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USS Darwin-A
DS9style-ltcmdr black.png
DS9style-blank black.png
Position Diplomatic Officer
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Species Bolian
Gender Female
DOB 236303.06
Age 39
Birthplace Lommat, Rasara, Bolarus IX
Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons MedalOfFreedom 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Prometheus Incident 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Awards General 1Year.jpg
Awards General NebulaBar 2011.jpg
Awards General 3Year 2011.jpg
Awards DutyPost Lwaxana Troi MedallionAward 2013.jpg
Awards Special Xalor 2011.jpg
Halloween Avatar Contest Winner
Badge 1.png
Publicity Team
Badge 1.png
Image Collective Member
Badge 1.png

Lieutenant Lyldra is a Diplomatic Officer on board the USS Darwin-A, she also holds the rank of attache within the Federation Diplomatic Corps.

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Lyldra
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant, Also Holds FDC standing of Diplomatic Attache.
  • Race: Bolian
  • Date of Birth: 236303.06
  • Place of birth: Lommat, Rasara, Bolarus IX
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: T0/E0


Lyldra in 2391.
  • Height: 1.82 m (6'0)
  • Weight: 66 kg (145lbs)
  • Hair Color: Bald
  • Eye Color: Yellow
  • Skin Tone: Light Blue
  • Build: Slim and Fit
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): She favors dresses in shades of Purple and often wears chandelier earrings.
  • Handedness: Right handed
  • Languages: Bolian, Federation Standard


  • Spouses:

Husband - Hars Vlin - A Oceanographic Scientist serving aboard The USS Darwin-A

Co-Husband - Brell - Starfleet Officer Serving as beta shift engineer on board The USS Darwin-A

  • Children:

Son - Renu

Daughter - Linalu

  • Parents:

Father: Lakax - Lead Scientist University Of Boralus Research outpost at Daros'll Homestead

Mother: Linall (Deceased)

  • Siblings:



University of Bolarus 2384 to 2391

  • Primary Degree in Xeno-Political Science - Equivalent to Terran University Phd
  • Secondary Degree in Humanoid Psychology - Equivalent to Terran University Phd
  • Tertiary Degree Xeno-Linguistics - Equivalent to Terran University Masters Degree

Starfleet Academy Distance Program 2392

  • Field Commissioned Officer Certification Course
  • Introduction to Starfleet Protocols
  • Side-Arms Basic Training

Personal History

Early Years.

Embassy Life.

Starfleet, and her first missions aboard the Darwin.

Motherhood and family life aboard the Darwin.

Current - Into the Delta Quadrant

After the fun of the masquerade ball the crew of the Darwin was recalled where they learned the Darwin was to transition into operating in the Delta Quadrant. They would get to be one of the first ships in the region and she would be the first diplomatic officer ever along for the ride. She looked forward to this greatly most species there they had such limited contacts with. She would get make first contacts and it would be her reports to the diplomatic core that would soon be the top lines of the federations information dossiers.

The Darwin suffered severe systems failure shortly after arriving in the delta quadrant. It had taken them weeks to arrive there at QSD speed, now their ship about to loose life support the crew of Darwin had little choice but to assimilate into the society of a industrial pre-warp civilization living on a class p world. The people were called the Turisans and in appearance were quite close to human. Lyldra her husbands and their twins were all altered to fit in. Their hair follicles stimulated, skin changed to pink, and their bifurcated ridges hidden. She did not recognize herself in the mirrors and glass windows of the primitive planet. They were not alone the Darwin boasted a diverse crew leaving many feeling and looking quite different.

The crew was grouped into households and needed to get jobs to sustain themselves while living in the booming city of Lomorton as they would be there for weeks awaiting a rescue ship. She secured work as a Governess for a wealthy family a job which allowed her to keep the twins by her side. Hars found employment as fisherman on boat that went out to the edges of the bays ice pack daily. Brell meanwhile found work at a bakery. Both jobs suited her husbands well.

The Turisan's were celebrating a yearly festival at the time of the crews arrival called Newgrange. Her human crew mates all made comments on it's similarity to one on Earth called Christmas. As two humans were in her household Didrik Stennes and Kurt Logan she endeavored to learn all about it and see for herself just how similar it was.

