The Sandbox of Men (USS Oumuamua)

Revision as of 23:36, 27 December 2023 by Josh Herrick (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 351673 by Josh Herrick (talk))

The Sandbox of Men: Mission Start

Commander Etan Iljor

First Officer’s Log, Stardate 240010.16 Despite the recent changes aboard the ‘Oumuamua and Lieutenant Kessler’s… uncertain status- life must go on, whether we want it to or not. Adjusting to the new status quo must happen- as humans are fond of saying- happen ‘on the job’. While we will not forget our former colleagues or give up searching for our missing officer- if he is out there- the ‘Oumuamua has arrived at Alpha Brenkelvi II, an uninhabited M-Class planet on the fringes of the Obatta Cluster.

We have been brought to this distant world by data collected- in part- by our former Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Kel, whose scans of the region pointed to the presence of ruins and data from our Long Range Multispatial Probes have corroborated this- and have identified that some of the ruins are over 60,000 years old. Our mission is exploration and discovery: to survey this uncharted world and discern what happened to the civilization that once called this idyllic world home here. On a personal note, as an archaeologist and anthropologist, this mission presents a unique opportunity to hone my skills.

‘Oumuamua has arrived in orbit, and final preparations for the planetary and archaeological surveys are complete. Lieutenant Commander Katsim will lead an away team to the ruins of what appears to have been Alpha Brenklevi II’s largest city in order to learn more about its inhabitants. She will have support from Counselor Brodie, Lieutenant Promontory, and Ensign Tyber- all of whom have excellent analytical eyes.

Meanwhile, I will take a team to investigate a strange low-level energy field that seems to permeate an area approximately sixty kilometres north of the city. Intriguingly, the field does not always register on sensors- nor can we discern its dimensions. It is as though it is- and is not there. Joining me are Lieutenants Herrick and Arlill, and 2nd Lieutenant Maxwell.

Commodore V’Airu will remain in command of the ‘Oumuamua, with Lieutenants Sherlock and Toz, Captain Winters, and Ensign Nilsen also aboard. They will provide logistical support from orbit, liaising with both teams on the ground to ensure our mission goes smoothly.

Or as smoothly as things go with our crew.

Officers and Notable Participants

Strategic Ops, Commander Lia Rouiancet

Special Operations, Lieutenant Indah Nirid

Neuroscience, Lieutenant Rivka Brzezinski

Mission Specialist, Lt. Commander Roger Hartmann

Nurse, Senior Chief Petty Officer Miash

Science Officer, Lieutenant Fer'at

Engineering Officer, Ensign Elijah Kovacs

Engineering Officer, Lieutenant Sasha Johnson

Chef's Assistant, Horque

Cetacean Ops, Lieutenant JG, Viva Almor

Ops Officer, Ensign Ryes Thar'tavos

Marine Intelligence Officer, 2Lt Ithri Sh'shelor

Marine, Private Thomas O’Reilly

Mission Specialist, Lieutenant Zimedia Nijal

Facilities Manager, Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Grade Gemma Flinch

Transporter Chief, Petty Officer First Class Isslai

Nurse's Aid, Lammo

Torka Mikal


Spirits of the Deceased

Act I

Ancient Ruins of Alpha Brenkelvi II

The crew of the USS 'Oumuamua find themselves deployed on an expeditionary mission to a system whose inhabitance have since all but disappeared. All that remains of this once prosperous civilization is the ruins they've been sent to investigate. Two away teams are deployed to sites in and just north of the ancient cities to investigate an unidentifiable energy source. Team A, led by Peri Katsim with Tyber, Alex Brodie, and Avander Promontory, find ruins that soon close them in after a mudslide seals the entrance of the already precarious structure. Team B, led by Etan Iljor along with Toxin Arlill, Arturo Maxwell, and Josh Herrick, land just north of the city, investigates the ruins they've discovered to find an explorer long since deceased and an Orb of unexplained origins.

Meanwhile on the mighty 'Oumuamua, our ship-side heroes, including a bridge currently consisting of Aine Sherlock, Lhandon Nilsen, Elijah Kovacs, and Michele Winters, patrol the skies providing overwatch to their comrades below. It's not long, however, before they find themselves in a precarious position, their commodore is silent, their ship is hurt, and their away teams are silent.

Away Team A

Commander Etan along with Lieutenants Josh Herrick and Toxin Arlill as well as 2nd Lieutenant Maxwell fly sixty kilometres north of the city to study a strange low-level energy field that seems to appear and disappear randomly from sensors.  Arlill states he’s brought along a Mass Optical Orthogonal Monitoring and Oscillating Object (MOOMOO) system that a former roommate of his developed and could be useful. Arlill and Herrick scan while Maxwell keeps a lookout for danger.  Herrick notices that two tricorders, one medical and one engineering, get different readings, and Maxwell feels uneasy. Another reading appears and Arlill that same energy reading on both tricorders, but his tricorder also picks up something on the Valence band, which should only show up at a temperature of almost absolute zero.  The MOOMOO registers something far earlier than it should, and there’s an increase in electron activity.  Arlill wonders if atmospheric systems are symbiotic of the energies of the planet while Etan wonders if their biosigns are being reflected as they also read lifesigns.

After putting on warmer gear, Etan scans a structure and detects multiple materials including quartz,  which makes Arlill wonder if they used quarts for its resonance properties to help control energy shifts. They continue to scan as the wind picks up and Arlill determines a direction for the energy reading.  Arlill asks the Oumuamua to direct a structural integrity field at the device mounted on the Nichols.  With the scan stuck at 92%, Arlill gets a general direction of the readings, but also detects irregular readings from the device’s power system.  Even as he works, he finds the system in the middle of a cascade failure.  The Oumuamua contacts them and asks if they need help, but Etan says it’s to be determined.  Suddenly, the shuttle goes dark and loses all power. He reassures them it should be simple to bring back online, and the team starts scanning in the indicated direction with their tricorders.

Herrick discovers fluctuations, and wind seems to come in at a consistent pace, and when they approach a nearby structure, the wind picks up even more.

The scan stops at 92% and Arlill notes there are irregular readings from the MOOMOO’s power system and it won’t power down.  Herrick tells them the integrity is barely holding, even with the field from the ship.  It begins to glow, the power spiking, and after Arlill taps furiously on his tricorder, it suddenly fades.  The group head in the direction of the readings and come to a side entrance of the structure that is boarded up with wood that shows signs of fossilisation which shouldn’t happen for another half a million years, and Arlill wonders if they should be concerned about premature ageing.  They open up the structure and find ornate carvings on the doors in circles and dots and intricate tiling. As Etan scans, he realises there’s a vast network of tunnels beneath, and as he moves forward. More scans reveal the wood is five millennia old, but the structure itself is around 65,000 years old.  The group continue into the structure and come across a skeleton that Arlill says is only about 50-60 years old.

