Medical Equipment Database

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Medical technology and equipment has become increasingly more advanced, since the 20th century. This database contains notes on some of the more common medical equipment at the disposal of a 24th century Starfleet medic.

Alpha Wave Inducer

The Alpha Wave Inducer is a device meant to induce sleep in most humanoids. It is not meant to replace natural sleep, and cannot be used frequently. Itt is an electronic version of an anesthetic. Subject enters a deep dreamless sleep during which surgical procedures can be carried out without causing pain to the subject.

Anabolic Protoplasers

These devices are used to heal internal and external body damage without the need of opening the body cavity of the patient to effect repairs. They use small forcefields, phase-modulated lasers, and anabolic accelerators to quickly heal injuries without scarring. They come in a variety of sizes for different repairs.

Smaller units are useful for fine work involving the eyes and ears, while larger units heal cuts and even broken bones.

They temporarily confer the advantage of Instant Regeneration to the area treated, but cannot replace surgery in serious injuries. For example, if used on a very deep stab wound, they could seal the damaged tissues and prevent further blood loss, but a subcutaneous hole would remain unless closed with surgery.

This device will not repair incidental damage resulting from the original injury. For example, an officer who has been stabbed may have the wound repaired in sickbay in 15 minutes, but will still have to deal with the blood loss.


An Autosuture is used to close wounds in patients. It has the same function as 20th-century sutures. It is similar to the Anabolic Protoplaser.


Starfleet's Medical department has a wide variety of bandage options. Simple bandages made of sterile, inert materials that do not bind with clotting wounds are common. Dermapatch is available in a spray applicator, or in larger pre-formed pieces.


This is an orthopedically-designed hospital bed which has an array of biofunction sensors that monitor all bodily systems. The bed is raised to allow the doctor to comfortably examine the patient. It has a graphic display at the head which gives the patient's current status. Restraining fields are available on some models. See more information about biobeds.

Bioregenerative Field

A Bioregenerative Field is an energy field used to accelerate cellular growth. It temporarily confers the advantage of Regeneration on the patient. A sterilization unit is typically used during this procedure to keep infection from being multiplied by the Bioregenerative Field.

Bi-spectral monitor

Device used to assess a patients level of consciousness. Commonly used when administering anesthetic agents during surgery, or in the management of patients with altered central nervous system (CNS) function.

Cardiac Inducer ("Defib Unit")

A hand held device with two portable probes capable of providing a measured polarization force throughout the body, used for cardiac resuscitation. This device does not damage the skin.


This is a defibrillator that can also restart a stopped heart. Unlike current defibrillators, this device will not damage surface tissues.

Cellular Microsutures

Used to stitch internal organs.

Cortical Stimulator

The Cortical Stimulator provides a method of resuscitation for patients. It is particularly effective for head injuries and comatose patients. It is an electronic version of Tricordrazine.

Dermal Regenerator

Hand-held device which promotes the rapid growth of skin. The device will promote a chemical balance which supports the growth of normal skin tissue over scar tissue. Wounds of up to moderate severity can be healed through a dermal regenerator, but use of the device must take into account foreign material in the wound site, depth of the wound, type of tissue, and several other factors. Except for minor wounds, dermal regeneration often serves only as a stopgap for the most critical wounds, which require hospitalization.

Detronal scanner

Medical instrument that reads DNA patterns from a tissue sample.

Electrophoretic Diffuser

Used by Bashir to purge the baby Changeling of tetryon isotopes.

Emergency Medical Hologram Program (EMH)

The EMH came into being in the late 2360s as a stop gap measure for medical officers to fall back on in the event of MASCAS (mass causality) situations or in the event that the CMO was incapacitated. The current EMH, the Mark IV, is a fully configurable program. The holographic projection can be altered to the need of the CMO or to the appearance the CMO wishes. Currently, most if not all Federation starships are equipped with an EMH and sport the EHM holographic projectors in the critical areas of the ship.

Versions: Mark I, Mark II, Mark III, and Mark IV. Also: Long-term Medical Hologram (LMH)

Electrophoretic dialysis unit

A blood filtration device that can remove, with great specificity, harmful chemicals and foreign substances from a patientâ⿬⿢s bloodstream. The device can also be used to remove nanoprobes from a previously Borg-enhanced patient. (20th-century equivalent: Dialysis machine.)


