2350 | 2351 | 2352 | 2353 | 2354 | 2355 | 2356 | 2357 | 2358 | 2359 |
- 235007.22 - Emirry Rayn MacGowan is born in Seattle, Washington, Earth.
- 235008.21 - Dyami Aren is born on Ivor Prime.
- 235101.09 - Jefferson Nariah is born in Capitol City, Bajor
- 235101.01 - Tarina Kayneain Bochk is born in Washington State, USA, Earth
- 235104.21 - Varaan and T'lani are wed in a traditional Vulcan ceremony in ShirKahr, on Vulcan
- 235108.16 - Erik Fletcher is born in St. Louis, MO, USA, Earth.
- 235110.30 - Eskyys is born on Halii, near the spaceport of Halocan.
- 235203.24 - David Cody is born on Mars
- 235205.24 - Lily Ventu is born on Earth
- 235304.02 - Pierre Gaston is born in Paris, France, Earth
- 235307.04 - Idril Mar is born.
- 235307.14 - Jessa Anassasi is born
- 235409.07 - Julia Elizabeth Harden is born aboard the USS Horizon.
- 235405.23 - Mondana is born on Romulus.
- 235411.20 - Nev Arcadia is born on Argelius II.
- 235503.11 - Geeva Kalpana is born in Fe'enko Village, Ireane, Iridi System.
- 235504.05 - Calhan Jophry is born in Houston, Texas, Earth
- 235504.22 - Rebecca Hollendale is born in Rockyford, Colorado, Earth
- 235504.28 - Martel Crais is born on Chricton IV; Lexa MacGregor is born on Lona Colony.
- 235505.03 - Rowanna Marie Briels is born in San Francisco
- 235505.12 - Torin Jamar is born on Io (Jupiter moon), Sol system.
- 235506.15 - Angelina DeCosta is born.
- 235507.04 - Kel Morndok is born on Brikar.
- 235507.24 - Sidney Riley is born
- 235509.22 - Andrew Tval is born on Devlok IV Colony.
- 235511.04 - Pedro Ramirez is born in Monterrey, Mexico, Earth.
- 235511.11 - Michael Soul is born on Earth.
- 235511.19 - Addison Parker is born
- 235512.24 - Joran Tavex is born
- 235602.14 - Danny Wilde is born in London, Earth.
- 235603.02 - Alana Devar is born in Mestara, Betazed.
- 235603.12 - Jennifer Greene is born in Cape Town, South Africa, Earth.
- 235605.02 - Mal Avatar is born in M'Gatta City, Andoria.
- 235611.25 - Brell is born in Rasara, Bolarus IX.
- 235612.13 - Rachel Liang is born in Haikou, China, Earth.
- 235702.03 - J.T. Aadi is born.
- 235703.23 - Johnathan Kirov is born.
- 235703.31 - Benjamin Walker is born.
- 235704.20 - Takashi M. Chen is born in Johore, Malaysia, Earth.
- 235705.02 - C'eleste Moranta is born on board the USS Curie.
- 235707.18 - Jhan Thelev is born.
- 235708.22 - Ethan Brice is born in Manchester, Earth.
- 235710.30 - Akino Janaar is born in El-Nar City, Betazed.
- 235712.31 - Asal Cox is born.
- 235801.25 - Sean Sabbage is born in London, Earth.
- 235804.28 - Vojana Satscher is born on Bukvan.
- 235806.28 - Nathan Baker is born on the Jupiter Station.
- 235807.08 - Trix is born on Ferenginar.
- 235809.28 - Vessa is born in Aren, Napea II.
- 235901.08 - Salak is born in the province of Raal on Vulcan.
- 235903.13 - Jacomus Aharon is born
- 235903.21 - William Adams Carrington is born on Deneva Prime.
- 235903.28 - Ava Kelley is born in Thurmont, Maryland, Earth.
- 235907.19 - Marcus Dickens is born.
- 235909.14 - Cara Maria is born.
- 235910.20 - Sam Campbell is born in San Francisco, Earth.
- 235912.09 - S'Sran Yendral was born on Sauria Prime.