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Revision as of 22:42, 13 March 2025

Stardate 240201.21 - present


USS Eagle is setting course towards an unexplored region of the Beta Quadrant, named Atrian Reaches.

Little is known about the area and Starfleet never found the sector remarkable enough to warrant inspection, until now. A weak radio signal was picked up and identified it as a simple SOS, but it sounds like a military message from 1940's Earth.


Officers taking part in the mission
Name Position Team Notes
Kali Nicholotti Commodore SOS track team 1
Tomas Falt First Officer Communication Center
Alexander Williams Chief Sec. Ofc. SOS track team 1
Alora DeVeau Second Officer - Chief Sci Ofc. SOS track team 2
Kettick Chief Engineer Cave exploration
Drex Science Officer Cave exploration
Jackson Tanner Engineer SOS track team 1
Tholin ch'Clex Tactical Officer SOS track team 2
Noemi Lim Medical Officer Cave exploration
Elor Letek Medical Officer SOS track team 2
Oscar Armitage Counsellor Communication Center LoA 240203.10
Name Position Team Notes
Longfoot Firecamp, planet surface Primitive Hominid Survival Alexander Williams
Edward Dickson Broken Will Inn, planet surface Innkeeper Routine Jackson Tanner
Private Luca Diamant Military Camp, planet surface 20th Century Conflict Drex
Lt. Edward Davies HMS Resolution, planet surface 1600s Maritime Expedition Kali Nicholotti
Cornelia Du Bois Moten Du Bois Moten house, planet surface Late 1900s Correspondence Noemi Lim
The Keeper Unknown location Alora DeVeau
Flight Lieutenant Phillip Richardson Military Camp, planet surface 20th Century Conflict Tomas Falt
Kherys Harper USS Eagle Alora DeVeau
Taisa Ayala Du Bois Moten house, planet surface Late 1900s Correspondence Alora DeVeau
Eyna Tes Du Bois Moten house, planet surface Late 1900s Correspondence Drex


Act 1

Commodore Nicholotti informes the senior officers about the SOS signal picked up in the Atrian Reaches region and splits them up into teams.

Commander Kettick and Lieutenant JG Tanner are in charge to run some extra checks on the ship's status and make sure everything is operating at full capacity and prepare probes to scan the destination stellar system.

Commander Williams and Ensign ch'Clex must take care of keeping the crew safe and avoiding them from falling into a trap. They organize a special training on the Holodeck where they simulate different kind of dangerous situations for the crew.

Meanwhile Commander DeVeau, Lieutenant Drex and Ensign Lim prepare the medical supplies for the away teams and soon move to the SOS Lab to collect data. As the ship approach the system at Warp 12, long range sensors become more and more accurate. The unknown system is composed of a class G star, eight planets and several moons. The fourth and fifth planet can sustain life, but the analysis focused on the fourth planet, the source of the distress call. On the surface several energetic fields are isolating groups of humans.

On the bridge, Lieutenant Commander Williams tries to identify the source that power those fields but with no results and Commodore Nicholotti orders Commander Falt to land the USS Eagle on the planet, while several probes are fired in the atmosphere. The blue alarm sounds on the ship as Commander Falt identifies a good place for the landing.

Act 2

As the USS Eagle reached the ground, all the systems suddenly turn off and the ship is surrounded with a invisible barrier, similar to the others on the planet.

Commodore Nicholotti orders the crew to evacuate the ship. The different groups leave the ship after having recovered what they can and what is needed on the surface. When everyone is gathered in front of the Commodore, she assigns new teams and tasks to analyze the planet, the barrier and find a solution that will free them.

Everyone prepares for the new activities, but when the Commodore asks if there are any questions, Lieutenant Drex steps forward demanding an explanation for the landing order. His tone is anything but polite and respectful, but the intervention of Lieutenant Commander Williams, Commander Falt and above all the Commodore's response, silence the Denobulan who is then taken aside by Lieutenant JG Tanner.

Communications Center

Commander Falt and Ensign Armitage are left near the USS Eagle with the order to work on restoring power and to serve as a communications center.

SOS track team 1

Commodore Nicholotti, Lieutenant Commander Williams and Lieutenant JG Tanner scout the surface to track down the distress signal.

SOS track team 2

Commander De Veau, Ensign Letek and Ensign ch'Clex head in the opposite direction with the same aim, to identify and discover the origin of the SOS. After DeVeau almost ran into the barrier, they followed the invisible force field until they uncovered a gap in it. They slipped through and continued their trek to the SOS signal. On the way, however, they suddenly came under fire from strangers and had to take cover. They were overrun by six soldiers and taken prisoner. Initial attempts to convince the soldiers that they were not part of the enemy army were unsuccessful and the soldiers decided to take their prisoners back to their camp. Once there, the team tried again to convince them of their peaceful intentions. Arriving at the camp, the team tried to convince the soldiers that they were not a danger and wanted to help, when three more strangers joined them. They presented themselves as part of the Norwegian Olympic team from the 2014 Olympics.

Commander DeVeau manages to convince one of the soldiers, Richardson, to hear them out and they walk away from the group together as Ensign Letek tries to convince the soldier named Diamond to lower his weapon and stop threatening them so directly. At that moment, a shot rings out and Ensign Letek takes a bullet in the shoulder.

The fact that Ensign Letek had been shot, as macabre as it seemed, seemed to improve their situation considerably. Flight Lieutenant Phillip Richardson, who was apparently in control of the soldiers in the camp, began to give the team the trust they had been courting all along. Commander DeVeau, with the help of Ensign ch'Clex, tended to Ensign Letek's wound so that he was quickly back on his feet. Now in an alliance with the soldiers, Flight Lieutenant Phillip Richardson and Commander DeVeau contacted the Communication Center with Commander Falt and informed them of their current status and that they would now be making their way back to the ship, a few more people than had originally departed.

Cave exploration

Lieutenant Commander Kettick, Lieutenant Drex and Ensign Lim are sent to explore a cave.
The crack in the rock hides a long tunnel. As the three officers go deeper, only the light of the flashlights allows them to notice that the surface of the walls changes, becoming more and more artificial.
After a couple of turns, the three feel unwell, a slight headache accompanied by nausea and their electronic devices stop working.
Left in complete darkness, while the feeling of discomfort vanishes, Dr. Lim remembers the glow sticks and activates one, allowing the three to see.
After a brief consultation, they decide not to use explosives, but to leave the cave to recover new devices from the ship.
At the exit, however, an annoying surprise awaits them. A transparent barrier prevents them from proceeding further.
It is Ensign Lim again who finds a solution to communicate and ask for help. Using her Betazoid abilities, she manages to telepathically contact Harper, who immediately takes action to bring the news to Commander Falt and provides support to the three unfortunate officers.
While waiting for help, Kettick, Drex, and Lim make an interesting accidental discovery. A handful of earth and pebbles thrown against the hated barrier is only partially blocked.

Late 1900s Correspondence

Lieutenant Ayala and Ensign Eyna are working on setting up the camp infirmary when the doctor's tricoder signals the presence of a human life form not far from the USS Eagle.
Arriving at the barrier that isolates the area where the ship landed, a distortion of the same detected by Eyna's engineering scanner, allows the two to find a small gap and pass the obstacle.
They spot an isolated house and decide to knock on the door.
A young woman comes to answer the door and is shocked by the presence of the two officers, who claim that her house is not really her home and that she is there alone, when only a few hours before she had had dinner with her husband.


SOS from the past spurs an investigation of the Atrian Reaches