Antero Flynn

Revision as of 00:22, 30 September 2020 by Antero Flynn (talk | contribs) (Layout update)

Lieutenant Antero Flynn is currently serving as a Helm Officer on the USS Veritas.

USS Veritas
Antero flynn lt.png
Antero Flynn
Position TBD
Rank Lieutenant
Species Risian
Gender Male
DOB 236606.05
Age 35
Birthplace Risa (Epsilon Ceti ll)
Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
Awards General SilverPalm 2011.jpg
Awards DutyPost PilotsSextantAward 2011.jpg
Awards General ScottyCross 2011.jpg
Q Award.png
Awards General 5Year 2011.jpg

Purple Star
Silver Palm
Pilot's Sextant
Scotty Cross
Q Award
5-year Member

Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Prometheus Incident 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons War of Shadows 2016.png
Awards ServiceRibbons DepartmentChief.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Good Conduct Ribbon
Legion of Merit
Prometheus Ribbon
Explorer's Ribbon
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Silver Star
Innovation Ribbon
Lifesaving Ribbon
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon
War of Shadows Ribbon
Department Chief Ribbon
Prisoner of War Ribbon

Graphic Contest Winner
Badge 2.png
Featured Bio of StarBase 118
Badge 1.png
Badge 1.png
20th Annual Awards Attendee
Badge 1.png
Chat Trivia Participant
Badge 1.png
Top Sim Round Winner
Badge 1.png
Halloween Avatar Contest Winner
Badge 1.png
Top Sim Judge
Badge 1.png
Publicity Team
Badge 1.png

Current Primary PC

Cecil Valo

Former PCs

Antero Flynn
Jelani Firewind




  • Height: 5'11
  • Weight: 170
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Skin Tone: Light Tan
  • Build: Athletic
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous


Some would call his flying "reckless". He likes to think of it as "Innovative".

The first time Antero strode onto the bridge of a starship those who knew him would have described him as a light hearted, fun loving guy who lived for thrill and never stopped moving. During shore leave he was the life of the party, during missions he poured everything he had into the helm of a starship, the more dangerous the better.

Today he has developed a depth that comes with years of service as a front line officer, a shaping that many seasoned veterans would describe as arduous but tempering.

With a lot of time and soul searching, the Risian has learned to intertwine these traits and embrace qualities not just of thrill and passion, but also of serenity, patience, and fortitude.

Flynn on Earth during the academy
  • Moral & Personal Philosophy: Antero takes the Risian value of “All that is ours is yours” to heart. He is exceedingly generous, if a stranger asked for the shirt off his back, he would be quickly shirtless (and a little too happy about it..).
  • Sexuality: Risian culture differs from that of many races when it comes to romance, and many members of the species tend to be very open in regards to intimacy. Antero is no exception and is unabashed when it comes to sexuality and forming connections with others. While he has formed passionate relationships with specific people in the past, he believes such feelings can be openly shared and appreciated. He is no stranger to Jamaharon, and quickly established a bit of a reputation upon his initial arrival at the academy. He has since taken up a fascination with the study of the cultural practices and limitations of other species in that regard, later learning some of his own limitations while engaging in a heated pon farr with Aitas.
  • Favorite Foods: Tolerates most food and is very adventurous with trying new things. When in doubt, fresh fruit is always a win.
  • Dislikes: Alvanian Brandy (doesn’t want to talk about it).
  • Hobbies/Talents: Surfing, Rock Climbing, Backpacking, Scuba Diving, Snorkeling, Cliff Diving, Dancing, Juggling, Carving Walking Sticks, Ukulele, Risian Lute.
  • Traits: Has a considerable lack of inhibition.
  • Musical Taste: Classic Earth Beach and Island, but has grown to appreciate a wider variety as he discovers is, with a particular fondness for music that can get his heart pumping.
  • Pets: Many Fish He doesn't do so well with pets...

