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! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[USS Centris-A]]
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Revision as of 06:17, 3 February 2012

USS Apollo


Viktor Lanius


  • Gender: Male
  • Position:C.A.G (Project Dark Star)
  • Callsign:High Tower
  • Ship: USS Apollo
  • Rank: Major
  • Race: Acamarian /Terran
  • Spouse Jalana Laxyn
  • Birthplace Kildare, Kildare County Ireland, Earth

  • DoB: 236402.27
  • Weight: 232
  • Height: 6'5"
  • Eye color: black/blue
  • Hair Color: Black/Dark Red

Awards and Service Ribbons
KlingonInvasion.jpg Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards General Neelix 2011.jpg Awards General BPlot 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg

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Character Information

  • Full Name: Viktor Faelrun Lanius
  • Race: Acamarian /Terran
  • DoB: 236402.27
  • Age: 25
  • Birthplace: Kildare, Kildare County, Northern Ireland, Earth
  • Gender: Male


  • Father: Faelrun Lanius III
  • Mother: Mary Anne McCollough
  • Siblings: None


  • Height: 6'4"
  • Weight: 232 lbs
  • Hair: Black and Dark Red Mix
  • Eyes: Black blue mix
  • Skin Tone: Slightly darker than pale, but pale nontheless
  • Face: Appears slightly worn, dark and deceiving.
  • Build: Muscular, longer legs with well built torso and arms.
  • Identifying Marks: Scar vertically over the left eye, characteristic Acamarian cleft in the center of the forehead extending down from hairline to nose bridge.
  • Eyes: Slightly deepset, darker around the outside
  • Lips: Fairly normal looking lips
  • Jawline: Strong Jawline, well defined
  • Clothing (Off-Duty): Usually darker clothing, favorite outfit is a pair of black cargo slacks, 21st century style "henley" long sleeve shirt, ankle length black peacoat
  • Shoes: Mostly black boots, either on or off duty
  • Voice: Hearty yet calm. Deep in resonance.
  • Handednesss: Ambidextrous
  • Tattoos: On his entire back lay a celtic cross design with a prayer written around it in Acamarian

Minor Details and Mannerisms:

  • Favorite Drink:
    • Irish whiskey, prefers it slightly chilled with one cube of ice
    • Romulan Ale
  • Music Tastes:
    • 21st century rock & roll, industrial rock and also classical symphonies
  • Religious Beliefs
    • Having not known any Acamarian faith system, Viktor grew up with a predominantly Lutheran belief system (Terran in origin)
  • Languages spoken
    • Native Language
      • Acamarian
    • Alien Languages
      • Romulan
      • Vulcan
    • Terran Languages
      • English
      • French
      • Gaelic
  • The Good
    • Likes to study quantum physics and Mathematics in his free time.
    • Viktor has a "darker" taste in women. Women with darker features have always gotten him into trouble.
    • Loves the dark
    • Favorite authors are mostly from the pre 21st century era including that of Robert Frost, JD Sallinger, and Clive Barker.
    • Plays Violin and Cello, enjoys any form of musical entertainment.
    • Prefers solitude and thought provoking silence when in his quarters
    • Favorite section of Starbase 118 is the Dungeon for it's various "experiences" that it may offer...
  • The Bad
    • Hates gossip, unless its coming from an enemy that he's attempting to infiltrate.
    • Loathes Green tea.
    • Hates spiders or any creature resembling one.
    • Has a deathly fear of murky water.
    • Still has trouble with interpersonal relationships, but is hopeful that will change with time.
  • The Ugly
    • When under extreme pressure from those he perceives as enemies, has a tendancy to go into a sort of rage. This has only ever happened three times in his 25 years of life.
  • Other Details
    • Has a tendancy to bounce his knee up and down when concentrating (in a sitting position). Chews the inside of his lip
    • Favorite Holodeck Program: Shakespeare's "MacBeth"
    • Quarters (Starbase 118): An apartment style dwelling in the Irish sector, dark interior with artifical light (iridescent)Famous works of art along the walls. A single geranium plant sits upon a shelf near the aft of the room. Furniture is black leather, two arm chairs and a sofa. 21st century simulated fireplace. Bedroom has a king sized mattress with dark red and black dressings. Cello sits in the corner of the bedroom on its stand, bow hung directly to the side of it. Usually a pile of sheet music near it on the floor. Bookcases throughout the apartment, all organized according to Era.

Personal History:

Viktor is a fairly quiet, studious and diligent person. He enjoys writing in journals, listening to music (to the tunes of Acamarian Chants and the Terran Tchaikovsky) His appearance is dark and and mysterious, which is often misleading as he is fairly personable, that is unless there is a reason not to be. He speaks mainly English, but is fluent in Acamarian and a few others. His parents ran a mixed household that included mainly Acamarian traditions, but also followed some other Terran beliefs. He had been to Acamar III three times in his life in order for his father to reconnect with his clansmen. Acamar III always felt like a second home, where he belonged. Unfortunately, Earth would always be his final destination. His father was star trader that settled into Earth after his interstellar mining business sent him into debt. His mother was the daughter of an Irish farmer. Run ins with his father's debt collectors has given him plenty of experience in dealing with hostile faces. Leading a fairly rocky childhood and teenage years, starfleet was the answer he was looking for.

