Aine Sherlock/career

< Aine Sherlock
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Assigned to the USS Resolution in 2397, the ship is sent to find the missing freighter, Andalucia. Upon entering the Celendi Nebula, the ship is pulled into a temporal anomaly which transports it 200,000-300,000 years into the future. They find the crew of the Andalucia was taken captive and enslaved on the planet Saural V. A small away team, including Ensign Sherlock, is sent down to the surface to find the missing crew while the Resolution, with Captain Nicholotti now out of action with an unknown ailment that appears to be an aneurysm, plays a game of cat and mouse with the Sau ship. The raid on the planet taking a wrong turn as Ensign Treetus is injured, a mutiny takes place on the Sau ship with it's former first officer now on a suicide run towards the slave camp. The team makes it out with what refugees the ship can hold and makes its way back to their time, with information sent to them by the Sau first officer. After they make it back, the crew takes their Captain to Vulcan for treatment while the crew takes leave. While having dinner at their crew member T'Suran's parent's home, the Captain makes a surprise appearance and presents the crew with awards and, in Aine's case, a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade.

Following shore leave on Vulcan, the Resolution was dispatched to assist in negotiations between the Thama and Nascaik over the ownership of the planet Vionus IV. Though, ultimately, the negotiations were successful, the mission was marked with difficulty. The Thama's delegate aide had a personal agenda in the kidnapping and attempted murder of one of the Nascaik delegates. The Nascaik delegate was successfully rescued. Post mission and en-route to DS224, Aine gave a self-defense class. Unfortunately, Crewman Hamsan Dwich was injured in the class. See: Incident Report.

239804.05 the Resolution is dispatched to the Briar Patch in search of the missing Starfleet surveyor the USS Hanno. A Romulan Senator tags along as they too are missing ships in the same area. The Resolution comes into contact, literally, with a rogue planet populated by the Skarn. Lead by a megalomaniac, Arbelo, the crew is at risk of being fed to a creature controlled by their leader. Aine, in a last ditch effort, uses her phaser as an improvised explosive device to kill Arbelo. In turn, the effect that is keeping power from moving on the Resolution is now disabled. An act which earned Aine the Captain's Commendation. An award which she personally holds above all others.

239807.21 while on routine survey of the Borderlands, the Resolution is attacked by what appears to be a one hundred year old Klingon D-7. Suffering a warp core breach, the ship is "destroyed." The crew suddenly finds itself reliving the same moment starting five minutes earlier. Despite being able to prepare for the attack, the ship suffers another core breach and is destroyed...again. Around this time, it is discovered by Counselor Sirin that a Q is responsible for their predicament. Aine and Yogan Yalu are tasked with joining the Klingons after Captain Nicholotti negotiates a temporary cease fire, and helping the initiate a reverse tachyon beam to break out of the Q's created "space." After a couple more rounds, the ships are able to break free. The Klingon ship is liaised back to their homeworld and the Empire. The crew of the Resolution deals with traumatic experiences including some who experienced an alternate time shift.

239809.20 Captain Nicholotti is attended to by Commander MacKenzie aboard the USS Excalibur-A for a medical condition brought on by the manipulation of time by a Q entity. Doctor Genkos Adea takes temporary command of the USS Resolution. While on routine patrol, a distress signal is received from Rinascita Research Station. Little is known about the facility save for the vague reference to Doctor Carol Marcus. Upon arrival it is discovered that one of their doctors has been attacked and nearly killed. After attending to the wounded, Doctor Morgan of the Resolution is taken captive and one team is trapped by the stations supposed security chief in the science lab. It is learned that multiple Suliban are attempting to steal a Genesis device that has been built by the stations scientists. Aine leads one team to rescue Doctor Morgan while the other goes after the device. During the hasty hostage rescue Aine is wounded with a near fatal injury from a disruptor and Counselor Sirin is stabbed while coming to her aid. After the hostage taker is taken alive, Doctor Morgan was able to stabilize and heal Aine as best he could. The teams reunite to escape the station. Meanwhile, back on the Resolution, one of the apparent terrorists beams the device aboard the Resolution, which is now activated, after capturing Acting Captain Adea, Commander Thornton, and Lieutenant Silveira. The Resolution comes under attack by a Suliban controlled vessel and during the skirmish, Silveira manages to get through the force field and attack Rackham. As Rackham is dying, he reveals he is actually Liam Wyke, and undercover Starfleet intelligence agent. The order is given to abandon ship. The Resolution is destroyed, losing 14 people (13 crew members including LtCmdr Farrel and LtCmdr Amari and 1 member of SFI, Liam Wyke). The USS Carpathia rescues what's left of the crew and deposits them on Risa for rest, recuperation, and a formal inquiry into the loss of a Starfleet vessel.

Following shore leave on Risa after the destruction of the USS Resolution, Aine was assigned to the USS Excalibur-A as Chief of Security.

Over the new year of 2399, the Excalibur was sent to the Cytarix system to investigate increased radiation readings from one of it's planets. During the investigation, Ensign Dakora is seemingly attacked by an orb that rose from the ground. Shortly after the "attack" the crew suddenly finds their consciousness' swapped with other crewmembers bodies. After heading back down to the planet and making contact with another orb, it is found that the orbs are arks of sorts transporting a non-corporeal civilization in search of a new home. The aliens swap their minds back to their appropriate bodies and with the assistance of the USS Chesapeake, they find a new home.

Reassigned to StarBase 118 Ops on 239903.31 following mission on the USS Excalibur to Demes II.

