Ayiana Sevo/Relationships

< Ayiana Sevo
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Crew of the USS Gorkon


Lt. Commander Ayiana Sevo

Professional Relationships


Quinn Reynolds
Commanding Officer/Mentor

Ayiana has come to respect Quinn Reynolds immensely. She sees Reynolds as an authoritative role model and is constantly trying to earn her respect. A blow came when Reynolds oversaw an inquiry in which Ayiana assaulted a fellow Starfleet officer. Ayiana felt immense guilt at letting Reynolds down. Bridges were eventually mended, however, when Reynolds offered Ayiana the position of First Officer, which Ayiana cautiously accepted. Ayiana once again disappointed her mentor when Reynolds was forced to remove her from the post of First Officer after only a few months, due to Ayiana's continuing trouble with her anger.


Former Commanding Officer

Captain Nugra has been instrumental in Ayiana's budding Starfleet career. Upon sudden transfer of the Victory's former Chief Science Officer, Captain Nugra decided to promote Ayiana to the position as a newly-minted Lt. JG. While she had doubts herself about the responsibilities of commanding a department, Nugra thought she would do well. He was right. A few months later, Nugra yet again surprised Ayiana by promoting her to full Lieutenant. Ayiana was heartbroken to learn that Nugra would be giving up his command of the Victory, and reassigning most of her crew to the USS Gorkon. This was not the last time Ayiana would see Nugra, however, as he has periodically been assigned to the Tyrellian Defence and Exploration Taskforce, stationed on the Gorkon.

Friends & Colleagues


Alucard Vess

One of Ayiana's longest friends in Starfleet, Vess was present on the USS Victory on Ayiana's first day. She has served with him ever since then on both the Victory and Gorkon. At the very least, she considers him a good friend and confidant.


Talia Kaji

While Ayiana was comatose following an injury, Talia Kaji used her telepathic abilities to enter Ayiana's mind in an attempt to discover the problem. It turned out Ayiana's symbiont, Sevo, was undergoing a psychotic breakdown caused by a traumatic pre-joined memory. Talia managed to navigate the strange dreamscape of Ayiana/Sevo's minds and managed to mend Sevo's mind; consequently allowing Sevo and Ayiana's minds to rejoin.

This very deep and invasive mental probe left some sort of lingering telepathic connection between Ayiana and Talia, despite the fact that Ayiana, as a Trill, has very limited telepathic abilities. The pair recently discovered that they could "feel" each other in close proximity, and Ayiana's surface thoughts were surprisingly easy to read for Talia, even if she wasn't trying. Bursts of emotion from one was felt particularly powerfully on the other. The two planned to experiment with this newfound connection to see how far they could push this unique relationship, but Talia transferred away a few years ago and Ayiana hasn't seen her since.


Kael Tam
Former Colleague

From the moment Ayiana first laid eyes on Kael, she had a deep loathing and contempt for the man; feelings she couldn't place since she swore she never met him before. It turned out that Tam used to be a Trill Guardian, those unjoined Trill who dedicate their lives to tending the spawning pools where symbionts are bred. Earlier in his career, he had counseled Toran Sevo for PTSD after the Dominion War, learning about Sevo's previous hosts in the process. It was through Tam that Ayiana learned about Toran. The memories of Toran had been mysteriously suppressed by Sevo, making Ayiana think that Vereesa was her last host, instead of Toran. Eventually, Ayiana developed a begrudging respect for Tam for helping her reveal a forgotten piece of Sevo's past. She was quite saddened when Tam died while they were trapped Over There.


Tasha MacFarlane

The quirky Chief Engineer aboard the USS Gorkon rode into Ayiana's life on a magical unicorn of Scottish lunacy. She is always upbeat and full of life, even in the direst of circumstances. They became quite close after Tasha lost her arm during an away mission on the team under command of Ayiana. At first, Ayiana felt immensely guilty for letting it happen, even though the incident happened so fast there was nothing Ayiana could do. Much to her surprise and relief, Tasha didn't feel in the slightest that it was Ayiana's fault. Since then, the pair have started to become closer, sharing gossip and confiding in one another over personal issues.


Jocelyn Marshall

Ayiana has watched this dedicated Operations officer quickly rise through the ranks, ever since the Human's first day as an Ensign aboard the USS Gorkon. Now taking up the First Officer post after she was removed, Ayiana has some lingering jealousy over Marshall's new job. The two have had a couple of drinks together, with Marshall querying Ayiana for tips and tricks to make the XO job work. Whether Ayiana will overcome her emotions and form a lasting friendship with Marshall is yet to be seen.

Romantic Liasons


Cadfael Peters
Former Fling

During her time attending Starfleet Academy on Trill, Ayiana participated in the Academy's Cultural Exchange Subspace Friend program. She communicated regularly with a Human cadet named Cadfael Peters from the Earth Academy. The universe had a sense of humor, it seemed, as they were both posted to the USS Victory within weeks of each other. Their first meeting was during an away mission a day into her posting.

Their second mission together - first contact with the Sunak - ended with Peters injured and Ayiana comatose. During that time, Cadfael stayed by Ayiana's side in sickbay whenever he was off-duty, even putting his "good-luck" watch on her wrist. After Ayiana had woken from her coma, Cadfael had declared his love to her.

The pair's newfound affection would prove to be short-lived, however, as Cadfael was transferred to the U.S.S. Darwin on their next mission. They kept in contact over subspace for a time, but Ayiana has since lost touch with him.

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