generator, Storage Pods Deck 22Anti Matter reactant generator, Storage Pods Deck 23Cargo Holds I-O Deck 24Cargo Holds Q-S, Cargo Transporter |
- Black-and-white ship illustrations by Tim Davies unless otherwise noted. Used with permission. All other images are copyright to their respective owners.
- Black-and-white ship illustrations by Tim Davies unless otherwise noted. Used with permission. All other images are copyright to their respective owners.
REV SD 239111.23 |