Shore leave: DS33 (2) (Ronin)
Shore Leave Summary
- Ico Ena and Marty Tucker met for dinner in the 47 lounge... and maybe they plan a date in his quarters after it.
- Alyndra Syrex settled into life on the USS Ronin.
- Marty Tucker and Alidar Raedai discuss repairs to the USS Rhine.
- Kiran Rork and Kirsty Lee Carpenter train on the holo-deck.
- Jack Morrow and Dukul Nibar met for a briefing of sorts.
- Jack Morrow went and saw Doctor Talia Ohnari for a new leg. And gets one.
- Marty Tucker and the Khitomers Chief Engineer Connor Dewitt have a few drinks.
Senior officers taking part in the Shoreleave | |||
Name | Position | Notes | |
Karrod Niac | Commanding Officer | ||
Toryn Raga | First Officer | Promoted from Lt Commander to Commander on 240107.29 | |
Ian O'Connor | HCO Officer | ||
Kirsty Lee Carpenter | Chief of Security & Tactical | ||
T’Fearne Elaazni | Security Officer | Jonining 240107.05 | |
Marty Tucker | Chief Of Engineering | Promoted from Lt. JG to Lt on 240107.29 | |
Is’Kah | Engineering Officer | Transferred to the USS Chin'toka on 240107.29, promoted from Ensign to Lt JO (pending) on 240107.29 | |
Alidar Raedai | Ops Officer | Promoted from Ensign to Lt JG on 240107.29 | |
Alieth | Chief Science officer & 2O | ||
Luxa Lorana | Science officer | ||
V'Len Kel | Chief Medical Officer | Transferred to the USS Chin'toka & LOA 240107.23 | |
Quentin Beck | Medical Officer | Appointed as Acting Chief Medical Officer and promoted from Ensign to Lt JG on 240107.29 | |
Alyndra Syrex | Medical Officer | Jonining 240107.26 | |
Dekas | Chief Counselor | LOA 240108.01 |
REV SD 240108.07 |