As they continue, the group finds indications that the inhabitants did have something that gave them power, when suddenly Max indicates they should go quiet and listen.  Though difficult to hear, he has detected a rhythmic sound.  The group move to investigate and come across an elegant and ornate set of doors. As Herrick steps forward, something clicks and he realises a stone he’s stepped on has depressed downward.  He lifts his foot and at first, all seems calm, but then a loud thumping is heard.  After a particularly loud thud, it stops and the group find their entrance closed off.  Arlill assesses the door, but discovers they will only conduct the phasers’ heat rather than get cut through.  Because the trap has simply caught and not killed, he theorises there must be a way to get out and they aren’t currently in mortal peril. Etan tells them to search and see if there’s a way to open the doors, then registers a thermal current beneath their feet.  Suddenly, the inner doors swing open and they find themselves faced with a large chamber.  As he continues to scan, he notices a time delay reaction and registers chronitons.  

Hovering above a plinth with three prongs pointed at its center, a spinning globe constructed of fluid metal in translucent layers stands in the middle of the room.  Scans reveal the orb is warping the space time in the chamber, and the energy field is much stronger which overwhelms the tricorder scanners and prevents accurate readings.  As they spread out to put some distance and try to get better readings, the room is filled with hooded figures that don’t seem to notice the officers, but then they disappear.

Suddenly, faint voices echo through the room, barely heard, and seemingly several different combinations at once, then grow louder and sound desperate.  Another rumble causes a tremor in the room, and Etan shouts that chroniton energy is leaking and the object is losing structural cohesion.  The sphere's rotation picks up in speed and velocity, faster and faster, until suddenly, it stops and the entire thing loses its luster.  Scans reveal the field is back to normal, but also a massive energy grid throughout the underground complex.  Etan theorises the machinery may have detected the orb was malfunctioning and then provided a failsafe to shut it down.  Arlilll wonders if this orb is an Orb of the Prophets, and Maxwell wonders whether the Bajorans were the only culture influenced by them.  Arlill then suggests they find the source of the energy.

The group look around the room, and as Herrick examines arches that stand in various places, he finds a single square, the only square in a room full of patterns, and wonders if it controlled the doors.  He starts to push it, but Maxwell suggests he do so while not beneath the arches.  A click is heard when the square is depressed, but nothing happens.  Arlilll wonders if more than one has to be pressed and they search.  He accidentally leans against one and some of the floor drops away.  Almost falling in, Arlill is saved by Etan grabbing him.  The group finds a route has opened up and Etan states it feels like they are being led somewhere. They move on and Maxwell hears water.

They turn down a passage and come to a place that looks to have had explosives used in an attempt to get by.  As they move on, they enter another vast cavern glinting with silver and gold and adorned with various etchings of astral bodies.  Tall statues occupy the floor in neat lines along with another sphere, this one dull and lifeless.  The further in they move, the more ornate it becomes, and further in, they discover corpses.  Etan notes that part of the complex seems completely separate from others, and the statues scan as at least 100,000 years in age, and Etan wonders if the sphere in the first room was built by a separate culture from the cavern they now occupy.  He tells his team to fan out and see what they can find.

As Arlill scans, his foot depresses something and the group hears clicks and a statue moves to reveal another passageway.  Scans reveal similar readings to that of the sphere, and suddenly Arlill sees his mother who tells him they were meant to be there, but ‘it doesn’t know the meaning of this room’ and ‘it doesn’t understand’.  She disappears and Arlill asks his companions if he went anywhere or disappeared, then tells them about his vision.  Maxwell assures him he hasn’t moved and scans don’t reveal anything hallucinogenic. Etan asks Arlill to describe what he sensed during the vision. Then, the sphere lights up and that light grows brighter.  

As they run scans, they receive communication from the ship, and though they don’t come through completely, they are able to hear enough to know people on the ship are also experiencing visions, the ship was attacked, and V’Airu was injured.  Etan tells them to keep them updated, prioritise repairs, and find a way past the attacks. He then asks Herrick if they can reach the other away team.  Suddenly, the ground begins to shake again, the sphere pulses, and the entire room seems to move down.  A sudden flash of light blinds them briefly, then they find themselves nowhere with nothing but white surrounding them, and they feel like they are floating out of their bodies, with Etan feeling peaceful and in communion with the Emissary.   Suddenly, they are back where they were before.  The orb continues to glow, but they are trapped in a cylindrical prison.  Herrick suggests that putting the tricorders near the sphere might give them the amplification they need.  They do so, and Arlill establishes a connection with the other team and finds out they’re in a similar situation.  Etan tells them to continue their investigation.

After they finish speaking with the other away team, Herrick sees a vision of an old friend pointing at a symbol, and when he heads toward it, the symbol begins to glow. Arlill’s scans reveal nothing unusual save chronitons.  Arlill steps further away from the symbol, it grows dimmer.  Etan steps closer and it grows brighter, then dims when he moves away.  He instructs Arlill to run scans from the other side of the area, and its reaction indicates it responds to their movements. Something clicks, walls spin, and another passageway opens.  Etan sees a vision of his grandmother who walks down the revealed corridor.  The walls light up and he finds hexagonal cell shapes along them, and the passageway leads to an enormous hollowed out spherical chamber a mile and a half in width and depth.

Away Team B

Lieutenant Commander Katsim Peri and Lieutenant Commander along with Lieutenant Avander Promontory and Ensign Tyber take the Gamma Glider to explore the ruins and find out more about them and their past inhabitants.  Once there they begin to collect samples and theorise about the ruins.  After getting some samples outside, the group moves inside the structure just in time to avoid a complete downpour.  As Tyber collects wood and lights a fire, Katsim finds inscriptions on the back wall in between rivers of roots.  Suddenly, the ground shakes and a mudslide covers the door, and their exit.  Attempts to reach the ship fail, and Katsim starts to look for a way out.  The next room is blocked off as well, but there is a door on the back wall leading further into the structure.  

Brodie starts working on a map and pondering about what they might find, such as courtyards, and other things a town might possess while they all move further into the structure.  Promontory manages to find some more writing under the moss and they begin to clear away and look at it.  The Intelligence officer takes some scans and they continue on.  The next room leads out to a courtyard.  In the middle, they find a stone structure of some sort that’s 20-25,000 years younger than the rest of the buildings.  After pulling away some of the greenery that has grown over it, Katsim recognises some of the writing upon it as Ancient Bajoran.  Brodie states it reminds him of a small Bantaca spire and suggests they call it in.

