Blind Spot (Constitution)

Revision as of 02:49, 29 June 2017 by Choi Jihu (talk | contribs) (→‎Mission Day 1, 239406.10: Added week three plot summary)
Officers taking part in the Mission
Name Position Notes
Jalana Rajel Commanding Officer
Maxwell Traenor First Officer
Lara Grayson Helm Officer
Prudence Blackwell Chief Comm/OPS Officer
Sinda Essen Mission Security Specialist
Atan T'Seva Acting Chief Security Officer
Choi Ji-hu Engineering Officer
Damian Wynter Engineering Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster Chief Medical Officer
Jerome Milsap Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Saveron Counsellor/Diplomatic Officer
Chelin Ch'Gabor Chief Science Officer
T'Reshik Science Officer
Solaris McLaren Chief Intelligence Officer
Name Position Notes
Madam Adel Brindlehide Hinji Adjunct of Military Affairs Played by Maxwell Traenor
Coming Soon Coming Soon Played by T'Reshik
Coming Soon Coming Soon Played by Choi Ji-hu
Coming Soon Coming Soon Played by Saveron

Mission Brief

Captain's Log Stardate 239406.10

For the last week and a half we have enjoyed Shore leave at Starbase 104. The incidents of the last mission have not been forgotten, but slowly faded into the background, making our stay not much more difficult as they would have been before the events. According to conversations with Captain Inejiro Hinji and Linara are split in their satisfaction of the negotiation's outcome, which was to be expected if we could use the events happening during the talks as an example.

Starfleet has received all reports and official word from President Vehau and Ambassador Silvertip informing them of their plans of cooperation. While these efforts will need to grow and be planned out carefully their people will still need help with their issues of overpopulation, famine and destitution when it comes to resources. HQ has assigned the USS Bethune to lead the Linaran relief efforts and the Constitution to take care of the Hinji relief actions.

Meanwhile Maxwell has received results from long scans he had started to survey the system and append our out-dated databases. It's a surprise that with the traffic down here, we had so little data. One of the results brings us right to the Hinji homeworld so we decided to send a team and check on the findings and survey their magnitude. All he has to do now is to get the thumbs up from the Hinji government.

As we are going to help them with their issues, I don't forsee many problems on that front. Resources for the Hinji are on their way to us as we speak and the departments are in preparations to get working right away.

/\ ===== /\

First Officer's Log Stardate 239406.10

Although I'm not a Scientific Specialist anymore, there is still work of mine that draws me back into my old stomping grounds. For example, I heard from Ens Hebeny this morning on a study I had started when we first arrived in the Marchlands.

In preparation for the diplomatic talks between the Hinji and the Linarans, and the role that the Constitution held in moderating them, I had initiated studies on the Leron system and its planets. We needed that information to try and help them through their respective population and resources problems and to help them come to a mutual agreement over the exploitation of Leron II. My studies of Leron III, the Hinji homeworld, had uncovered an interesting anomaly. However, in the progress of the mission and my subsequent position change, I had all but forgotten about it.

The computer doesn't forget, however. An automated sensor study I had initiated, as well as a request for information from the Hinji database, finally returned a result. Or, shall I say, a decided lack of a result. It was this quandary that Hebeny relayed to me today. In light of that, I'm taking the direct approach, because these readings are contentious and could have ramifications for the fledgling Federation member's status.

Plot summary

Mission Day 1, 239406.10

  • Lt. Cmdr. Maxwell Traenor connects with a member of the Hinji government about an anomalous reading that appears to be military suppression technology in a remote location on Leron III, the Hinji homeworld. The official denies the allegations, claiming there is nothing in the location of interest to non-Hinji.
  • Captain Jalana Rajel takes to the bridge where she awards promotions to Prudence Blackwell, Chelin Ch'Gabor and T'Reshik.
  • Lt. Cmdr. Sinda Essen returns to the Constitution, reporting for duty to the Captain.
  • Constitution command receives flight clearance to depart from Starbase 104 to investigate Leron III.
  • Counsellor Saveron shares news from the Diplomatic Service, explaining that negotiations for Leron II were met with mixed responses, though Starfleet’s aid mission to the Linara and Hinji homeworlds are welcome. Saveron continues that isolationist groups have been galvanized by negotiations, and warns that there may even be resistance among the resource refugees and displaced populations.
  • Rajel advises Traenor to order an away team to examine the “Blind Spot” on Leron III.
  • Treanor summons Lieutenants Solaris McLaren and Jerome Milsap, Lieutenants (JG) T’Reshik and Choi Ji-hu and Ensign Lara Grayson to the Constitution’s conference room to meet about the investigation.
  • Traenor places McLaren in charge of the away mission to survey the blind spot, since it’s an intel gathering op. Ensign Grayson is charged with flying the shuttle, while Lieutenants Choi and T’Reshik are to head up the surveying. Doctor Milsap, Traenor explains, is along for “optics,” plausible deniability as part of the greater relief efforts in the event that the team is discovered.
  • Traenor leaves and McLaren begins to coordinate her team to prepare. T’Reshik suggests that they’ll need special equipment, but Milsap points out that if they’re found with survey equipment, the Hinji government could take issue. *Choi suggests a new piece of technology he and his team have been working on, since they could claim they’re testing a prototype. McLaren sets the tech aside, opting for modifications to a Type-11 Shuttle’s sensors.
  • Captain Rajel entrusts Lieutenant Blackwell to coordinate relief efforts to the refugee and displacement camps.
  • Captain Rajel summons Lt. Rue Blackwell, Lieutenant Commanders Shar'Wyn Foster and Atan T'Seva, and Lieutenants (JG) Damian Wynter and Chelin Ch'Gabor, along with a comm/ops Ensign Mullins about coordinating the larger relief effort.
  • Blackwell is in charge of the delivery of relief resources, Foster is to assess the situation and offer medical help, Wynter is to install and see to infrastructural equipment, Ch’Gabor is to collect data on the refugee camp and Atan is to oversee security.
  • The Constitution enters orbit over Hinj.

Tirtahl Away Team

  • The displacement camp team begins deployment to Tirtahl Camp, one of the biggest Hinji aid camps on the planet, run by Administrator Eda Andesar Sharppaw, who greets them and directs the team to the planetside facility for Starfleet.
  • The Tirtahl team begins to take stock of their surroundings, and see to the needs of the displacement camp.

Survey Away Team

  • The survey team deploys in the USS Eisenhorn, a Type-11 Personnel Shuttlecraft. After a smooth descent into the Hinji atmosphere, they begin to experience power fluctuations and interference with shipboard technology.
  • After loosing impulse power Grayson executes an emergency landing in the Hinji wilderness. McLaren suffers a broken arm, Choi suffers a concussion, and the others minor injuries.
  • Georgio, the Constitution's Emergency Holographic Hairdresser, reveals that he had stowed away aboard the shuttle before takeoff, out of boredom.
  • Choi determines that the interference is effecting their equipment and communications, severely limiting the range of their technology.

Constitution Command Team

  • Captain Rajel, Commander Traenor, Chief Counsellor Saveron, Lieutenant T'Aven and Commander Essen remain aboard the bridge to coordinate diplomatic efforts.
  • Constitution Command is alerted to the disappearance of the survey team.
  • Adjunct of Military Affairs Adel Brindlehide, the official Traenor had previous contact with, hails the Constitution about relief efforts. Traenor worries that Brindlehide made a veiled threat against the survey team.

Mission reports

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