Catholic Clergy

Fox, Macon, Hunt, Guy & Diaz, Allen

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  • Name: Bill M Helms
  • Date of Birth: August 17th
  • Gender: Male
  • Country of Residence: USA, Baton Rouge LA
  • Main Language: English
  • I Originally Joined UFOP in: June of 2009
Star Fleet Joint Service



  • Baylen Anders, Mission Specialist and Second Officer of Star Base 118 and the USS Albion.

Former Primarys

  • Ian West, Special Operations, Star Base 118.

  • Lt. Commander Allen Diaz. Second Officer and Strategic Operations Officer Star Base 118 and the USS Victory. Retired from service

Inactive Secondaries

Crew of the Resolution
Guy Hunt Being left in command of the Resolution
Resolution Undercover Away Team: Deron as Finn Torrin, Hella as Keitha, Petrov as Arawyn, Nicholotti as Sakhmet and Hunt is Brice Devin
Resolution Poster

Tech Trek Talk


Photos and images of Guy Hunt, Guy was Bill's first PC in Star Base 118. He was based off a PC that Bill started will in 1998 in Utopia Fleet. The Utopia Fleet Guy Hunt made it to the Rank of Rear Admiral Upper Half. He Commander the USS Spirit an Intrepid Class ship as Captain. Then the USS Joan of Arc-A a Akira Class ship once he made Flag Officer.

Guy Hunt started off on the USS Dakota in Utopia Fleet, The Dakota was Akira class that was lost when the ship systems crashed when virus infested the ship, the warp core crashed. Guy Started as an Operations Officer on the Dakota and made Chief of Operations on the ship. He Transferred to Deep Space 21 and was Promoted to Lt. Commander and made the Strategic Operations Officer. He was also made the Acting First Officer of the support ship the USS Joan of Arc, a Ambassador Class.

Guy was promoted to Commander and made Station X.O. and Acting Commander of the Joan of Arc. Once Promoted to Captain, Guy took command of the Spirit.

After the fold of Utopia Fleet, I looked for another fleet, I joined Tango Fleet and was brought in as Commander and Ship X.O. of the Sunfire, Defiant Class. I was with Tango Fleet only a few months but did not like the posting style. So I joined Bravo fleet. I wanted to post in a script style format and they had a few ships that did that. But then the script style ships started to die off. I finally moved over to another ship and simmed a few months and once again hated it.

I left posting all together for a few years. I really started to miss it so I started looking for a new home. I joined a few fleets and it was all NOVA based wiki simming and I did not like it. I hunted and hunted and almost gave up until I found SB118 Fleet and looked into and joined. It has been one of the best things I have ever done. I love being part of such a great and wonderful fleet.

In Star Base 118 Fleet, I Started Off out of the Academy on my first true love, the USS Resolution. It was the ship I wanted. Guy Hunt Started off as the HCO, Helm, Comm, Operations Officer. Then promoted to Lt. JG and made the Operations Officer, and Lt. to Chief of Operations.

Guy was transferred to the USS Indy, He started a friendship with Kevin Breemen there. Both Guy and TPO felt that The Commander of the Indy was a Mad Man. Mentally Off Balanced. Guy posted a Flash Back post and it was him and Admiral talking over coffee and the Academy, when Guy had thought about leaving the Academy. I say again it was a Flash Back Post. Well the Captains had a stork on the OOC list ripping Guy a new one for posting as an Admiral. I replied and said it was no harm as it was a flash back nothing that could harmed there. He replied saying I was insubordinate. So then I showed my hind side and showed him what insubordinate looked like and told him what I thought about him. I wish I would not have done that. I left the fleet and thought I would never be welcomed back.

A few months later I learned the Fleet was a loving and forgiving fleet, When I got and Email from Admiral Rocar asking if I would return and join the USS Eagle. So I did, as her Chief of Operations. But when I got there the Eagle was at the bottom of an Ocean, so I launched on the USS Victory to go and save the Eagle under the Command of Lt. Commander Jaxx, Ships First Officer.

Guy Became the Second Officer of the USS Victory and Star Base 118 Ops, he was also the Strategic Operations Officer. Guy Hunt died on the USS Braveheart. After an attack on the Star Base from a Rouge Bajorn Group. Giving birth to the short lived Allen Diaz.

Allen took over as the 2nd Officer and Strategic Operations Officer and moved with Jaxx over to the USS Apollo. He was short lived not being simmed but for a few months. I had to take a LOA due to RL issues. A year later I came back with Ian West. Starting over as Ensign, and moving back up the line. Going to First Officer on the USS Atlantis.