An electronic relative of a 20th-century scalpel. It is essentially an electronic knife.

Fiber-optic laryngoscope

Device consisting of a flexible fiber-optic viewing lens and guidance controls, allowing for easy endotracheal intubation in resuscitation efforts.

Genetronic Replicator

An experimental medical device used to stimulate the genetic code of an individual into growing whatever types of cells are needed by the patients. It temporarily confers the advantage of Instant Regeneration on patients.

Greenfield filter

Device, surgically placed in a central vein, used to trap thrombi (blood clots) before they can cause damage in the heart, lungs or brain. Once trapped, the clots can be removed and/or destroyed easily.


Test for measuring and recording brain-wave activity. (20th-century equivalent: Electroencephalogram, or EEG.)


The Hypospray is a hand-held device used for subcutaneous and intravenous administration of carefully-controlled dosages of medication on a subject. The Hypospray injects the subject by use of a pinpoint, high-pressure, low-volume, microscopic, aerosuspension stream. It allows medication to be given through the skin or clothing without mechanical penetration. It takes one second to remove and one to replace a medicine vial. The air cartridge is good for 100 injections. It takes one second to remove and one second to replace the air cartridge. Weight is 1/2 lb.

Inhibitor Field

A field which slows the progress of a disease. Dax put Epran in one.

Infusion port

Device for continuous intravenous (IV) delivery of fluids and medications. The infusion port is attached to bare skin and painlessly creates a sterile indwelling catheter through the skin and into a blood vessel, allowing delivery of all types of medication into the systemic circulation. Infusion ports come in multiple sizes, from 30-gauge (extremely small, for pediatrics and species with small vessels) to 10-gauge (extremely large, wide-bore line for trauma resuscitations on large species). Each biobed has two 18-gauge standard lines, with attachment points for up to four. (20th-century equivalent: IV.)

(Plasma) Infusion unit

Medical system that dispenses fluids and medications intravenously. Infusion units are standard within the surgical support frame (SSF). (20th-century equivalent: IV infusion pump.)

Mask ventilator

Device used in basic life-support, consisting of a rebreather mask attached to a positive-pressure oxygen cylinder. A mask ventilator is used to resuscitate a patient suffering from respiratory arrest, and can be found in every basic medical kit.

Medical Tricorders

The Medical Tricorder is a modified TR-580 with an extra external medical probe and scanner attachment. It has the following capabilities:

  • Biosampler
  • Bioscanner
  • Chemscanner
  • Datalink
  • Environmental Analysis
  • Medscanner
  • Multiscanner
  • Radscanner

For its size, the Medical Tricorder can maintain and store vast amounts of data in its own memory, which it uses to help evaluate conditions on site.

The Medical Tricorder has an external hand-held sensing device. This peripheral contains over 100 sensors, and the Tricorder contains a specialized medical database that provides detailed medical diagnostic tools in the field including tomographic and micrographic imaging. A small diagnosis wand fits into the top of the peripheral and is occasionally used by the physician to provide close high-resolution scans.

Together, these sensors allow the Medical Tricorder to make very detailed diagnosis on known species. On unknown species, it is limited to telling if the life-form is sick or dying. A detailed analysis is not possible in such a situation. Effective range is about three yards.


An electronic instrument used to cut very thin sections of organic tissue for microscopic examinations. Useful to acquire samples of diseased tissue for medical analysis. It is essentially the same as 20th-century Microtome.

Motor Assist Bands

An electronic strap attached to damaged limbs of patients which increase the neurological impulses provided by the patient to the damaged limb. Useful for rehabilitation.


A suspension of nanotechnological assemblies that are typically used to survey cellular genetic damage and effect repairs.

They report to, and are monitored by, the attending physician. Nanosurgeons are useful to repair additional damage that drugs (for example) cannot affect.

Neural imaging scan

Test that provides detailed information about a patients central nervous system function. (20th-century equivalent: MRI or PET scan.)


This device "jump starts" the Central Nervous System of patients who has suffered some form of neuro-synaptic failure. This is particularly useful to treat a patient who has suffered CNS shock from the higher settings of a Phaser.