Service History

Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Civilian 2384 to 2391 Student At University of Boralus
FDC Attache 239110.03 - 239203.29 Embassy of Duronis II/USS Thunder Federation Diplomatic Core
Ensign 239203.30 - 239207.27 USS Darwin-A Counselor/FDC Attache
Lieutenant JG 239207.27 - 239209.24 Diplomatic Officer
Lieutenant 239209.24 - Present

Friends & Relationships

  • Brell at first Lyldra could not stand him finding him oddly annoying. When he started to attend the University with her the two spent time alone more often and she warmed to him. After a awhile she knew why she had found him annoying it was that he made her feel at ease and she did not know what to do about it. Their bond grew as did the time they spent together in study and close quarters at the homestead. When Hars wanted them to ask Brell to join them as thier Co-husband she was all too happy to agree.
  • Hars Vlin and Lyldra when she was a fresh faced first year and he was a third year student. She saw through the shy mans facade and they grew very close. Their courtship and then engagement were short and the two were wed by her father and Hars' father on the Vlin families ancestral houseboat a year after meeting.
  • Renos and Lyldra met when she agreed to join the crew of the Darwin, she came aboard expecting to get some field duty for a few months while she was pregnant. She had not been expecting to work so closely and grow to admire and count her new J'naii commanding officer a friend. Lyldra chose to name her son Renu after Renos she thought the namesake would give him a fine role model to emulate.
  • Iniko Mpeba and Lyldra met when she came aboard the Uss Darwin. Having just arrived from Til’ahn Iniko’s homeworld Lyldra felt a certain familiarity in her Laudean crewmate. That quickly grew into an actual friendship with both finding time each shore leave to spend time with one another in some way.
  • Maxwell Traenor and she first met in passing when she became a member of the Darwin’s crew. It was not until’ the birth of the twins that she saw something more in him and actively began to pursue a friendship with him. As he takes on the role of the Darwin’s XO she has hopes they will spend more time together on duty and cultivate a good working relationship as well.
  • Garll Is Lyldra's Uncle in law and runs the BlueSea Bolian Deli on DS6, The Darwin's main port of call. Before being assigned to the Darwin he had only met the man at Her, Hars' and Brell's wedding ceremony at the Daros'll Homestead. He reminds her of Brell personality wise though far less driven than her co-husband.


Lyldra’s quarters are located on deck six, aboard the USS Darwin-A. The Bolian family of five were granted larger quarters with two bedrooms and a larger living space. The most notable feature when a guest comes in is their kitchen area featuring a cooking unit with oven, a small counter next to the replicator, along with a four foot tall seawater tank that holds fresh growing seaweeds, and kelps from their homeworld. Her co-husband Brell can often be found there preparing meals for the family and on occasion guests. The space represented the three spouses well; Brightly colored Bolian plants fill the rooms, Lyldra’s silk tapestries are placed all over, dominating the seating space wall hangs Vlin family house-boat’s original wooden navigation wheel a gift from Hars’ father, and holo-images of Brell’s extensive family on another. Renu & Linalu’s nursery with it’s circular crib the twins share is filled with items given to them by the crew at the naming ceremony as well as some other things that had been sent from their families on Bolarus. Lyldra and her co-husband’s bedroom was just large enough to fit their extended sized bed.

Interests and Hobbies

Lyldra’s Sea Garden
Lyldra’s Favorite Seaweed and Kelp Salad, with Terran Lemon
Federation Council Recordings

Lyldra enjoys the typical cuisine of her people. Meaning a good deal of ocean produce and seafood. Her husband growing up without replicators is the chef of the family. A fact she is very grateful for as she has more than gotten used to his cooking over replicated fare. She does however know how to make her favorite dish a simple kelp and seaweed salad with the edition of the Terran citrus lemon. Lemons and other citrus from earth remain some of her few non-bolian food favorites.

Though it will put both of her spouses to sleep if they attempt to sit through one with her. Lyldra actually enjoys watching news feeds and holo recordings of Federation Council sessions. To her watching the governing body of the Federation gather is an action packed event. All the opinions of the representatives of each member world, the committees and debates on the issues at hand. It all excites and fascinates the diplomat in her.

Since joining the diverse crew of the USS Darwin Lyldra has taken up a side project of growing a small sea garden of Bolian Kelp and Seaweed in the Darwin's arboretum pond. With the multi-species initiative many on the Darwin's crew was used to a more fresh and diverse diet than the typical Starfleet vessel and the garden had been her suggestion upon joining the crew and being briefed on the start of the initiative. Though she had never tended to a sea garden larger than the small tank she and her co-husbands keep in their quarters before she found tending it to be quite relaxing and gave her something to do while she was on light duty during her pregnancy.

Important Sims

Embassy Days.

Arrival On The Darwin..