When Katsim attempts to make the call, nothing connects, neither to the ship nor the away team.  Deciding it was best to return to the shuttle, they realise the only way they can do so is by climbing over the walls of the structure which now looks to be part of a larger compound, but when Katsim attempts to do so, she’s thrown to the floor.  As Brodie and Promontory fail to find another way around or over, they join her on the roof where her tricorder scan reveals a forcefield.

The group tries to figure out how to get through and see Echo emerging from the shuttle.  A few minutes later, she lands on Katsim’s shoulder.  They discover the field doesn’t go through the trees.  Katsim climbs to try and find a way through and discovers Echo went through a hole through the trunk.  Upon her return, she suggests they keep exploring, but Brodie suggests they have Echo take the combadge out and back to the shuttle.  Katsim is adamant they should not do any damage to anything no matter what, and has Echo take her combadge.  The creature makes it to the shuttle and Promontory remotely starts a scan when Arlill calls to them from the other team and passes them to Etan.  Katsim updates them about their situation and the spire.  Etan tells them to continue investigating, and as they do so, Brodie notices a large slap in the ground that isn’t wet.  Together, the three open it and find an entrance to some sort of passageway.

They head down and follow it, finding tombs with Bajoran writings.  Another section contains more tombs, but there is another passage that they elect to follow.  It eventually splits and they head on the path that angles down.  Eventually they come out into a huge cavern with an underground sea and begin to explore.  As they take samples and scans, Katsim climbs up onto an outcropping and something golden catches her eye.  After removing socks, shoes, and jacket, she jumps in and discovers a lightship, bringing up a piece of the sail.  Back on the surface, she shows Promontory and Brodie her find, then something catches her eye as Promontory begins scanning.  Following it, Katsim scrambles ahead and the two men hurry after her. Climbing up another outcropping, she discovers a cave that contains a number of boxes.  After opening one, she finds more ancient Bajoran.  Promontory manages to get it translated to modern Bajoran and Katsim reads an excerpt from Bajoran sacred writings.  


Commodore V’Airu remains on the Oumuamua with Lieutenants Aine Sherlock and Toz, Captain Winters, and Ensign Nilsen.  With V’Airu not feeling well, she directs Sherlock to take command with Winters as temporary XO and calls Doctor Toz, requesting assistance to help her feel better.  Toz gives her medication for a headache, suggests V’Airu moderate the practice of her telepathic and empathic abilities, and orders her to four hours of rest before she takes on bridge duty.  

Sherlock assesses their current status, then calls Nilsen and directs him to head from Ops and come to the bridge.  He arrives with Ensign Elija Kovacs in tow, then adjusts the sensors to make them more focused on the away teams while Winters directs Kovacs to the Engineering station.  Nilsen realises there are two different readings despite being in the place, and Sherlock banks on it being some sort of natural phenomenon.  Winters asks if it would be prudent  to send a class 3 probe down for a high altitude, low atmospheric scan, and voices her doubts on it being natural before suggesting Nilsen narrow his scans and try a more detailed sweep of the upper EM fields.

A call from Arlill comes in asking to erect a structural integrity field around a device on the Nichols.  He complies, then contacts Etan’s away team when he notices a massive power build up and asks if they need help, but Etan states it’s to be determined.  Sherlock orders the away team to be beamed back on board, but something interferes with the ability to do so.  Winters orders level 4 diagnostics and Nilsen tries to contact Katsim’s away team, but there is no answer, and they no longer show up on scans. While they continue to run diagnostics and scans, Sherlock asks Toz to join her in the Ready Room.

In the Ready Room, Sherlock asks Toz what’s going on and the doctor tells her about a vision she had.  

Nilsen utilises all of the sensors’ bandwidth in order to continue looking for the team.  They find the landing sight and shuttle, but then someone fires at the ship and they go to red alert. Sherlock immediately returns to the bridge and asks for reports and assessments as well as teams to deal with damage and injuries.  A second shot hits and they watch as what appears to be a gleaming ball of light passes by in a near miss.  Sherlock tells them to break orbit temporarily, combating complaints about leaving the teams by noting they can’t transport with shields up and they have a crisis to deal with first.  V’Airu contacts the bridge and Sherlock fills her in on what’s happened.  Despite still being under the effects of the sedative from Toz, V’Airu forces herself out of bed and gets dressed.  As she heads toward the bridge, however, the shields go down and whatever is fired at the ship makes another impact, sending the Commodore unconscious.

On the bridge, Kovacs registers the strikes and informs that one of them hit near the Commodore’s quarters. Internal sensors aren’t responding and teams are trying to reach the decks affected, but have to use the Jeffries tubes.  Another shot hits and because she injures her hip, Toz doses herself with medicine for the pain. Nilsen suggests an in-system warp to help shake off the attacks that originate from the moon.  Sherlock orders Toz and Kovacs to deal with injuries and get the Commodore to Sickbay, while she calls Nilsen and Winters to the conference room.

Winters first admonishes Nilsen on respecting the chain of command.   After Sherlock enters, they discuss how to get communications up so they can contact the away teams.  Nilsen suggests getting comes to keep on a sweeping broadcast til they get a ping.  When Nilsen suggests he work on power reserves for shields and weapons, Winters impresses the importance of utilising the marines to focus on those systems while Nilsen should focus on communications and other aspects of the ship.  The conversation turns to the defence system and Nilsen wonders why they weren’t attacked earlier considering how long they had been in orbit.  Suggesting their technology, though older, might be more advanced or just not as easily detected, Nilsen then remembers the probe they launched which they can glean information from and use to possibly find out the moon’s firing range - and maybe communicate they aren’t a threat. Sherlock notes it could be all automated, but that information may very well allow them to get close enough to disable the systems.  Nilsen comments that if that fails, they have the Marines, but Sherlock cautions that a hammer doesn’t fix everything and indicates it would be preferable to power it down or maybe even communicate. She also wants to take care lest the away teams are put in danger.

Winters notes they haven’t tried hailing the place where the attacks originate, for though they can’t detect life, there’s the possibility they are shielded.  She also considers the away teams to already be in danger due to lack of communication.  She tells Nilsen to focus on communications and the marines will focus on defences, then asks Sherlock to trust in their abilities.  As they are dismissed, Winters remains behind to encourage Sherlock and let her know they ‘have her back’.  After she returns to the bridge, she asks Nilsen if he has a data link to the probe.  He indicates he’s gathering all sorts of scans for her on the moon.  While they will be able to ping the away teams, they won’t be able to make full contact until they are closer or they use a probe to act as a relay.