Neural Stimulators

An instrument used to stimulate the Central Nervous System of a patient. They are frequently used to help in attempts to revive unconscious and/or comatose patients.

Neural Transducer

Medical devices that provide the same function as the Motor Assist Bands above, but are temporarily and/or permanently implanted in patients to increase transmission of neural impulses from the brain to whatever area of the body the Transducers are attached to. They are frequently used for spinal cord damage patients.


Allows a healthy "donor" to take over autonomic functions for a patient suffering from brain stem damage. One link is attached to the head of the "donor" and the other on the head of the patient. Upon activation, the autonomic functions of the donor control the patient's heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, etc.

Ocular implant

Artificial eye used to replace a damaged or nonfunctional natural eye. The ocular implant consists of three major components - a variable-focus anterior segment, a thin sheet of photoreceptors, and an optic nerve implant - contained within a plastic scleral shell. The anterior segment replaces the natural cornea and lens, and is filled with an optically clear mimetic gel that allows accommodation (change in focus for near and distance vision). The photoreceptor layer can be customized for the patient's needs; a standard unit receives impulses through the visible light spectrum, although infrared and ultraviolet capability is available. Ocular implants offer a range of vision similar to that of a natural eye, offer full range of motion via myoneural connection to the existing extra-ocular muscles, and are cosmetically identical to the original.

Osteogenic Stimulator

A medical instrument used by "Sisko" in Bashir's mind to treat a cranial trauma.


These are medical tractor fields used to set and immobilize a broken bone prior to treatment with a Protoplaser. They act as a temporary cast during treatment.

Physician's Medikit

The Physician's Medikit is a small, strap-on case designed to carry emergency medical supplies. A Full Standard kit would include:

  • 1 - Anabolic Protoplaser
  • 1 - Bandage assortment
  • 1 - Cardiostimulator
  • 2 - Hyposprays
  • 1 - Medical Tricorder
  • 1 - Neural Stimulator
  • 1 - Respirator
  • 1 - Sampling kit

and the following medications:

  • 5 - Vials of Delactovine
  • 5 - Vials of Tricordrazine
  • 3 - Vials of Analgine
  • 4 - Vials of Hyronalyn
  • 3 - Vials of Panamyacin

All doses of any drug type are contained in vials that must be inserted into the Hypospray. The standard kit may be altered to suit missions or situations, but must be altered before the mission begins. For example, if the doctor knows that he is going into a combat zone, he may replace the 3 vials of Panamyacin with more Hyronalyn or Analgine.


Used to increase metabolic functions in patients that show a decrease of those functions.

Plasma Infusion Unit

An instrument used for transfusions of blood, blood plasma, and/or electrolytes into patients that need them. It is used the same way blood transfusions in the 20th-century. The Plasma Infusion Unit also provides filtration of the material to be delivered.

Positronic Implant

Bashir was forced to replace the left half of Bareil's brain with one; when the other half as well proved irreversibly damaged, Bashir refused to replace it too.

Privacy Field

Around every biobed there are transmitters set into the floor and ceiling that, if activated, raise a forcefield around the biobed that renders the inhabitants within like blurred outlines - similar to the effect of heavily frosted glass. From within the privacy field, the frosted effect is diminished to allow the patient and doctors to accurately tell if someone else is approaching the field, but it still provides the patient the comforting knowledge that the obscuring effects of the field functions.[1]


The protodynaplaser (sometimes misspelled as "protodynoplaser") serves as an artificial support for the immune system. It works by serving at the cell level itself, destroying individual cells through the projection of force fields at a beam diameter of 0.001 microns. The projection method offers several advantages over its ancient ancestor known as "laser surgery".

One advantage is that the beams do not pass through the body, but stop at the individual cells. Furthermore, the shape of the beam itself can change. A polarization action can move cells out of the way of the beam, and the beam can narrow to destroy the floating viral cell until suitable nanotreatment or antiviral medication can be found. As the use of the protodynaplaser immobilizes the patient, the PDP is only the first step to recovery of the client immune system.


Surgical device used to repair tissue damage inside the body. Protoplasers provide instantaneous hemostasis (control of bleeding from damaged vessels) and removal of damaged tissue. Protoplasers come in two forms, for open and laparoscopic surgery. (20th-century equivalent: Electrocautery pen, or argon beam coagulator.)