I know play the very happy go lucky Lt. Commander Baylen Anders, the Mission Specialist and Second Officer of Star Base 118 Ops. Baylen loves to love and tends to stay happy. He also has a major crush on Theo Whittaker.

Ships Served on

Fleetwide OOC Service



Awards Earned



Awards & Service Ribbons

Legion of Merit
Extended Service Ribbon
Purple Heart
Good Conduct Ribbon
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon
Lifesaving Ribbon
Medical Science Ribbon
Explorer's Ribbon
Innovation Ribbon
5-year Member
Neelix Award
Xalor Clan Xifilis Award
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon
Excellence in Training Ribbon
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Department Chief Ribbon
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon
Vaadwaur Invasion Campaign Ribbon
Bajoran Campaign Ribbon
Ithassa Region Campaign Medal
Hobus Heroism Ribbon
Romulan Campaign Medal
Gateway Ribbon
Prometheus Ribbon
Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal

Awards & Service Ribbons

Legion of Merit
Extended Service Ribbon
Purple Heart
Good Conduct Ribbon
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon
Lifesaving Ribbon
Medical Science Ribbon
Explorer's Ribbon
Innovation Ribbon
5-year Member
Neelix Award
Xalor Clan Xifilis Award
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon
Excellence in Training Ribbon
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Department Chief Ribbon
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon
Vaadwaur Invasion Campaign Ribbon
Bajoran Campaign Ribbon
Ithassa Region Campaign Medal
Hobus Heroism Ribbon
Romulan Campaign Medal
Gateway Ribbon
Prometheus Ribbon
Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal


Baylen Anders
RANK: Lt. Commander
POSITION: Mission Specialist
ASSIGNMENT: Star Base 118 Operations

Lt. Commander Baylen Anders, is one of the few Risan in Star Fleet that is activity serving in a command roll, he serves on Starbase 118 Ops.

DATE OF BIRTH: 236006.01
AGE: 28
PLACE OF BIRTH: Mondar Risa Prime Hospital, Risa
OTHER ABILITIES: Can read strong Emotion Types.
DISABILITIES: None to date.

HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 176 Lbs
HAIR STYLE: Light Brown hair kept cropped short and tidy.
EYE COLOR: Brown with honey highlights.
SKIN TONE: Tanned.
BUILD: Athletic with lean swimmers muscles.
FACE: Slim, Slightly Rounded, deep brow with a perfect hire line. .


When Baylen was Seventeen years old his mother and father picked up and moved to Earth, they opened a Risan Spa in the Trade District of New Orleans LA. He grew up in the New Orleans culture, the Anders had a beautiful plantation in the Garden District. Learning a lot of the Earth ways and falling deeply in love with New Orleans. Baylen attended the Tulane University school of Therapy. He worked long hours in the Paradise Point Resort.

After graduation from Tulane, Baylen took on a full time roll in the Spa. He saw the Spa grow from a small three room spa to one with over 100 massage sweets and a pool and hot tub. A gym was added and a few bars and other such services where add. People from all over earth came to taste a little of Risa right in there back yards. Once the Spa was a major success, three hotels and condos where built along with Gardens and open air shopping courts.

The Spa is now the largest resort on Earth and one of the largest in the sectors. There is even a second Sisko's locations in one of the Casinos along with a replica of Quarks from DS9. Right in the center of the compound is the largest Holodeck on Earth, being over six story's tall. Baylen loved the Spa and loved being a part of its growth.

Baylen hates going to sickbay, there is always test that need to be run, he has a fear of the white coat. But he loves Doctors, he enjoys meeting most healers. Baylen loves shooting pool, playing darts and poker. He enjoys most water sports to include scuba. But most days Baylen can be found laying around reading a book. He collects real books, loving the feel and smell of the pages. He has some replicated book but there just not the same. He has a passion for poems and short stories.

When Baylen is stressed out he enjoys a hot long bath to relax. He fills the tub with Risa Bath Salts and lavender. Puts on some New Orleans Jazz and and then sinks into the tub and closes his eyes and naps to let all the stress float away.

Baylen is not a big fan of dancing but has been known to cut a really good rug from time to time. He has won a few dancing compensations in New Orleans that his friends have talked him into entering. He also hates breakfast food, he loves the smell and the looks just not the taste. But loves a good Steak and Pasta with a glass of dark rich red wine.

Baylen has the goal of trying a dish or two from each and every member world of the Federation and a few of the allies. Baylen loves food, he loves it so much that he has to work out a few hours each morning. Baylen has a holodeck program of a small crew-boat that he likes to row a few times a week through the swamps of Orleans Parish. He also runs daily and lifts weights.

Posting History
Lt. Commander Baylen Anders

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
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