Down in Strategic Ops, Rouiancet tries to contact V’Airu and fails.  When the computer tells her Sherlock is in charge, she contacts the other woman and lets her know. V’Airu doesn't answer, but also that a particle analysis from the planet's gravity well has tracked several spikes in chroniton radiation.  Sherlock asks if it’s solely from the planet and whether or not it would affect the away teams. Rouiancet can not tell if the planet is the sole source or whether or not they were using chroniton weapons, or even if they are affecting the teams.

Sherlock returns to the bridge and informs the crew that scans registered Chronitons in the local gravity well due to Rouiancet’s report. Nilsen brings up the data link with the probe and runs a scan on the planet and its moon for chronitons, and discovers they have been gathering for the last few hours and following the ship.  Thinking of chroniton weapons, he ponders how they might be out manoeuvred.  Suddenly, he sees a vision of someone who looked like him at a console, but older, then it disappears and he asks if anyone else saw it and thinks it might have been his father.  He then manages to get a link to Etan’s team and Arlill responds. 

Sherlock inquires if they have experienced anything odd down there, including visions. Winters scans Nilsen’s console and discovers chronitons and recommends they remain in Red Alert and watch for intruders. During the conversation with the away team, Nilsen tells them V’Airu has been injured.

After they break contact with Etan’s away team, Nilsen tells them about how his father appeared in his vision.  Scans from the moon reveal a compound surrounded by a wall and he wonders if that’s what shot at them.  Sherlock  tells Nilsen to try and find if any have a defensive mechanism when Toz chimes in to let them know V’Airu will be all right.  Rouiancet contacts and tells them that the ship is the only place where they are registering chronitons and suggests some ways to make themselves less attractive to the particles, such as an anyon field.  Sherlock indicates Nilsen should set one up while Winters tries to get more information about the structures and whether or not they can get close enough to get the teams out. Winters allocates mission pod sensors for tactical and leaves the main to Nilsen just as Ensign Carter Locke joins the other officers on the bridge.  Winters links her station with Locke’s and tells him she wants him to isolate the power source for any ground-based weapons system.

After Winters narrows the beam and tightens the gain, she jerks back when an apparition of Jack Kessler appears.  She informs the others of what she saw. A scan reveals trace amounts of chronitons at the console. When she brings up more information about the scan he was pointing to, she finds a multi level building with many power conduits.   Locke then has a vision of his father, and wonders if this is the Prophets’ doing.  Nilsen wonders since they’re being pointed to the moon if someone needs help. Locke implores them to be cautious and then wonders if this is the work of the Pah-wraiths as something doesn't feel right.

Chronitons surge and Sherlock has a vision of her father and a Q she had run into on a previous mission.  The image of her father gestures to the area behind her, and this solidifies the idea for her that whomever is down there needs their help. She suggests they not raise an anyon field, but instead, collect chronitons and try to communicate using them.  Locke expresses concern that doing so could damage the ship.  They proceed with the idea, however, and Winters asks Locke to take over for her at Tactical.

Medical Response Team

After Toz calls Miash to tell her to prepare for incoming casualties, she and Kovacs use the Jeffries tubes to head toward the Commodore. As they travel through the tubes, Toz goes through a list of possible injuries V’Airu may have sustained and ponders how they’re going to get the Commodore to sickbay without transporters and the necessity of travelling through the Jeffries tubes.  Kovacs notes that transporters are working, but may not work well enough to transport the Commodore in one piece, and hopes they won’t need to resort to that.  He continues to ponder over options with the transporters. Toz asks if communications are working, but they no longer function by that point.  As they approach the door that will lead to deck 4, Kovacs notes it’s warm.  Grabbing an extinguisher, passes it to Toz, then prepares to open the door.

Meanswhile, V’Airu regains consciousness and is pinned beneath a bulkhead.  Unable to reach her badge, she uses her newly awakened telepathic abilities to reach out for help. Nearby, Fer’at hears her and hurries to find her.  He does so, then hears other voices, an approaching Kovacs and Toz.  He calls them over to assist. While he lifts, Kovacs pulls the Commodore out.  A turbolift is still working and they use that to get to Sickbay which they find in chaos.

They get V’Airu to a biobed who awakens enough to ask about treatment.  Toz recruits Kovacs to render assistance as she explains to V’Airu.  The commodore requests Fer’at telepathically visit her when under sedation.  Once Kovacs finishes the task with the commodore, he moves to assist other nurses with other patients.  Miash and Toz continue to help the commodore as well as Fer’at who sustained injuries related to lifting the heavy bulkhead even while he tries to telepathically connect with V’Airu.  

Toz evidently sustained injuries on the bridge.  Still connected telepathically, Fer’at encourages V’Airu to trust her officers and to rest.  Toz undergoes surgery and begins recovery.

Act II

Away Team A
Part 1

Etan scans the new area and notes the energy field is particularly strong and emanates from a spherical structure at the heart of it, but they have to figure out a way to get to it.  His tricorder also reveals that the cavern is 250 million years old. He tells Maxwell to scout a path, and Arlill and Herrick he tasks with trying to get their technology to interface with the ancient one.  Herrick wonders where all the energy is being sourced from and used for.

Part 2 - Etan and Maxwell

Etan and Maxwell climb up the hexagonal shaped sides and marvel at the vastness of the cavern. Suddenly, the air takes on a golden hue and Etan scans the area which reveals a slight elevation in the local dekyon field.  He explains that dekyon beams could manipulate the fabric of space and time, and might even be able to communicate through time.  They elect to not let the strange happenings hinder their progress and continue. As they do so, the air gets a little bit warmer, just enough to tell.  Suddenly, Maxwell finds himself amidst a vision involving his deceased father and a book on temporal mechanics.  He comments that though it’s not real, it’s good to see him, and his father then asks who said it wasn’t real.  Suddenly it’s gone, and after telling Etan about it, he comments that it feels like they’re being offered knowledge to mess with time.  Herrick calls to them, and the duo hurry to rejoin their other fellow crew members.

Part 2 - Arlill and Herrick

As they split up, Arlill asks Herrick what’s up between him and Nilsen, then he notices scans pick up trinary coding which leads him to suggest a non-axial codec to bypass the handshake protocols.  The two go back and forth between personal and work, but Herrick admits he thinks they got off to a bad start, and Arlill admits he’s cautious. Arlill tries to interface his tricorder with the system in the cavern and he discovers there’s more storage capacity there than in an entire Starbase’s capability. Suddenly, his tricorder gets hot and he drops it, and when the case splits open, they reveal partially melted innards.  They discover there’s an anti-intrusion program which melts the insides of the tricorder and burns Arlill’s hands, and they seek out ways to bypass it.  Suddenly, something happens to Arlill and an entity speaks in his body, but it is not truly him.  He asks questions of Herrick, but is most definitely not himself.  Herrick calls to Etan and Maxwell and they hurry to rejoin their fellow officers.

