Starfleet Academy Division of Health Sciences/Psychology

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Psychology Department

The science that deals with mental processes and behavior.

  • PSY101: Terran, General
    • An introduction to the scientific study of behavior and its underlying cognitive and biological processes.
  • PSY102: (Non-Terran, Major Species)
    • An introduction to the scientific study of behavior and its underlying cognitive and biological processes for Major species.
  • PSY111: Two-lobed Interspecies Individuals
    • An introduction to the complexities of the psychology of interspecies individuals with two-lobed brains.
  • PSY112: Four-lobed Interspecies Individuals
    • An introduction to the complexities of the psychology of interspecies individuals with four-lobed brains.
  • PSY201: Terran Development
    • Overview of the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of humans throughout the lifespan.
  • PSY202: Non-Terran, Major Species Development
    • Overview of the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of Major species throughout the lifespan.
  • PSY211: Terran Personalities
    • An overview of the major theories of personality with special focus on contemporary personality theory and research.
  • PSY212: Non-Terran, Major Species Personalities
    • An overview of the major theories of personality with special focus on contemporary personality theory and research.
  • PSY221: Terran Gender
    • Examination of the biological, social, and psychological differences and similarities of females and males, with a focus on the naturenurture debate within the field.
  • PSY222: Non-Terran Gender
    • Examination of the biological, social, and psychological differences and similarities of non-Terran females, males, and sub-genders.
  • PSY301: Abnormal
    • An overview of the main psychological disorders, focusing on the major scientific theories of their etiology and treatment.
  • PSY302: Hostilities
    • An overview of the development of overt psychological tendancies towards hostility in both individuals and large-scale societies. Klingons and Romulans as a focus.

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Academy Course Catalogue