  • Motivation: When his younger brothers vessel went missing and was suspected destroyed, he vowed to do more with his life than to host tourists and compete in surfing competitions. He attempted to fill the void left by the loss of his ambitious brother. Antero also has a great interest and fascination with other cultures and worlds. He considers it the greatest adventure to visit unknown planets and discover new civilizations.
  • Past Achievements: Was a member of the Nova Squadron. Competed successfully in several surfing competitions. Won third place in the Starfleet Academy Marathon.

Bucket List

*Acquire a bottle of Romulan Ale.

  • Take part in a First Contact mission.
  • Participate in a Renithor race.
  • Explore the waters of Adru.
  • Pass through a stable wormhole.
  • Climb the cliffs of Bole.


Part of Flynn's work out routine.

After coming to the decision to join Starfleet Academy Antero studied long and hard to prepare. He had never taken education seriously in the past but was determined to follow the course. To his own surprise, he was accepted on his first attempt. His scores were by no means record breaking, and he was sure he barely passed the psych test, but he was in. That was enough.

From the moment Antero decided to make a career in Starfleet he knew his path. He signed on as a Helm officer and never regretted it. Although he struggled to keep up with his required Engineering classes, he excelled with Tactics and maneuverability. Even spending extra free time practicing and experiencing the thrill of a fast ship. He was very near to passing with a Premier Distinction, if not for a small incident involving Alvanian Brandy…

Reflecting on his experiences growing up on the vacation world of Risa, Antero had a great fascination with other species and cultures. He spent much of his time getting to know many cadets from various home worlds. Due to this interest, Antero took a few classes in Anthropology and similar sciences just for fun. At the encouragement of his professors, he eventually took the extra steps to complete it as a minor.

Academy Curriculum-

  • Major: Helm/Navigation
  • Minor: Anthropology
  • Academy Extracurricular: Starfleet Academy Marathon


Antero grew up in Suraya Bay on Risa to a scientist father and a mother that owns a resort. He has several sisters, and one younger brother who joined the fleet before him. When he wasn't helping out the family resort, he spent a lot of his time surfing, flirting and getting into whatever fun he could find. When his younger brother Aurelio was announced MIA after a terraforming mission went mysteriously silent, Antero could no longer find peace floating through his simple life on Risa, and joined Starfleet to find fulfillment, and to make a difference.

Starfleet Records

Key Figures

Age: 59

Antero's mother has two great motivations, her children and her work. A long time owner of the resort passed down by her family, she is ever the caring hostess and puts the comfort of her guests before all else. Her children have been expected to do their share from a young age, and have been raised to always attend to the needs of others.
Age: 71

A top Environmental scientist, Hewitt is a loving father with a dry sense of humor who loves to take his children on archaeological adventures. Since the disappearance of Aurelio, he has become much more withdrawn and secluded. Sometimes taking extended trips, claiming scientific exploration.
Age: 32

A natural environmental scientist, Aurelio is level headed and calm in most situations. He was the first in his family to join Starfleet, much to the chagrin of his father who thought he could make better use of his talents at home. His vessel has since gone missing while on a terraforming mission.
Age: 38

As Antero grew up, Amara was always the one to look after her younger siblings, especially with their mother Loralai always very involved with the running of the resort. She now spends much of her time working at the resort herself and many expect the business will someday be handed down to her. She has a very hospitable nature, even among Risians, and is seldom found relaxing herself.
Age: 32

Calla is very gentle hearted and peaceful. She is a Master of Risian relaxation techniques and often holds sessions at the resort. She is almost always smiling, and loves to laugh.
Age: 29

Often found hiking the wilderness of Risa and has developed a deep love of archeology, passed down from their father. She is a painting enthusiast and sometimes brings a canvas on her adventures. She is also a wonderful cook and loves to feed others.
Age: 27

Very bright and even more curious. Zaina loves to know what makes things tick, and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. She grew up constantly getting into trouble for taking things apart, but almost always succeeding in putting things back together. As soon as she was old enough, she set her aims high and joined the academy with the hope of becoming a Starfleet Engineer.
Age: 25

Free spirited and adventurous she has been compared to Antero for her thrill seeking behavior, and was often found at his side before he left for Starfleet. Her dream is to be a performer and she loves to sing and dance.
Age: 14

Perhaps the most spirited of the family, young Mirabella loves to run around the resort and visit with the guests. Her sometimes forward behavior is often met with adoration and doting, much to her frustration. She hopes someday to be big, so that she can tell people what to do, and they will listen.
Aurelio Sakon Igre
Age: 6

Antero's son, the product of a heated pon farr with Aitas. He's named after Antero's missing brother and Aitas' father, and largely takes after Antero in appearance.

