USS Phoenix-C
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- Designation: NCC-65403-C
- Class: Steamrunner-Wolverine
- Description: The Phoenix-C is the first in a new sub-class of Steamrunner vessels designed to perform better at escort duty whilst foregoing almost all the luxuries associated with the traditional multi-role Starfleet vessel.
The USS Tiger was the prototype for the new Wolverine sub-class of vessels. Originally designed as a standard Steamrunner, she was extensively refitted in mid-2375 to the newer standards. However, her original construction has left her with several minor operational flaws which have been alleviated in newly built models.
- Number of Decks: 9
- Height: 40.0 meters
- Width: 160.0 meters
- Length: 366.0 meters
- Warp Engines: MARA II
- Normal Cruise Speed: Warp 7
- Max. Cruise Speed: Warp 9.1
- Emergency Speed: Warp 9.5 for 12 Hrs
- Crew:
- Officers: 40
- Enlisted: 50
- Total: 90
- Civilians: Not Applicable
- Maximum Capacity: 235
- Propulsion:
- 3 x Standard Impulse Engines mounted to the saucer section. Warp engines and fuel supplies containing enough Antimatter and Deterium magnetically sealed storage pods to go 3 months at standard cruise velocity (warp 7).
- Weapons:
- 1 x Type X phaser bank, 6 x Class I rapid fire phaser pulse cannon, total output for all phaser weapons 50,000 TeraWatts. 4 x Pulse fire Quantum/Photon torpedo tubes + 200 torpedoes carried in stores.
- Shields:
- Auto-modulated high capacity shield system, total capacity 2,000,000 TeraJoules.
- Ablative Armour:
- Plating attached to the outer hull to displace the heat associated with phaser blasts or atmospheric friction on heavy Duranium/Tritanium double hull.
- Sensors:
- Standard long range sensor package.
Ship History
The Phoenix name has a long and proud history of ships. The first ship to bear the name Phoenix was Zefram Cochrane's historic premiere warp vessel.
The next ship to bear the name Phoenix was the USS Phoenix. This ship was a Nebula class ship, registration number NCC-65420, under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell. Maxwell orered an attack on Cardassian forces near sector 21503, which was not authorized by StarFleet Command. Two Cardassian ships and a Cardassian science station were consequently destroyed by the USS Phoenix. Maxwell later claimed that his actions were an attempt to prove that the Cardassians had been planning a new offensive against the Federation. Maxwell was later relieved of command. The USS Phoenix's dedication plaque held the motto: "There will be an answer, let it be." The Phoenix was later destroyed in 2370 after another Cardassian force launched a surprise attack on the ship.
Captain Tristan Wolf was placed in command of the third ship of this name, the USS Phoenix-B. (Starfleet comissioned the name Phoenix-B to denote that this was the third ship of this name, the "-A" marking was skipped.) This vessel, run out of StarBase 118, was the flagship for that fleet for many years before being surpassed in power by some of the newer, more heavily armed ships of StarBase 118 like the USS StarWind, and USS Nemesis (now the USS Defiance-A). Due to the fact that Captain Wolf was promoted to Admiral of the StarBase, the ship was re-assigned as the StarBase's 'field ship', and used in the next few years on a per-mission basis, mostly acting to defend the StarBase, and as a crew transport.
As the enemies of the federation became more numerous, and more powerful, a new ship was needed to defend the StarBase. The Phoenix-B, while still a powerful ship, had outlived it's usefulness and was experienced numerous computer failures, which began on stardate 9812.10. Willing to accept that simply retiring the old ship will be less of a drain on resources than attempting to do massive refits on the computer's systems, StarBase 118 worked to find a new ship to replace the Phoenix-B.
In early 2375 the ship which was to later yield the newest Phoenix fell into the laps of StarBase engineers. The USS Tiger, a Steamrunner class ship was assigned to StarBase 118 on stardate 9902.01, as a patrol ship for the base. After approximately six months on the base as a patrol, Admiral Wolf comissioned an experimental refit for the ship. Engineers drew up an entirely new package for the Tiger, which included a more powerful weaponry system, and shield defenses which surpassed it's previous systems. The hope was that the ship could be a protoype for a new line of Steamrunners, which would serve more primarily as escort ships, instead of multipurpose vessels.
Engineers also kept in mind that the new Tiger would hopefully be a more stable ship than the Defiant class, which is notoriously quirky, with strange problems occuring here and there during operation. Being that, the Steamrunner refit would hopefully be a companion ship to the Defiant class, utilizing the most updated technology available.
Another plus to using the Steamrunner class for this type of refit is that it is a larger ship than the Defiant class. While it does lose points in the manueverability area, more area on the ship means more room for weapons. The engineers of this refit used this to their advantage when redesigning. Much of the unneeded components (such as diplomatic luxuries, etc.) were scrapped in favor of a larger power source, and more torpedo tubes.
While this refit lived up the hopes for a stable, powerful escort ship to be a companion to the Defiant class, there were further changes to be made, and new problems that needed conquering. In one of the first runs of the Tiger out from StarBase 118 it was discovered that the system drops shields when coming out of warp. This is a problem engineers have been working furiously on, but so far have no been able to find the fix for.
The USS Tiger was only a prototype for the planned Steamrunner-Wolverine class. The first ship of this new sub class is the USS Phoenix-C. The extended capabilities of the Phoenix-C over the Tiger refit include: a larger sickbay, which uses the most up to date medical technology available in Starfleet, well-equipped science labs, and an entirely new double hull of heavy Duranium/Tritanium (over the Standard Duranium/Tritanium of the Tiger), with 15 cm of Ablative Armour, plus two more impulse engine outputs (for increased manueverability). A Type X phaser bank will complete the overhaul, bringing the total output for all phaser weapons to 75,000 TeraWatts. (This could not be added to the Tiger, as a new phaser bank would require too much rewiring, which could jeopardize the safety of the ship during battle. The Phoenix-C has the phaser bank planned into the blue-prints, making it's placement safer.) These revisions take the Phoenix-C's overall strength index number to approximately 1,050.
StarBase 118 plans for one ship for it's fleet. Should the Phoenix-C prove successful as the Tiger, more of the new sub class will be planned for all of the Federation. Hopefully the USS Phoenix-C will have as prestigious a history as it's predecessors.