Ithassa Region

Revision as of 13:33, 18 June 2008 by Salak (talk | contribs) (Copying over existing text with draft version. Yet to add Gorn Conflict, new Indy, decomm of Ursa and launch of Ronin & Tiger to end.)

The Ithassa Region (Gorn: Chavesss Sector, Constellationite: Ulsjifga) is a vast expanse covering 15,000,000 ly3 of the Alpha Quadrant. The region includes various stellar phenomenae, such as the Bull's Run and the nebulae of the Aurona Sector. The region is cuboid in shape, with edges of length 1000ly, 500ly and 30ly.

Ithassa Region
(Map, Stellar Cartography)
Major Neighboring Powers
Governments & Alliances
Known Races
Starfleet Presence

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The initial discovery of the region is attributed to astrophysicist Sjori Ithassa, after whom the region is named in Federation records. Other local powers have differing names for the region, including the Gorn name "Chavesss Sector". Federation vessels did not begin exploration of the region until the turn of the 24th Century, with a handful of vessels being assigned before the Tomed Incident. During this first foray, the station Deep Space 17 was constructed to observe the neutron star Eratis.

Despite the redeployment of resources, the region still held some interest from the Federation. Starfleet recommensed exploration of the region in the late 2360's, after ships had been freed up by the end of the Federation-Cardassian War. The fleet reclaimed Deep Space 17, which had been running on automation for the previous three decades; but withdrew once more in 2373 as resources were needed for the continuing Second Federation-Klingon War and then for the Dominion War.

Starfleet turned its attention to the Ithassa Region for a third time in late 2379, four years after the end of the Dominion War. With Starfleet still rebuilding, a small Taskforce headed by Rear Admiral Hollis Calley was sent to once more reclaim and explore the vast region. The initial taskforce comprised of the USS Kodiak-B, USS Independence, USS Hammond and USS Triumphant, with the USS Wallace and USS Darwin following soon after. The crew of USS Wallace assisted in the second reactivation of Deep Space 17. The USS Kodiak was decommissioned for technical reasons in early 2383, with the USS Ursa Major taking her place in the taskforce. The USS Ursa Major was herself replaced by the USS Tiger in 2385.

The Federation are not the only major power in the region. At least three previously known major powers are present in the region, in the form of the Gorn Hegemony, Tzenkethi Coalition and the Tholian Assembly. There have also been reports of the Breen, and the USS Ronin has encountered the Cardassian Empire. In addition to these major powers, there are several local powers as well. The Confederacy of Core Worlds, which include the Free Trade Union, as well as the One Kingdom are examples of these. In all, the area is a politically active region, and occassionally quite a controversial one.