Starbase 118
Having met only briefly before being thrust into a mission that resulted in the loss of the USS Albion, their chemistry was bolstered when Antero held her for dear life after her harness failed. The resulting follow up led to a passionate romance and a strong connection that resulted in the birth of their son Aurelio Sakon Igre (named after his brother).
Starbase 118
One of the first officers Antero met as a fresh Ensign out of the academy, the Gorn made a lasting impression. They have since become fast friends and have fostered a deep mutual respect for each other both personally and professionally. Most importantly, Tatash is his go to grill man at all of his beach parties.
  Theo Whittaker
Starbase 118
While serving together on the Columbia, Antero and Theo quickly became close. After the Risian came to terms with his fear of commitment, the two and a magical but short lived relationship due to being transferred apart. Since then they re-connected aboard Starbase 118 and maintained a happy friendship for the duration of their assignment together.
  Rendal Rennyn
USS Darwin-A
Meeting aboard the Columbia when Ren was appointed first officer, the two became fast friends during a daring adventure on the snowy resort world of Eschevar. Antero not only looks up to him as a talented pilot and seasoned officer, but as a person of great character as well.
  Shiarrael Ei-Ihhliae
USS Athena
Antero has had a fondness for the Romulan since the day they met on the Columbia. Never giving into racial mistrust, they developed a strong, yet unique working relationship. The Risian has always found something thrilling about the woman, and does not hesitate to flirt.
  Chythar Skyfire
USS Gorkon
Antero first met Chythar when he proctored his Academy practical exam. When the two were briefly assigned to the same vessel, they began to spend time together off duty and became close friends.
  Mirra Ezo
Starbase 118
The Betazoid doctor was Antero's best friend from the moment they met at the academy. They loved to joke around, and had come to truly care about the well being of one another. Mirra was a source of much support and encouragement to the Risian.
  Baylen Anders
Starbase 118
A fellow Risian, 'Bay' was Antero's best friend growing up. They had many great adventures together and cherish their childhood memories.