Pulmonary scanner

Medical device used to monitor pulmonary function, blood chemistry and blood gas content. (20th-century equivalent: Pulse oximeter.)


Similar to the standard Tricorder, the Psychotricorder can also be used to record past memories of a patient. Typically it is used to retrieve memories within the last 24 hours. See info on the Medical Tricorder and/or Tricorder for any further info.


There are three varieties to choose from: traditional cutting blades with a monomolecular edge, laser scalpels that cauterize as they cut, and nanotech scalpels that separate tissues along cellular lines without damage. Each has different uses.

Laser scalpels help the surgeon because of bloodlessness, but can dazzle anyone unwary enough to look into the beam, even though the scalpel can only cut within its focal length.

Monomolecular blades require no power supply and quickly slice through most matter with minimal effort.

Finally, Nanotech scalpels cause minimal disruption of tissue but operate slowly.

There is current research in an experimental scalpel that utilizes Transporter technology.

Sickbay Overhead Sensor Cluster

This is a circular arrangement of sensors located above the primary Bio-Bed in sickbay. It augments the sensors of the Bio-Bed, and also provides an emergency containment field to prevent contamination.

Somnetic Inducer

A device used to induce sleep. Otherwise similar to the Alpha Wave Induction unit above.

Sonic Separator

A device used to separate tissues into very fine bundles. It is primarily used in brain operations, but is also useful in other areas of the body which have very small or very delicate parts.

Stasis Field Generator

This device is used in emergencies when a patient cannot be stabilized and requires treatment that is not immediately available. It significantly slows all biological activity within the perimeter of the field, placing the patient in a sort of suspended animation. The patient will not be aware of any passage of time while under the influence of a stasis unit, since the biochemical activity of the patient's brain is effectively halted.

Sterile Dressings

Many of the older methods work best. Along with the dermal regenerator, a simple application of pseudocutean applies a dressing that allows most wounds to heal naturally. Pseudocutan dressings are absorbed into the body, and if the body rejects the dressing, antibodies break down the dressing rapidly to biodegradable matter. Dressings are used in emergencies (a roll of Pseudocutan is included in the Medical Trauma Kit) and for wounds which do not require dermal regeneration.

Subdermal Sonic Hematostasis Device

A crown-like plasteel device used to treat internal swelling from injuries, including concussions. Also known by its common abbreviation SDSH.

Surgical Support Frame

Surgical Support Frames attach to Bio-Beds providing aid and assistance during surgery and emergency life support. Littered with biosensors, the SSF has a large display of the surgical area. The Surgical Support Frame is designed to augment the biobed for surgical use. It supplies the sterile enviroment for any operating theater, has three access ports (superior, left lateral, right lateral) and comes in different shapes and sizes. It serves as an infuser of intravenous and subcutaneous medication and its sensor cover duplicates advanced tricorder capability. Force field generation serves to defibrillate the patient in cardiac arrest or serves as a ventilator through pneumoventilation.

T-cell stimulator

Device that increases the production of T cells, a type of lymphocyte that enables humanoid bodies to fight infection. T-cell stimulation is useful in cases of immune deficiency.

Transporter biofilter

Sub-system of the transporter system that scans incoming transporter patterns prior to materialization; it detects harmful pathogens and allows for a return of the organism to the transport site, or scattering into space.


Acronym for Visual Instrument/Sensory Organ Replacement. The VISOR is a device worn over the eyes that allows a profoundly blind patient to see by direct stimulation of the optic tract, bypassing damaged structures further forward. Typically VISORs are used with patients with various forms of retinopathy, optic neuropathy or cortical blindness. The system works by means of a pair of neural implants that connect to the optic chiasma (the nerve plexus in the brain that coordinates impulses from the optic nerves and sends them to the occipital lobe for visual processing). The VISOR receives input from the visible light spectrum as well as the ultraviolet and infrared regions. (Note that a normally-sighted patient cannot "borrow" a blind patient's VISOR to give himself super vision; the VISOR's output looks like a random display of colors to the normal eye.) VISORs are not often used in modern practice; the current standard of care is to replace the damaged eye(s) with an ocular implant, a bioengineered artificial eye.