Oscar Armitage

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USS Eagle
Oscar Armitage Ensign.png
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Oscar Armitage
Position Counsellor
Rank Ensign
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 237110.21
Age 30
Birthplace New Berlin, Lunar Colonies
Writer ID E240201OA1

Ensign Oscar Armitage is currently serving as a Counsellor aboard the USS Eagle, exploring the Atrian Reaches.


  • Height: 1.89m
  • Weight: 75kg
  • Hair: Blond-Reddish
  • Eyes: Green-Grey
  • Clothing: When not in uniform, Oscar is usually wearing tie-dyed shirts, linen pants and sandals


As he is just starting his first mission on a Federation starship, Oscar is looking to the experienced Captain of the USS Eagle for guidance. Despite them not having built a personal rapport yet, he has already begun to review the files of her many adventures.

Family & Partner

  • Parents: Geraldine Armitage, Opera Singer / Hugo Armitage, Wine Sommelier
  • Siblings: Anthony Armitage (older brother), Music Teacher / Elena Armitage, Actress (younger sister)
  • Boyfriend: Jonas Fisher


Born as a child of the moon, Oscar grew up above Earth, in the Lunar colony of New Berlin. His childhood was a liberal one, with his artistic and open-minded parents making sure that he could be his authentic self. A free spirit, Oscar danced, sang and laughed through his childhood, until he suddenly found himself at the brink of adulthood.

Wanting to understand others better by becoming a psychologist, Oscar took university classes after graduating from school. At the same time, he pursued a dream of becoming a director for holographic stories, taking art courses on the side. Meeting aspiring painters, poets and performers on the side was mesmerizing. However, the temptations of the bohemian lifestyle catched up with the impressionable young man quickly. For a few years, he indulged in substance-fueled escapades, casual relationships with several men, and a quest to ‘find himself'. The fate of many young people with big, but ambiguous dreams.

It was in his mid-twenties that Oscar realized he needed to make a change. His artistic ambitions would not come to fruition, and the bliss which his laid-back lifestyle had provided thus far, was starting to lose its sweet taste. He needed a goal in life and found it when a counsellor from a passing Starfleet ship gave a guest lecture and talked about all the strange places which he had seen. The riveting stories of all the peculiar beings he had spoken to and the ways in which he had helped them, sounded mesmerizing to Oscar. He had already seen unbelievable things in his imagination, holostories and through expansions of his consciousness, but this felt different. The stars were calling him, or so he thought.

Oscar needed to finally finish his degree in psychology, and he needed to somehow transfer to Starfleet Academy in San Francisco. After years of coasting, he barely made it onto the waiting list, but through sheer luck, he was accepted as a student. Mostly stuck in the library, hidden from the Californian sunny skies, he had to work hard, in order to somehow keep up with his effortlessly gifted peers. Multiple times he was almost expelled for not meeting the minimum standards, but in the end he managed to get through his classes by the narrowest of margins. The Academy years weren’t all hell though. When he was not busy studying, he was seeing Jonas, a man who was so different from him that they matched together perfectly. They soon became boyfriends, spending most of their time together. After surviving the academy and his final exam on Starbase 118, Oscars adventure began with his assignment to the USS Eagle, which had just been launched on a one-year-mission to explore the Atrian Reaches.

Quirks & Beliefs

Never having left the solar system before, his journey on the USS Eagle marks Oscars first real distance from his family and home. Even though the Eagle's voyage is just beginning, he is already missing the long nights and days on the Moon and his close-knit friend group in San Francisco. Many mementos, like pictures from parties at the academy or wines from the legendary Luna vineyards which his father gave him, are scattered around his private room in the ship.

One of the reasons why Oscar was doing bad at his academy courses, was his obsession with creating detailed holonovels. For seven years, he has now been working on his "magnum opus", a historical holosimulation which he himself programmed and wrote. In his free time, Oscar often escapes to the holodeck, adding details to his fictional, self-made world there. Always claiming that the simulation is "almost done", no one was allowed to see the program so far. Perhaps no one ever will be.

When he is not in uniform, Oscar usually wears very laid-back clothing, like soft linen- or harem-pants, colourful tie-dyed shirts and comfortable faux-leather sandals. He likes to put small, golden earrings on both of his ears, if the situation allows it. Refusing to support whatever consumerist style is in fashion at the moment, he has stayed true to his personal style for a while now, thinking it makes him unique and alternative. A vegan (also not eating replicated meat) and declared pacifist, Oscar has always rejected violence against humans or animals. When talking politics, he condemns any involvement of the Federation in weaponized conflicts, instead arguing for diplomatic solutions (even if the consensus deems such efforts unrealistic). In the academy, some people called him a "space-hippie" because of that. He was proud of it.

Having never left the peaceful paradise of 25th-century Earth, Oscar’s idealism remains untouched by the harsher realities of the galaxy until now. Embarking on the USS Eagle on a mission, which could very well spell danger, will be a paradigm shift for the young man, who can barely imagine the harshness of the world outside the protected marvel that is the Sol system. Will he be paralysed when confronted with real violence and squalor? Or will his steadfast views help him to be an advocate of humanism in an environment where difficult choices are made every day?

Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 2397 - 2401 Starfleet Academy
Ensign SD 240112.22 - Present EagleLogonew.png

USS Eagle


Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 2401
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

Personal Logbook

The Collectors (240201)

The USS Eagle is investigating a bizarre SOS-radio-transmission originating from the mysterious Atrian Reaches. It is both the ship's and Oscars first mission. Who or what is sending out these signals, which have been out of fashion on Earth for hundreds of years?

NPC Listing   ·   USS Eagle Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Kali Nicholotti
Alora deveau2.png
Chief Sci Ofc.
Alora DeVeau
Drex LtJG.png
Science Ofc.
Noemi Uniform.png
Medical Ofc.
Noemi Lim
Elok Letek Ensign.png
Medical Ofc.
Elor Letek
Oscar Armitage Ensign.png
Oscar Armitage
Lieutenant Commander Tomas Falt.png
Tomas Falt
Chief Engineer.
Jackson Tanner Ensign.png
Eng. Ofc.
Jackson Tanner
Chief Sec Ofc.
Alexander Williams
Tholin ch'Clex.png
Tac. Ofc.
Tholin ch'Clex
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