Service Record

Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239205.11 Graduated Starfleet Academy Science
Ensign 239205.12 - 239209.07 USS Columbia Helm
Lieutenant JG 239209.27 - 239211.15 USS Columbia Helm
Lieutenant JG 239211.15 - 239301.11 USS Apollo-A Helm
Lieutenant JG 239301.11 - 239302.01 Starbase 118 Ops / USS Albion Helm/Comm/Ops
Lieutenant JG 239302.01 - 239303.20 Starbase 118 Ops / USS Albion C.A.G. Flight Officer
Lieutenant 239303.20 - 239308.19 Starbase 118 Ops / USS Albion C.A.G. Flight Officer
Lieutenant 239308.19 - 239309.26 Starbase 118 Ops / USS Albion Chief Helm Officer
Lt Commander 239309.26 - 239508.03 Starbase 118 Ops / USS Columbia Chief Helm Officer
Civilian 239508.03 - 239512.21 Starbase 118 Ops / USS Narendra Civilian Consultant
Lieutenant 239512.21 - 239707.28 Starfleet Academy - Earth Nova Squadron Training Officer
Lieutenant 239707.28 - Present USS Veritas Helm Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Purple Star 2378
Retired Awards
Given to an officer who shows extreme courage to finish a task/mission after having become injured.
Graphic Winner 2392
Graphics Contest
Summer 2015 Winner
TOSMA 2392
The Order of Starfleet Merit and Achievement First Class
Graphic Winner 2392
Graphics Contest
Winter 2015 Winner
Silver Palm 2393
Silver Palm
Awarded to a simmer who has consistently boosted the morale of his/her crew.
Pilot's Sextant 2393
Pilot's Sextant
Given to those Helm officers who have proven themselves to be the best of the best.
Scotty Cross 2394
The Scotty Cross
Given to an officer who shows extreme creativity while solving a plot dilemma or in-character plot twist.
5-year Member 2394
5-year Member
For those who have been members for five years.
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239205.11
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Good Conduct Ribbon 239207.27
USS Columbia
Awarded for piloting prowess during aid mission on Avronis V.
Explorer's Ribbon 239209.29
USS Columbia
For venturing into the Skalur Expanse
Prometheus Ribbon 239209.29
USS Columbia
Awarded to a person who helped in handling the Prometheus Incident and ensuing chaos during 2392
Good Conduct Ribbon 239209.29
USS Columbia
Awarded for keeping the crew out of harms way while orbiting Hemix.
Legion of Merit 239209.29
USS Columbia
For discovering the presence of an assassin aboard the Columbia
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239212.21
USS Columbia
For fending off a highly dangerous mutation which had spread among the miners of Freedom's Hope.
Silver Star 239212.21
USS Apollo
For bravery in action against an enemy of the Federation, by halting the advance of a Sicarius ship.
Innovation Ribbon 239303.20
Starbase 118 Ops
For clever and innovative solutions to Tribble troubles aboard Starbase 118.
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239303.20
Starbase 118 Ops
For successfully helping the authorities of Tilanna V uncover a criminal syndicate.
Lifesaving Ribbon 239306.11
Starbase 118 Ops
For rescuing a group of innocent civilians from a humanoid trafficking ring.
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon 239311.03
Starbase 118 Ops
For ensuring the safety of over 400 officers and crew during a fierce battle against Haz Arrhimen and his stolen Romulan Warbird.
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239311.03
Starbase 118 Ops
For the alliance with the Klingons to end the reign of terror caused by Haz Arrhimen.
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 239311.03
Starbase 118 Ops
For the continued efforts to prevent Arrhimen and the Orion Syndicate from provoking a war between the major powers in the Trinity Sector.
War of Shadows Ribbon 239311.03
Starbase 118 Ops
For involvement in the fight against the Orion Syndicate.
Department Chief Ribbon 239403.16
Starbase 118 Ops
For outstanding service as a department head for at least one year.
Good Conduct Ribbon 239403.16
Starbase 118 Ops
For risking his life to fly in an unfair underground shuttle race to get close enough to arrest a criminal.
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 239408.13
Starbase 118 Ops
For standing against Chennel in her takeover of StarBase118 Ops.
Prisoner of War Ribbon 239408.13
Starbase 118 Ops
For overcoming imprisonment at the hands of the Orion Syndicate.
Lifesaving Ribbon 239408.13
Starbase 118 Ops
For being a part of the incarceration of 78 Orion Syndicate criminals and freeing a total of 759 innocents who had been pressed into slavery.
Good Conduct Ribbon 239512.21
Starbase 118 Ops
For serving gallantly and impressing Klingon hosts to gain valuable information as well as saving the life of an ally.


A modest proposal
What do you want to do tonight, Brain?
Holy dArtagnan!
Avast ye
Honored guests
Friend in need
She was a fine ship
It takes two
These things happen
Subspace Communicator
Press F to Honor
Captain Proton to the Rescue!
I Hear Babies Crying...
Operation Safe Harbor
Do a barrel roll
Fancy flier
Tell me, Atlas. What is heavier?
Part of the team
The Finest Vintage
Proper Raktajino


NPC Listing   ·   USS Veritas Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Roshanara Rahman
First Officer
Sky Blake
Physician Assistant
Ikaia Wong
Ship's Counselor
Katy Toliver
Science Officer
Zhanyt Lafizatar
Science Officer
2O/Chief Engineer
Wil Ukinix
Engineering Officer
Scotty Reade
Operations Officer
Hannibal Parker
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Lilith Thorne
Dipolmatic Corps
Jansen Orrey
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