User:Sky Blake/PNPCs
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User:Sky Blake | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Not only is this a complete listing of every character Deliera Jay (User:Sky Blake) has played or has made a very minor appearance, it is the "planning page" for them all. Notes on these characters are displayed below. Names that are green are characters that are currently active and in use.
Lachlon Nayla
- Was previously a Tactical officer aboard the USS Challenger-A.
- Died during the bombings of SB118
- Played on USS Challenger-A/Mentioned on USS Ronin
Pouge Romey
- Update Wiki Profile
- Medical officer/Counsellor in StarFleet
- NOTE: Do not remove. Romey is one of my best PNPCs.
- Played on USS Ronin/Transferred to USS Avandar with Secondary.
Millie O'Conner
- Civilian
- Was not in StarFleet records. She had been revealed to the crew of the Ronin when A.Ozera left S31 information for Sky on the only other Brekkian Betazoid hybrid. Apparently S31 wiped out her family for some unknown reason.
- AVATAR: Rachel Bilson
- Mentioned on USS Ronin
Lila Cole
- Update Wiki Profile
- Chief Archaeologist Officer (Kekorna, Brekka). Is not in Starfleet, but has mentioned that she's worked with StarFleet Scientists before.
- Stole three ancient Norssian artifacts from her own team. Reason is because they belonged to the Blake family anyway, and gave them to Sky.
- AVATAR: Yvonne Strahovski
- Black eyes due to being a Betazoid.
- Mentioned on USS Ronin, USS Mercury & USS Avandar/played on USS Ronin & Duronis II Embassy
Carine Mycroft
- Update Wiki Profile
- Victim of mob attack in Lornae. Returned to Brekka, but was sent back to Earth for a meeting with an unknown organization. Missed the Lornae bombings by three hours.
- AVATAR: Mini Anden
- Played twice on Duronis II Embassy
Rex Blake
- Killed in Kekorna bombings, which were to oppose new leadership.
- Not in Starfleet, but has worked with StarFleet Scientists once or twice.
- AVATAR: Gary Cole
- Played on USS Ronin/Mentioned on all ships.
- Update Wiki Profile
- Previously on Brekka, but was sent to Earth for a meeting with an unknown organization. Marloy was not present for any of the Seritonian bombings, and was only notified when someone told him.
- Not in Starfleet, but has worked with StarFleet on one or two occasions
- AVATAR: Jonathan Cake
- Played on USS Challenger-A & USS Ronin/Mentioned on USS Mercury & Duronis II Embassy
Brekkian Hybrids
Primary Character (Blake)
Skyleena Serrella Blake
- Primary character. Lieutenant Commander. Currently the Chief of Security
- Played on USS Challenger-A, USS Ronin, USS Mercury, USS Thunder/Duronis II Embassy, USS Avandar
- Faith
- AVATAR: Yvonne Strahovski
- Stephanie Scott
- (Used as younger Sky)
- Stephanie Scott
- Major character
Faith Blake
- Sky's child
- Only related to one parent. Biologically has no father due to Camarian Radiation and a virus.
- Played, but limited, on Duronis II Embassy & USS Avandar
Bailey Lowe
- Previously a Security officer, is currently an Intelligence officer On Leave. Is a definite StarFleet officer
- Is on Leave. IC: Taking care of Vasi.
- AVATAR: Brian Krause
- Played on USS Challenger-A & USS Ronin/Mentioned on USS Mercury & Duronis II Embassy
Griffin/Jamie O'Conner
- Update Wiki Profile
- Currenlty one of three Brekkazoid. Was not on file.
- Not in StarFleet
- Was going to help Deven get Sky out of Quarks bar during a bar fight, until Sky mistakingly thought he was going to attack Deven. He was accidently stabbed in the shoulder, but there is no longer any hard feelings about it.
- AVATAR: Jamie Bell
- Played three times on USS Ronin/Mentioned on USS Mercury
Hayden O'Conner
- Brekkian Terran hybrid. Is not the only one.
- Not in StarFleet
- AVATAR: Hayden Christensen
- Mentioned on USS Ronin
Brekkian Quads
Sarah Lowe
- Oldest child of Bailey and Vasilissa Lowe.
- Not in StarFleet
- AVATAR: Mackenzie Foy
- Played on USS Challenger-A & USS Ronin/Mentioned on USS Mercury
Adrian Lowe
- Youngest child of Bailey and Vasilissa Lowe.
- Not in StarFleet.
- Mentioned on USS Mercury
Cardassian Quads
Jack Hardy
- Very stubborn, and very unreliable.
