StarBase 118 Universe PrimerStardateMission LogsBlockbusters

Major Geopolitical Events

2380 | 2381 | 2382 | 2383 | 2384 | 2385 | 2386 | 2387 | 2388 | 2389
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  • 238301.28: USS Challenger commissioned; Captain T'Pen given command of the USS Challenger.
  • 238306.22: The USS Independence responded to a distress signal from the Furies Furnace FTU Base.
  • 238306.22: The USS Ursa Major reports that three light Gorn Raptor Cruisers attacked and destroyed the Vulcan courier ship T’sel.
  • 238306.26: The USS Triumphant was ordered to investigate a report of Gorn developing biogenic weapons.
  • 238306.27: Captain Mal Avatar takes command of Starbase 118 Ops transferring the USS Columbia as support vehicle.
  • 238307.13: The USS Independence is reported to be on a direct route for DS17 after a vicious assault against a Gorn Battalion of ships in defence of the Furies Furnace FTU asteriod base.
  • 238307.13: The Triumphant was about to engage three Gorn light destroyers, while Captain Ssa'Rukk from the USS Kodiak was on an intercept course to assist.
  • 238307.17: After communicating with Commander Stoker at DS17, the Ursa Major] is setting course for the Gorn Border.
  • 238308.04: USS Independence adrift with no warp capabilities. USS Hammond is ambushed by the Gorn fleet.
  • 238309.26: The USS Triumphant takes part in the Battle of Eratis.
  • 238309.26: USS Independence destroyed at the Battle of Eratis.
  • 238309.01: The Ursa Major arrives at Deep Space 17 and takes part in the Battle of Eratis.
  • 2383 Exact date unknown: Federation and Zalkonians vacate their Embassies on Duronis II due to coercion of the Laudean government by the Romulans
  • 238310.09: Captain Rocar is given command of the USS Constitution.




  • 238602.04: The USS Independence-A has been dispatched to investigate an old science station after its 42 member crew of scientists failed to report in.
  • 238605.26: Turner is assigned as commanding officer of the USS Resolution.
  • 238605.29: Ensign Miles Unum graduates from Starfleet Academy and is assigned to the USS Resolution as a Tactical officer.



  • 238801.17: Commander Toni Turner promoted to Captain.
  • 238801.20: Federation returns to Duronis II following the destruction of Romulus and Remus.
  • 238801.20: Turner is assigned as commanding officer of the USS Thunder, which is attached to the Embassy of Duronis II.
  • 238802.21: The USS Constitution-B, hijacked by Armeni, a psychotic, Betazoid felon, is used to destroy the Betazoid city of Ohmallera, killing 1.2 million people.
  • 238803.24: Tal Tel-ar made commanding officer of the USS Challenger-A.
  • 238804.06: The Stone of Kosst-Amogen, an artifact believed by the Bajorans to be able to release the Pah-Wraiths from the fire caves, is stolen from the Bajoran Central Archives.
  • 238808.14: Cayden Dunn graduates from Starfleet Academy and is assigned to the USS Thunder as a Helm Officer.
  • 238808.29: Ensigns Survak and Alucard Vess graduate from Starfleet Academy and are assigned to the USS Thunder / Duronis II Embassy.
  • 238808.29: Ensign Velana completes her cadet cruise and is assigned to the USS Independence-A.
  • 238809: Bajor becomes a member of the Federation.
  • 238809.26: Mackenzie Ingram graduates from Starfleet Academy and is assigned to the USS Thunder as an Operations Officer.
  • 238812.27: The USS Kalipso investigates a Starfleet frequency at the extreme edge of the Milky Way and finds David Cody alive on an undeveloped M-Class planet.


  • 238902.03: USS Apollo launches under the command of Captain Andrus Jaxx.
  • 238902.04: Starbase 118 Ops is under the command of Commander Nicholotti, Kali
  • 238908: The Klingons invade Romulan territory.
    • 238908.24: A Klingon armada of 11 warships decloaked and began firing on the Thunder, killing Commander Janzen and most of the beta-shift bridge crew with the initial wave of fire. While the Cheyenne class ship tried to fend off the attackers, the commander of the Romulan forces, D’Nal Merek, and Fleet Captain Turner created a hasty alliance against the aggressors. Honoring the agreement, the Romulan detachment pitched in against the Klingon forces. With the Thunder’s shields failing and the enemy relentless, Merek began to transport the crew off the doomed vessel. As the fighting raged, a general evacuation of the Embassy was executed and the civilians were prepared to be flown out.

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