Part 3 - Reunited

The Quasi-Arlill speaks to the others, but is most definitely not the real Arlill and mentions the officers’ program allowed the connection, and also that they should not be here.  Etan and Maxwell assure him they mean no harm.  Suddenly, the real Arlill returns to normal and shares he experienced a vision of him in his mom’s kitchen, but there was a stranger there who kept saying ‘that’s not the right question’. Etan summarises what they’ve discovered, including what he suspects to be an ancient computer system causing the visions that has deliberately brought them there. Pointing at the strange floating structure in the middle of the cavern, Etan theorises if they can reach it, they can get answers.  Etan asks Maxwell if any of the hexagons come close enough to allow them to jump to the outpost.  Maxwell says he brought a cable and can attempt the jump, then tie it off to allow the others to cross.  After a couple of throws, he manages to get it latched to something.  Arlill asks if they can be sure they aren’t crawling into some weird time travel situation since scans haven’t been very fruitful, then offers to cross over first.

The group get over safely and are able to take a better look at the structure, which hosts twisted spires sticking out in various directions along with a massive sphere, and they can hear a hum deep in the structure.  When he scans the sphere, he notices time around that Sphere has ceased to flow, as if it exists in a zero entropy bubble, both inside and outside the universe simultaneously.  He notes there has to be a control centre somewhere, and they need to find it.  Maxwell suggests they look at the centre of the structure, and begins to slide his hand along the surface of the structure, which sends him flying backward with a flash of light.  Suddenly, a door appears out of nowhere and opens and he feels emotions of curiosity and trust, which makes him less wary.

Stepping through the door, the team finds a room lined with inert screens and Etan sees his grandmother beside one.  When her hand grazes a console, the screens come to life with scenes from the chamber, hooded figures, and some sort of ritual along with an image of the Oumuamua.  Making his way to a specific screen, he taps on the image and it freezes on a woman in a black robe who is clearly Bajoran.  Etan asks if anyone can download it, and explains he thinks the technology is trying to contextualise what they have seen thus far, and realises the world was a spiritual centre, and the vision confirms it, though that doesn’t explain how or when exactly the Bajorans arrived there.  Arlill receives information from the interface that looks to be some sort of timeline and wonders if the Prophets brought them there while Maxwell wonders to what end.  Etan thinks it was a place that attracted people of many religions, including Bajorans.

Herrick theorises they are being told they’re safe for he and Arlill note they felt a sense of safety when they had the visions. Herrick wonders if they’re seeing the same message just manifesting through people each individual recognises as well as what the VRDs are picking up.  He then tries to set up a three way link between the universal translator, the VRD he is wearing, and the alien tech.  Arlill notes that the technology is more polite and not just taking, so perhaps is learning their expectations, but also that it’s getting more information from the VRDs than they were programmed to give. Etan asks Maxwell whether or not he thinks it's a trap, but the marine doesn’t think it is.  The first officer thinks it’s trying to prove it's trustworthy and learning everything it can about them.  He realises it’s creating 3-D images of everything, and when he sees a video feed of themselves, expects to see a recording of the vision of his grandmother, but instead sees a strange, diffuse figure and realises they have a guide. A sound catches their attention and they turn to see another passage opening. Turning to his grandmother, Etan confirms that the visions can not communicate, then they move into the passage, Maxwell taking point.  

They enter another chamber impossibly vast and replete with beautiful and twisting spires that appeared to be opaque and yet not, and Etan realises they’re in the center of the outpost.  The vision of his grandmother joins other Bajorans, many he doesn’t recognise.  The vision steps forward and starts using Federation Standard Sign to communicate and tells them they don’t have much time.  He instructs Arlill to translate their questions into sign language, which the officer does and tells Etan he’s getting chroniton readings from each being. Etan theorises they are the energy field detected from orbit and are somehow tied to that place.

The beings communicate that they are outside of normal space-time.  They assure the away team that their vessel is ‘whole’ and Herrick asks what they want from them.  They indicate they are lonely and want to learn about their visitors.  They tell the officers they were once of the world but ascended, and as people came, would give them dreams for comfort in times of sorrow and hurt.  Myths and legends arose, and Etan realises they helped the grieving move on.  He also realises that they found the place, but they did not build it - and the beings don’t know who did.  After Maxwell asks if they have records, he suggests that the people are also the records.

Using Herrick’s father’s form to communicate, they tell the rest of the team that the world was empty before the Oumuamua and her crew arrived.  Herrick notes that his father isn’t dead so the vision isn’t a spirit.  The vision says he has not had many close to him who have passed, so they show someone he trusted.  Suddenly, the group looks confused and the being asks what their vessel does.  They show an image of the vessel and Herrick tells them the deflectors have been activated, but the beings don’t understand.  Arlill worries that the beings might seek out more information about them in order to learn more before they destroyed them.  Verbally, he says it’s possible the crew is trying to reach the beings using chronitons.  Arlill then signs, asking the beings if they attacked the Oumaumua, but they don’t understand.  The beings state they are not of the moon’s existence, and others are not of their nature or compassion, but seek only control of this place for they seek an existence they believe is greater.  They themselves have no influence beyond the area where they exist and can see beyond, but not move beyond. Etan asks why they can not simply look back and find out who created the place, but the beings say that information is locked.  Then, out of nowhere, a soft, warm, soothing voice claims it was locked by them.

Away Team B

Brodie, Promontory, and Katsim dive deeper into the underground tunnels, and she tries to determine the meanings of the glyphs when she can.  Eventually, it splits, and while she can’t recognise most, she notes that one glyph on the right corridor means ‘death’.  They head down it and enter a cavern which turns out to be a tomb.  Evidence points to those placed there done so with care and respect, and Katsim finds inscriptions that are used to indicate protection and the guiding of souls.  While the group briefly discusses religion, Katsim heads to a vertical opening which leads to another tomb.  Beyond that, they discover stairs that lead upward.  Two more entrances lead in other directions, one downward.  They take the one downward, and after travelling for quite some time, it expands into an immense cavern with a sea like body of water.  

As they take samples, Katsim limbs on an outcropping and sees something in the water.  When she jumps in and swims down, she finds an old lightship. Tearing off a piece of the already torn sail, she brings it to the surface to show her companions.  The three ponder over the implications when Brodie registers some sort of energy.  As Katsim sees something, she calls out toward it, exclaiming it's the Prophets, then hurries after the figure.  Brodie does not see it, and insists he and Promontory go after her.