- Section 31 "Bounty Hunter", although he sucked at the job.
- Terran with Cardassian blood.
- Previous a Security officer onboard the Zmey and the Ronin. No longer apart of Starfleet.
- AVATAR: ?? - ??/The Covenant
- Played on USS Ronin/Mentioned on USS Mercury
Cynthia Nayla
- Was previously a Security officer onboard the USS Challenger-A
- Has an Auditory Processing issue. Was releaved of duty because of it.
- Killed during the bombings of SB118
- Played on [[USS Challenger-A/Mentioned on USS Ronin
Vasilissa Lowe
- Played on USS Challenger-A/Mentioned on USS Ronin (by other PNPC)/cameo appearance at Duronis II Embassy.
Alixis Ozera
- Appearances in The Shadow War. As the Shadow War does not include the USS Avandar, appearances may be limited.
- Director Chang
- Currently works as Volkoff's second in command. It is suggested that he may have been corrupted by his own sister to join the Syndicate. Previously had a chip in his head that is very valuble - which may be the reason why he was 'asked' to join the Syndicate.
- Hand cut off.
- Possible reappearances due to his connection to Faith.
- AVATAR: Chace Crawford
- Played on USS Ronin & USS Mercury/Commonly thought about by Sky/Appeared in single JP from the USS Avandar.
Vivian Volkoff (previously Alisha Ozera)
- Appearances in The Shadow War only. As the Shadow War does not include the USS Avandar, appearances may be limited.
- Alisha-Rose Ozera
- Currently selling weapons to the Orion Syndicate and Scarlett Brotherhood. Is also a member of the Syndicate. Corrupted her brother to join her.
- AVATAR: Lauren Cohan
- Played on USS Mercury/Duronis II Embassy/JPs from USS Avandar
Jacob Cobalt
- Section 31 "Bounty Hunter". ((This the main reason why he is INACTIVE.)) Is currently onboard the USS Zmey.
- Constantly seen in flashbacks
- It's unlikely we'll ever see him
- Mentioned onboard the USS Ronin
Carbo Stryker
- Not a Starfleet officer. Smart Civilian in a program set in 2011/2012. Is an Engineer/Technogeek.
- His personality cannot be changed. His memory cannot be erased. He cannot be reprogramed. This has unfortunately created some problems for me, as Sky supposedly deleted her BO program due to Faith's birth, so it's likely that he's buried in the computer as a permanent back-up file, no
- Will most likely be let in on the fact that he was apart of a 24th Century program. This may be due soon, as BO was deleted.
- AVATAR: Joshua Gomez
- Played twice on the USS Ronin & USS Mercury
Nick Falls
- Resides with Casey.
- Is Joined.
- There is no profile for Nick or Stacy. The most information you'll get about him is on Casey's profile or in numerous Sims.
- Is Gay, and married to Casey.
- StarFleet officer.
- Played once on USS Challenger-A/Mentioned on USS Ronin
Akyra Venroe
- USS Avandar
- Full Name: Akyra (Sentoss) Venroe.
- Date of Birth: 236301.14 (25)
- Previous Hosts:
- [Original names: Nylson Venroe[M]/Ninya Venroe[F]/Ethyn Venroe[M] (NOTE TO SELF: GET RID OF THE "Y" IN EVERY NAME!)] Ethan Venroe [M] (Jensen Ackles - Dark Angel (early life & with Akyra)/Supernatural (later life)
- AVATAR: Jessica Alba
- Played on USS Avandar as Secondary Character. Currently being played as a PNPC
Ornaran Hybrids
Theo Casey
- Was originally going to be called John Casey. I thought better of it when I realized I was copying the John Casey off Chuck
- Is possibly the only gay Terran Ornaran hybrid you'll find.
- Is still an Ensign. It's unlikely that he'll rise up in the ranks.
- Played on USS Challenger-A & USS Ronin/Mentioned on USS Mercury
Vulcan Hybrids
- AVATAR: Milo Ventimiglia
- Played on USS Mercury, Duronis II Embassy & USS Avandar
Others (ideas)
- Roanen/Ronan Larza (Name changes to Blake later)
- Male
- Brekkian (surgically altered by his parents, so Ronan does not have a Brekkian nose ridge)
- Civilian, Child (15 years old). Removed from his parents due to child abuse, and placed into the hands of the BTA. Comes to Blake with a broken arm. Adopted by Blake later?
- Possible PNPC.
- Not yet created.
- AVATAR: Charlie Rowe