Viktor was born in Kildare, Kildare County Ireland on a small sheep farm where his mother and father settled on stardate 236004.04. He was raised as a farm boy, but it was soon realized by his parents that this mentality would not last throughout his teenage years. Interpersonal relationships became more and more tedious with him, as the inner struggle to meld his Terran and Acamarian backgournds together became more and more abraisive. Many attempts were made by his parents to control his anger, but he soon cut ties with them altogether. Viktor moved to North America on stardate 238003.03 settling in a well known city called New York. It was there he began to see the advertising for Starfleet Academy. As he began a new life, and after having not spoken to his parents in over a year, he received a rather unfortunate communique from them on stardate 238107.12. His parents informed him that Acamar III had been invaded and wiped clean by a race known as the Borg. Filled with anger at the thought of the friends and family he had lost to such a barbaric race, he soon took up a great interest in Starfleet, researching as much as he could on every aspect of the alien world. His extra-curriculars however were not so promising. Viktor developed quite the police record spanning across Breaking and Entering, Grand Theft Auto and various other theft like charges.

It wasn't until the year 2384 that Viktor finally came to the realization that his current lifestyle would land him in two places, either prison, or the grave. He decided to finally take into account all the desire he had for Starfleet and make the transition. He joined academy in 238402.27, his birthdate, to mark his acension from the depths of the lower class. It was to be his personal mission to make something of himself, and once again reclaim the honor of his father. That was the mission in life, and he was hoping that along the way he might find a more self-serving mission as well.

It would seem that his police record and lust for vengence against the Borg would serve him well in the academy. He had become one of the foremost leaders on knowledge and study of the Borg and their protocols, in the hopes of one day finding the cure to the plague that is Borg. Espionage, stealth and physical shadow were just a couple of the areas of stufy that he would excel in.


  • Entered academy at the age of 21 on Stardate 238402.27
  • Majored in Starfleet Intelligence
    • Minor in Borg Collective and Hive Culture
    • Minor in Romulan Diplomacy and Culture
  • Excelled in a few key classes
    • Espionage
    • Guerilla Warfare
    • Alien Psychology
  • Other Minor Studies
    • Flight Control
    • Modern Propulsion Systems
    • Computer Security
    • Quantum Mechanics and Warp Theory
      • Most of these were side projects that didn't make it through graduation. At best he has minimum qualifications in these areas.
  • Participated in various sports
    • Track and Field Shot Put personal best of 78 Feet
      • 238506.17 - Won the gold metal for Shot Put in the 58th academy olympics
      • 238506.17 - Won the Silver Metal for the Triathelon in the 58th academy olympics
    • Fighting Sports
    • As a way to hone is rage, Viktor engaged in many forms of physical combat.
      • Muay Thai
      • Ambo-Juitsu
      • Mixed Martial Arts
      • Submissions
  • Overal Performance Record
    • Graduated 10th in his class
    • Recieved an Honors Degree in his chosen field.

Career History

Career Overview
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
001-Cadet4th-Black.png Cadet, 4th Class 238402.27 - 238406.12 Starfleet Academy,
San Fransisco,
Major: Intelligence
002-Cadet3rd-Black.png Cadet, 3rd Class 238406.12 - 238512.29
003-Cadet2nd-Black.png Cadet, 2nd Class 237508.01 - 238712.10
004-Cadet1st-Black.png Cadet, 1st Class 238712.10 - 238812.30
004-Cadet1st-Black.png Cadet, 1st Class 238812.31 - 238901.11 USS Centris-A Cadet Cruise
01-Ensign-Black.jpg Ensign 238901.11 - 238901.29 StarBase 118 Ops Intelligence Officer
01-Ensign-Black.jpg Ensign 238901.29 - Present USS Apollo Intelligence Officer

Professional History:

  • 238111.12 - Graduates from Marshal and Scryer School for the Secular at the 12th grade level.
  • 238308.02 to 238312.10 - Serves his first and only prison sentance at the New Riker's Island Correctional Facility for Breaking and Entering 3rd, Tampering with Goverment Data 1st and Criminal Evasion in the 1st. This was to be a 15 year prison sentance, but he was released early for the court's failure to yeild him due process on stardate 238312.10
  • 238402.27 - Enrolled in Starfleet Academy
  • 238812.30 - Graduated from Starfleet Academy ranked 10th in his class
  • 238901.10 - Graduated from training on the USS Centris-A Under the command of Capt. Tallis Rhul
  • 238901.11 - Assigned to Starbase 118
  • 238901.29 - Assigned to the USS Apollo

Mission History

Missions on Starbase 118: Operations

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Gogigobo Fairhug Commander.png
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Wyn Foster.jpg
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
LT Madison Marsh.png
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Sasch Trek.png
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern Ensign.png
Corey Wethern
Ryden Kel.png
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Vitor Tito LT Science.png
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
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