As they join Katsim in the smaller cave, they bring their lights and are able to see many boxes within.  Katsim opens one and finds a scroll with ancient Bajoran written on it.  Using his tricorder, Promontory manages to get it translated to a modern version of Bajoran and Katsim reads out part of a Bajoran creation story.


Sherlock calls a meeting in the conference room and asks Toz, Winters, Nilsen, Locke, and Rouiancet to join her.  With the chronitons a possible communication attempt, she wants to collect the particles and send someone over, but is concerned about how to get anyone sent over back safely.  Nilsen suggests they have no ill intent since all visions are of someone close to those who experience the visions, and that their language might be to show rather than tell.  Rouiancet asks if he has any thoughts as to what they’re trying to show, and how to speak back to them while Toz asks how many chronitons they’ll need, one that Sherlock answers with ‘any and all’.

It’s suggested they send someone and Winters volunteers while Nilsen insists that he should go as well and will be needed.  Sherlock then orders Nilsen to go along with her.  When Toz enquiries as to why they need ensigns, Sherlock explains and asks if the doctor would be willing to go with them, or if she would prefer to monitor from this side.  Locke is assigned to take over tactical when Winters leaves.  Nilsen suggests he can set up a more permanent solution to communications once on the other side and asks what they want said once they get there.  Rouiancet suggests they say they wish to establish long term diplomatic relations and Sherlock adds a message about offering assistance.  As they dismiss, Nilsen hangs back and he and Sherlock talk.

Nilsen asks what Sherlock’s problem with him is as she’s done nothing but treated him with suspicion and accuses her of being on the case of every junior officer on the ship.  Sherlock explains it’s normal teasing and says she’s proud of him for standing up for himself.  The two work it out, though Nilsen admits the Ensigns are all terrified of her.

As the others leave, Winters asks Toz what she needs to monitor those going on the away mission. Locke asks if Nilsen is all right and Winters indicates he’s likely asking final questions.  Locke then reassures the officers they can rely on him.  As they begin to prepare, Sherlock and Nilsen exit the room and rejoin them.  Winters asks how close to the moon they can get and more details about how many chronitons they need, echoing Toz’s earlier question.  Winters wonders if a probe could get past or be shielded from their view, and then wonders if shield modifications could hide both them and a probe from detection, like temporal shielding, but Nilsen expresses concern that it might interfere with communications. Sherlock suggests modulating temporal shielding.

Locke is called away to deal with a matter in the mission pod, and Winters expression concern about leaving Tactical now that he is gone, so suggests Rouiancet might be better on a first contact mission.   It’s decided to test the ideas with a probe, and the team prepare to move forward with their plan .  Brzezinski joins them, bringing some Chronitons and theta particles with her, and Toz asks her why she is there. She informs the crew of V’Airu’s plan to reach out telepathically and she is available for consultation.  Sherlock asks how they’re going to apply the particles, and Sherlock worries about consequences of ordering officers into dangerous situations, but moves forward and gives the order to execute the plan.  Toz suggests they involve Brzezinski and Nilsen asks what her role would be, then announce the communication equipment is ready.Sherlock agrees to let Brzezinski go as well.  With everything ready, they prepare to send a probe to monitor the situation as well as to send the volunteers into the temporal anomaly.

As the newly formed away team heads to the transporter, Winters launches the probe, then announces when the team has transported off.  A few minutes later, they detect chroniton particles on the surface of the moon.  As she monitor’s the team, Toz announces they are losing the team’s biosigns.  Suddenly, she finds herself on some sort of barge with crates and a woman in a golden robe who steps from a lightship.  She lifts a hand and points and Toz sees Rouiancet, Nilsen and Brzezinski standing on a cloud and the woman says to feed them, but sensors don’t register anything.  Sherlock theorises that means they’ve made contact and someone wants them to know it.  Ensign Yinn, a fairly new addition to the science department, reports to the Bridge and has a vision of her home during her childhood and that she can help just before joining the others.  

Winters tries to work out what it could possibly mean to feed them when she suddenly finds herself back in her home on Earth and geared up for deep winter in the stall of a stable.  Her mother appears with some coffee just before the scene fades away and she’s back on the Oumuamua. The ship registers another chroniton surge on the moon, but weaker. This makes her think that consuming the chronitons is the message whomever is causing the visions is trying to convey and to increase the chroniton particles for the away team.  Toz asks if Yinn can handle that, but also if the away team is seeing visions as well. Yinn notes there are a lot of ambient chronitons surrounding the planet and if they can be redirected to the moon, they can be used to ‘feed’ the aliens.  She asks Engineering if that can be done and Lieutenant Sasha Johnson says she can reconfigure the dish.  Sherlock assumes the away team is also getting visions and hopes that if they can control the chronitons, then the visions will stop and they’ll get their people back.  She also suggests they assume who they’re trying to communicate with is separate from who, or what, shot at them.  Winters states the priority is to disable the weapons, but priority after that is to get the away team back, and asks Sherlock if she has a plan.  Yinn wonders why they would ask for help if they wanted to hurt them. All the officers agree that the visions seem to originate from someone or something different than who or what shot at them.  

Toz thinks they should try to physically get on the moon and get a better look.  Sherlock says getting their people back and taking out the system take priority - they can study it after. Toz worries that they haven’t heard from the away teams and Yinn notes that the visions could be distracting them from communicating. As Toz worries what might have happened to them, Sherlock notes they can’t do anything about it yet and will have to deal with it when they get there.  Toz then wonders if the Commodore could contact the people causing the visions telepathically.  Sherlock notes they’ve already got people in danger and they prepare to deliver the chronitons.Yinn notes they are working and levels are rising fast and prepares to aim them at the planet, but Winters states to hold until they have a 70-80% charge to ensure they have enough.  After Winters monitors coms, she notes no incoming messages and thinks something is either blocking sensors or the away teams are incapacitated.

Winters states the charge is ready, Sherlock says to send it, and then tells helm to plot a course for the moon.  As they head out, Sherlock thinks they should take out the complex on the surface which will hopefully allow them to communicate with their away teams and Toz agrees.  She receives a vision where the golden woman confirms they have been fed, though she voices concern for the away team and confusion at who the people on the planet are.  Sherlock says they can’t wait for the others to return, declares the moon a free fire zone and tells the crew to prepare for battle.

