Noemi Lim

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USS Eagle
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Noemi Lin
Position Medical Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Betazoid / Human Hybrid
Gender Female
DOB 237510.27
Age 26
Birthplace Alpha Centauri
Writer ID O239306IK0
Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon


Noemi Lin is assigned to USS Eagle as a Medical Officer.


  • Full Name: Noemi Miyoxe Tatiana Koxoyo Lim
  • Date of birth: 237510.27
  • Species: Betazoid Human Hybrid
  • Gender: Female
  • Hair color: Naturally a dark brown, usually dyed in other colors (along with her eyebrows)
  • Eye color: Black
  • Height: 5’5” (1.65 meters)
  • T/E Rating: T2/E4
  • Build: Athletic
  • Languages Spoken: Terran and Betazoid


  • Likes: Animals, gymnastics, dancing, hapkido, fermented and pickled food, roller skating, hwajeon, hot pot
  • Dislikes: Hot temperatures, alcohol, philosophy, shellfish, bitter foods
  • Good at: Reading people, letting negativity roll off her back
  • Bad at: Not sticking her nose into things, delivering bad news, hiding her feelings, lying

Personality wise Noemi has always been warm, gregarious and curious about others; the latter to the point where she was considered quite nosey and a bit of a snoop as a child. Maturity, time and negative consequences have tempered that aspect of her personality into something more socially acceptable. A peach in personality, Noemi makes friends easily though there is only a small circle of people she has let into her private self. She can also be a bit hyperactive if she's excited and in general tends to demonstrate her feelings physically. You'd know what she's feeling just by looking at her.

Noemi enjoys being liked and definitely tries to win over people who don’t like her with her own brand of determined stubbornness. She’d be lying if she didn’t say that turning a person who initially disliked her into a friend or helping a cynical, sour person become less so didn’t give her a thrill of enjoyment. She was never one to turn away from a challenge. Having moved from place to place as a child so much, has given her a ‘live in the moment’ mindset regarding interpersonal relationships. When relationships fade due to time and distance she lets them go rather than fighting to keep something that’s ending naturally, hopefully allowing them to remain fond memories rather than bitter ones.


  • Mother: Kalina Lim (Human) (59)
  • Father: Reshar Lim (Betazoid) (58)
  • Older Brother: Jubal Lim-Soto (30)
  • Sister-in-Law: Irina Lim-Soto (29)
  • Older Sister: Celia Lim (28)

Bonded Animal

  • Name: Mue
  • Date of birth: 238506.12
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Meicora

A sentient tree dwelling creature with behavior similar to terran cats and native intelligence on par with terran corvids and psittacines. They are a telepathic species and can form a linked bond with other T/E capable species that will last the rest of both of their lives. In addition to their telepathic abilities, Meicora can sense and interpret electric fields given off by living and non-living things, in addition to registering chemicals and frequencies outside of the norm for sapient species via their whiskers. Sapient non-Meicora just get emotions and visuals through their bond and will have to learn how to interpret what they are receiving.


Born Noemi Miyoxe Tatiana Koxoyo Lim (her parents found a baby name book and went wild with her and her siblings’ middle names) to Kalina and Reshar Lim, both scientists working out of University of Alpha Centauri's xenobiology department. Her mother Kalina is Human, mostly Chinese and Korean and her father Reshar is Betazoid.

Noemi and her siblings grew up moving from planet to planet for both of her parents’ jobs, Federation xenobiology scientists. As these job postings were frequently located on minimally inhabited planets, Noemi and her siblings were mostly homeschooled via combination of direct instruction from their parents and computer based education programs. As they often only had themselves as playmates, she is very close with her siblings and they have close, warm relationships with their parents.

When she was ten years old when she met and bonded to Mue, her Meicora companion. Her family was living on the planet Teshar III, and while she was playing in the woods near their home she met Mue who was curious about these strange creatures who were living on the edge of the forest. As Mue was a juvenile and Noemi was a child, they were both psychically open, they ended up unintentionally forming a mental bond with each other. When Noemi’s parents moved on to their next workplace Mue came along and has continued to move with Noemi wherever she goes.

Never one to stay still as a child, Noemi’s parents got her into gymnastics and dancing when she was five and continued to train even after joining Starfleet. When she moved to San Francisco to attend Starfleet Academy she started training in Hapkido.

Starfleet academy was a bit of an adjustment at first (she had rarely been around so many people near her own age at once before in her life), but as a true extrovert and enjoyer of people-watching and interpersonal drama (as long as it didn’t involve her in some way) she adjusted quite quickly. The biggest adjustment was living in one location for so long while she made her way through medical school.

At Starfleet Medical Academy she decided to specialize in rare and unusual conditions, feeling that her empathic abilities would help with diagnosing patients whose symptoms did not line up with known diseases and those that were unconscious. Also because it’s far more interesting and challenging than dealing with the usual coughs and sniffles.


Starfleet Academy
Major: Medical
Specialization: Rare and unusual diseases and medical conditions

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
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Cadet First Class 240201.14 Graduated Starfleet Academy Graduate
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Ensign 240201.14-Current USS Eagle Medical Officer

NPC Listing   ·   USS Eagle Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Kali Nicholotti
Alora deveau2.png
Chief Sci Ofc.
Alora DeVeau
Drex LtJG.png
Science Ofc.
Noemi Uniform.png
Medical Ofc.
Noemi Lim
Elok Letek Ensign.png
Medical Ofc.
Elor Letek
Oscar Armitage Ensign.png
Oscar Armitage
Lieutenant Commander Tomas Falt.png
Tomas Falt
Chief Engineer.
Jackson Tanner Ensign.png
Eng. Ofc.
Jackson Tanner
Chief Sec Ofc.
Alexander Williams
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Tac. Ofc.
Tholin ch'Clex
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