Rilem Danoel

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SB 118 Black Tower
Rilem Danoel

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  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Internal Affairs Chief Investigator
  • Station: Star Base 118 Ops
  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Race: Bajoran

  • Orientation: Straight
  • DOB: 236306.22
  • Age: 29
  • Height: 6'5’’
  • Eye color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Birthplace: Bajor

Fox, Macon, Baylen Anders Hunt, Guy & Diaz, Allen

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Lt. Commander Rilem Danoel is Stationed on StarBase 118 Ops he is assigned to the Black tower and is part of the Intel Team, but works outside of the Chain of Command due to him being a Internal Affairs Chief Investigator, a job that he takes very seriously. Danoel does not have much time for the social chit chat, he is all business when on duty, off duty he tend to keep to him self, scared to open up to people in fear that he may become attached to them and the loose them.


  • Full Name:Rilem Danoel
  • Race:Bajoran
  • Date of Birth: 236306.22
  • Place of Birth:Bajor
  • Age: 29
  • Gender:Male
  • Orientation: Straight
  • Relationship Status: Single


  • Height: 6'5"
  • Weight: 192 lbs
  • Hair Color: Light Brown
  • Length of Hair: Short to mid length wavy
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Skin Tone: Tanned
  • Birthmarks, Scars: None
  • Build: Athletic
  • Face: Slim, Slightly Rounded.
  • Handedness: Right
  • Quarters: Coming soon

Early Life

Danoel was born in a cave during the Occupation of Bajor. His family were wanted by the Cardassian Union so they fled to a Bajoran Resistance Camp. Donael's father Rilem Kylo was a Vedek under Kai Opaka at one point in his life but after he gave aid to a Resistance group he became a wanted man. Kai Opaka released him from his duties and he went into exhale out side of Dahkar in 2362. While hiding in the caves Kylo tried to help the Resistance members with there faith. He meet Jenola Nesco there, a pilot. The two feel in love were married a month later, nine months later in 2363 Donale was born. Fearing for him and his life with the Resistance he was sent to live with the Kai, and to be raised in the faith, Former Vedek Rilem had high hopes his son would one day be Kai of a free Bajor.

Dahkur Bajor

Sending him away turned out to be a smart move, as the cave was raided a week later and all were killed by the Cardassian Death Squad. Danoel was trained by a Vedek and he was a great student at a young age. What happened to his parents was never hid from him, and he would study endless hours about the Profits and the Orbs along with the history of Bajor to try and make his father proud.

He started hearing rumors about his parents, that there were not dead but were locked up at camp on the out skirts of Dahkur, where the Cardassian housed its supply network to and from Terok Nor. Danoel spent months hiking out on the outer trails round Duhkur, studding the Cardassian troop movements and mapping the river to the Supply station and the work camp.

Once he had made it to the supply camp he would set out side of it hours at a time drawing it, mapping it, making notes of it, he had filled to binders with drawings and maps. He watched daily for months as shuttles came and went and as inmates would work. Until he finally saw them, older but he knew them from the only photo he had, He saw his mother that morning and his father the next day.

Danoel back in the temple later that night, looked to all to be studying something in depth but in truth, he was planing his rescue of his parents. Later that night he slipped out and made his way back to the work camp, he made his way inside and killed a guard as an older Boy, he was strong and very stealthy. He had found his parents and got them out of the cell, but on the way out tripped an alarm.

He and his Parents were found, and taken down. The Grand Guard of the Cardassian Unit had Danoels Parents executed in front of him and then he was beaten and sent to Terok Nor to work in the Ore processing center, being a young strong male.

Service History

Starfleet Promotion & Assignment History
StarFleet Academy
Academy.jpg Student: 2375 - 2379
Major: Intelligence
Specialization: Crypto
Starbase 118
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
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Ensign 238209.06 - 238307.20 Ops-icon.gif
Starbase 118
Intel Annalist
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Lieutenant JG 238307.20 - 238412.27
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Lieutenant 238412.27 - 238509.01
Worked Undercover on Black Ops Two Years
Starbase 118
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Lieutenant 238708.30 - 238802.16 Ops-icon.gif
Starbase 118
Intel Annalist
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Lieutenant 238802.16 - 238905.27 Chief Romulan Sector Annalist
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Lt. Commander 238905.27 - 2391012.08
USS Apollo-A
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Lt. Commander 2391012.08 - 239208.22 USS Apollo-A
USS Apollo-A
Intel Agent
Starbase 118 Ops
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Lt. Commander 239208.22 - Current Ops-icon.gif
Starbase 118
Internal Affairs Chief Investigator

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Gogigobo Fairhug Commander.png
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Wyn Foster.jpg
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
LT Madison Marsh.png
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Sasch Trek.png
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern Ensign.png
Corey Wethern
Ryden Kel.png
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Vitor Tito LT Science.png
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
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