Away Team C

As the transport begins, something goes wrong.  Nilsen finds himself at his family farm, in the kitchen.  Hearing voices, he opens the door and is reunited with Brzezinski and Rouiancet.  The scene shifts and while they remain in Gault, they are no longer on the farm.  They can not contact the Oumaumua, and Nilsen feels some pain from when he bashed his head, but says he’s okay.  Brzezinski offers them neuro-moniters and says they can help because she doesn’t think what they are experiencing is real and that it’s something mental because she’s picking up beta and theta waves with the monitor.  Nilsen decides to have the portable comms array go through every frequency possible and ping everything possible, even commbadges, to try and get a message through.  With his own vision still visible, he decides to try and talk to the image that has taken form of his father and feels like they’re being watched by others.  Rouiancet asks Brzezinkski what Nilsen’s neuromonitor registers and it matches the tricorder readings.  Though they can’t see what Nilsen sees, Rouiancet still introduces herself. Brzezinski continues to scan, notes it looks like they’re about to overload, and suddenly is blinded by bright light.  

Nilsen finds himself at a farmhouse and gives Brzezinski and Rouiancet shovels.  Soon he’s actually talking as if he’s not Nilsen and calls himself Torka Mikal.  He then states that his papa says they aren’t safe and the moon turned on them.  Rouiancet states they want to know more about the people trying to communicate with them.  Torka continues to talk to them using Nilsen’s body, though his consciousness joins V’Airu and Fer’at in the mindscape.  Even with the translator, Rouiancet struggles to understand what Torka is saying as he mentions many people and some of the words do not translate.  Torka mentions the Federation and Cardassian.  While Torka is willing to talk, Rouiancet is concerned about Nilsen.  Torka says they can show better than they can tell and Rouiancet agrees but first asks if Nilsen is safe and if they can show him to them as well as Dakhur, Cardassian, and all.

The group then find themselves on the bridge of the Crow Dog and Torka tells them the Dakhur and Canan are there, but they shouldn’t interfere with them.  He also says there are others there with them who helped free them from pain, and the scene changes again.  That time, they find themselves on Alpha Brenkelvi II and in a bustling marketplace where he informs them before the attack, they would trade there. Suddenly, his attitude turns fearful and he says they must bring Nilsen back immediately.  Torka leaves, but Nilsen’s face remains blank, as if his consciousness is not there, and he collapses in a heap.  Rouiancet goes to check on him, but she and Brzezinski are suddenly returned to the Oumuamua via the transporter.


V’Airu awakens and is checked on by nurse Lammo while Fer’at had come to also check on her status.  The nurse makes sure she has what she needs, and the Commodore asks for an update.  Fer’at gives it and they are joined by Lieutenant Rivka Brzezinski who offers information as well.  V’Airu asks Brzezinski to let the bridge know she’s awake if they need to consult her and she agrees as soon as she has collected particles from Sickbay. The commodore suggests they might be useful on the mindscape, and Fer’at encourages caution while Brzezinski asks if they’ll wear neuromonitors if they use their telepathy.  Once she is done with her collection, she departs.

V’Airu and Fer’at enter the mindscape together and once again find themselves on the bridge of the USS Crow Dog, but that time it is much calmer.  The commodore wonders why that is, and Fer’at focuses on the matter at hand then asks what her plan is.  She wants to move forward with learning to protect herself telepathically, and Fer’at notes that sometimes, the first place to defend one’s self is from within.  She acknowledges the wisdom in that, then they are both interrupted by the telepathic arrival of another mind - Ensign Nilsen.  Nilsen assures them he is whole and the people on the world have sent him to communicate, but they don’t know what will happen if the mindscape they are in closes, but promised to help get him back to his body should anything happen.  V’Airu decides to bring in Horque, Almor, and Nirid on the telepathic communique in order to have assistance as well as act as a diplomatic envoy, and asks Fer’at to leave, brief them and Sherlock, then return with the other telepaths.  While he does so, V’Airu and Nilsen prepare to welcome their telepathic guests.


Away Team A

After a disembodied voice states it has locked away information about those who created the place beneath the ground where Etan and his team currently find themselves, they see the spirits part and a humanoid with iridescent scales and incandescent hair appears. Etan introduces himself and the other crew and the vision calls herself Na’Shaala and asks where they are from and how they came to be there.

They converse and Na’Shaala reveals that she is a Manraloth, but the people on the moon were called the Scourge, their greatest enemy, and their technology is all that is left beyond, yet it still works after 250 million years.  As a logopath, she is able to understand languages immediately and understands them clearly.  Etan admits confidence the Oumaumua can handle them and asks what happened to the Scourage and Na’Shaala indicates they must have destroyed each other when no one else was left.

Arlill decides to try and use the tech there to communicate with the ship, hoping it won’t try to interface with him again. He finds an overloaded power port and can’t repair it, but wonders if there’s another that could replace it.  Maxwell asks Etan what the plan is if they can establish communications as another console is revealed.  Herrick takes the component from that and installs it in the other while Max tells Na’Shaala a little about himself and where he’s from.  An image of the Oumuamua in a firefight appears as a hologram above them, but they realise they are in no position to render aid.  Toxin makes a call to the Oumuamua, then gives the line to Etan.  Etan insists Sherlock make an escape if they can not win the battle rather than sacrifice the crew on board.  As he struggles with making such a decision for those with him, Arlill asks Na’shaala if they can get back to the ship and she says they could by ascending and the spirits would welcome the company. Herrick asks Na’Shaala what the right question would be, but she says that is a question for another time.  Arlill then asks if they can help continue their current existence, and Arlill is given images of the past, a piece, beautiful time.

Etan explains that all the officers are more like family and echoes the request for help.  Na’shaala says they can’t send them back to the ship, but they can get them back to the surface, but doing so will use so much power she’ll be forced to remain in the dimension and no longer dwell in her normal realm.  Etan doesn’t want to ask her that, but she states she’s already decided and she manages to get them to the surface of the planet. Herrick tries to contact Katsim, but the connection fails.  Arlill makes contact with the ship, then suggests they use the shuttle and try to contact the other away team.  It fails, but they contact the ship and decide to return home.  Etan invites Na’shaala to go with them, and she accepts the invitation.

Away Team B

With the Bardassian now chilled, Brodie puts his jacket around her and Promontory heats up a rock to help warm her up.  They make their way out and discover chronitons and theta waves which Katsim comments often have something to do with the brain such as dreams and telepathy.  After retrieving her discarded clothing, they head past the second outcrop and find another cave, this time with a single box. Upon opening it, Katsim finds a Tear of the Prophets, a Bajoran orb.  Reaching out, she touches it and suddenly disappears, leaving Echo and her companions behind.  

Peri experiences visions and communicates with the Prophets, and they cryptically tell her it is not her time.  She reappears behind her companions and tells them the Prophets spoke to her. Brodie and Promontory affirm they need to find a way to the surface, and that they should take their find with them.  Katsim picks up the box and suggests they retrace their steps and take the other path they had not chosen before to see if it rises to the surface.  It proves fruitful and they find themselves stepping out of a cave away from the ruins and in the forest.  After scanning, Promontory leads them to the shuttle.  When he throws a stone, it sails unimpeded to the shuttle, revealing there is no forcefield.  They enter the shuttle and head back to the Oumuamua.


Now back on the Oumuamua, Rouiancet calls Toz to the transporter room and runs a scan on Nilsen, finding out he’s alive, but unconscious, his consciousness separated from his body.  Toz arrives with Nurse Miash and Brzezinski states Nilsen’s essentially brain dead and suggests they transport to sickbay to run tests.  They arrive in Sickbay and Toz orders the cfMRI Brzezinski had suggested and Miash prepares for the scan.  Rouiancet gives Toz a rundown of what happened and that Nilsen’s consciousness is intact, just not currently in his body.  She offers to assist if necessary and inquires as to the status of Commodore V’Airu and Lieutenant Fer’at.  Brzezinkski scans them all at the same time for comparison and collects some interesting data.  Toz notes he could be in a hypnotic state and an interruption could kill him or put him into a coma.  Miash wonders if subjecting him to familiar external stimuli would be helpful.  She then prepares to overlap the data with the ensign’s to get more information.  Rouiancet asks Brzezinkski what the scans showed and she explains Nilsen and Torka’s theta waves are synchronised.  Miash says that the comparison overlays are ready and they show discrepancies in Nilsen’s readings, particularly an absence in his sleep spindle, but while it helps understand how, it does not tell them where Nilsen’s mind is currently.  

Suddenly, Fer’at and Nirid awaken.  Fer’at glances at the medical officers, but leaves before anyone can say anything, but Rouiancet calls to Nirid, asking where she had gone and Brzezinski asks if Nilsen had a somatic link or tether.  She then suggests they send someone to extradite him.  Miash volunteers. Meanwhile, Toz experiences a vision as they converse, and the woman in gold tells her the moon must be completely destroyed, and though hesitant to send anyone back, says she’ll do so only if Miash is completely sure.

Just then, the commodore awakens and cries out for help.  As medical officers tend to V’Airu, Rouiancet focuses on Nilsen.  Brzezinski notes there is still no brain activity, and Almor and Horque sense something wrong.  Miash finds a song that Nilsen plays often and turns it on.  Brain activity registers then flatlines, and Toz tells her to turn it off and fears they may have fried his brain.  V’Airu forces herself out of her bed and stumbles to Nilsen, throwing herself over him.  As she’s pulled off, Rouiancet points out Nilsen has sustained brain activity and theorises there was some sort of energy transfer that occurred when the Commodore made contact with the Ensign. Toz has a vision of the Golden woman taking on the visage of V’Airu, smiling at her, and says ‘it is done’.  Nilsen regains consciousness and Arlill arrives in Sickbay to check on his Broomy.  


In the Mindscape, V’Airu and Fer’at are joined by Horque, Almor, and Nirid.  They speak with Mikal who urges them to run from the place lest they are destroyed, but V’Airu refuses as Nilsen is still there, and Torka states he would be welcome to stay, but they say they can’t do that. V’Airu orders Nirid and Fer’at to head back to the Bridge and inform Sherlock of what they have learned and that disarming, destroying, or disabling the weapons has become their top priority. As they depart, she asks Torka what he can tell them about the weapons.

Torka states that someone saw something moving on the moon and that it moved like clockwork, with a steady schedule.They aren’t sure if anyone is still there, and they have either died or become non corporeal as well.  The people want the Oumuamua and her crew to be safe, but also hope that if they fight the system on the moon that they annihilate it, for they desire vengeance.  

Almor suggests V’Airu try to see if there are any minds on the moon, but realises it might be best to make sure Nilsen’s mind returns to his body as the Oumuamua prepares to engage the moon.  Nilsen asks if Torka can help, and assures him he’ll tell Bajor of his people and what happened, then tells V’Airu he’s ready to go home. Horque and Almor act as a bridge to help Nilsen get his psyche back to his body.  Almor suggests V’Airu use physical touch, even in the mindscape, to assist her abilities, and cautions that the longer they wait, the harder it will be.  V’Airu attempts to try and help guide Nilsen back, but something feels wrong.  She awakens in Sickbay and cries out for help.  

In the mindscape, Nilsen and Torka linger to say goodbye, and Nilsen considers Torka’s offer to allow him to remain in the same realm, but Torka says perhaps in another lifetime.  Nilsen starts to walk forward, but instead of returning to the Oumuamua, he finds himself facing his past mistake as a member of the Echo squad where he had crashed a shuttle onto an asteroid.  He relives the moment when his attitude and mistakes almost cost him his life.  Filled with regret, he comes to the conclusion he is a bad person.  Suddenly, he finds himself back in his own body.  


Sherlock returns to the bridge and asks for status, if Rouiancet’s team is back, then muses that Nilsen would have been happy to take them into the fight.  Toz is called to sickbay, but Sherlock orders them to head to the moon and expect to use evasive manoeuvres, prepare to come under fire, and to fire right back.  Ensign Ryes Thar'tavos pilots the ship and notes Nilsen had left a course set, then announces when they are 45 seconds away from firing and Yinn gets nervous as she enters her first real battle.  As projectiles are fired at the ship, Yinn reaches up to tap her commbadge but finds herself in a sandy desert.  She realises she had run out of water yesterday and has to keep pushing forward.  

A call comes from Etan’s away team and Arlill passes the link to Etan who asks for a report from Sherlock.  He tells her the weapons system was placed there 250 million years prior by a hostile species and it prevents inhabitants of the planet from leaving.  After asking about V’Airu, he insists that Sherlock leave should the fight go awry rather than risking the lives of those on the ship.   Sherlock agrees, then asks for ideas, and wonders if using chronitons would cut through their shields.   Yinn comes out of her sudden reverie and claims ‘they are attacking our minds’.  She suggests it’s people from the moon, though scans reveal no life forms.  Regardless, Sherlock tells Winters to hit them as hard as possible and orders Fer’at and Yinn to direct chronitons at the structure.

They compile and begin an assault on the moon’s structure.  Coordinating with Yinn and Fer’at, WInters fires and destroys the main weapons system, leaving just the secondary, and she encourages Sherlock to continue the assault.  Winters isn’t sure how to defend from an attack, though shield harmonics might help, and Yinn suggests bringing a telepath onto the bridge to assist.   Sherlock tells Winters to finish the job.  As they destroy the structure, Arlill connects again and Sherlock tells them they are done and will come around to pick up the teams.  She then directs the bridge crew to get status updates on Rouiancet and company and bring back life support to non critical areas.