Upon her arrival to StarBase 118, Aine is rushed to a shuttle to rendezvous with the USS Aegis, one of 118's support ships. With her, the newly graduated Ensign Voleer. When they arrive, it initially appears that very little is happening except for the survey of a temporal anomaly within the Jenatris Cloud. After some brief introductions to Commodore Taybrim, it is learned that the USS Rahuba is trapped on the other side of the anomaly, along with some new friends, the squirrel like Risu. One of which is on the Aegis. Aine recommends using an inverse tachyon beam as a carrier wave to try to communicate across time with the Rahuba. It is successful and after a few days time, for the Rahuba but what seems like minutes on the end of the Aegis, the Rahuba successfully returns to its normal time with their new friends.

After their next shore leave, the crew of Ops was tasked with disrupting a potential attack by Terra Prime with a tri-cobalt device. What turned out to be a diversionary force, they ended up intercepting the SS Belladonna, a cruise liner, which had the device attached to its warp core. Aine was a part of a team that diffused and disabled the device successfully. After thwarting Terra Primes plans to destroy Betazed, the crew took leave on Bajor where they were recruited to help with a poaching issue. Pachitrods were being hunted for their horns which contained a compound that could cure Craat's Disease. Aine, along with Ferri Emlott, went undercover to infiltrate the poachers and discovered a connection between them and a local politician, Minister Idan Vett.

Over the new year for 2400, Aine was made Chief of Security and Tactical on StarBase 118.

Transferred to the USS Oumuamua on stardate 240009.11.

Mission History


Shore Leave 239908.26-Present During shore leave on the station, Aine receives a visit from "an old friend," Mel. They seem to have reconciled their past. Mel invites a few officers from Ops to tour the ship he serves on, the USS Glenn. Mid-tour, a distress call is received from a freighter, the Spacefarers Delight. It's soon learned that a member of the crew is a previously unknown half sister of Aine's.

Return of Terra Prime 239906.01-239908.25 The crew of StarBase 118 is sent to intercept a possible tri-cobalt device that Terra Prime intends to use to destroy a planet. It's not long before they're diverted when they receive a distress call from the SS Belladonna. A bomb has been found onboard and they are bound for Betazed.

Shore Leave 239904.11-239906.01 Aine takes time to take care of an ongoing medical issue concerning multiple head injuries and is ordered to undergo treatment for damage to her brain and to take a two week leave from duty. She spends that time getting to know her new Commanding Officer and First Officer, undergo a routing counseling session, and search for an apartment. All went successfully...she somehow has a new plant...

First Encounters of the Squirrel Kind 239903.31-239904.11 Upon transferring to StarBase 118, Aine meets up with Ensign Voleer. They are ordered to take a shuttle to the Jenatris Cloud and rendezvous with the USS Aegis. Upon their arrival, they learn of first contact with a squirrel like species and that the USS Rahuba is trapped on the opposite side of a temporal anomaly.

Aine transfers to Starbase 118 Ops. After shuttling with recently graduated Ensign Jolan Voleer to the USS Aegis, they learn the support ship Rahuba is on the other side of a temporal anomaly in the Jenatris Cloud.

In Plain Sight 239902.01-239903.31 Most of the Senior Staff is assigned by an Admiral from Starfleet Intelligence to investigate possible cultural contamination with Demes II's pre-warp culture.

Shore Leave 239901.09-239902.01 The Excalibur returns to DS224, unscathed even!, for the crews shore leave.


Shadow Out of Mind 239811.25-239901.09 The Excalibur is sent to Cytaris V to investigate oddly elevated radiation levels coming from the uninhabited planet. An encounter with an orb of sorts has forced their minds into the bodies of other crew members.

Shore Leave 239810.16-239811.25

Risa baby! Though they're not enjoying their time given the loss of the Resolution.

Cats Among The Pigeons 239809.20-239810.16 While on routine patrol and with Captain Nicholotti being attended to for a medical condition by Commander MacKenzie, Acting Captain Genkos Adea and the crew respond to a distress call at Rinascita Research Station.

Shore Leave 239808.21-239809.20

Bajor bound on the USS Excalibur.

Time in a Bottle 239807.21-239808.20

A Q by the name of CloQ decides to put the crew of the USS Resolution to a test.

Shore Leave 239806.14-239807.21

Part of the crew spends its time helping to resettle the Romulan refugees rescued on the last mission to Oreen V. Upon returning, Aine has a surprise visitor in the way of Lt. Melvin Hollis Martinson, her ex from her Academy doesn't go well. Luckily, another surprise visitor is someone she'd much rather see.

Stranded 239804.05-239806.13

The Resolution is dispatched to the Briar Patch to find the missing survey ship Hanno. A guest onboard, in the form of Romulan Senator Vreya, informs them of two Romulan ships that have gone missing in the same area.

Shore Leave 239804.08-239804.04

Shore Leave on Deep Space 224. During leave Aine expanded friendships with crewmates Etan Iljor, Meidra Sirin, and Hamsan Dwich over drinks post training session in which Meidra had accidentally broken Dwich's arm. Also chose to keep relationship with Commander Ilsam strictly professional.

The Ties that Bind 239802.28-239704.07

With their Captain grounded by Starfleet Medical and Addison MacKenzie as Acting Captain, the crew of the USS Resolution is sent Vionus IV to negotiate claim to the planet between the Thama and the Nascaik.

Shore Leave 239801.31-239802.27

After making their way back to the present time, the USS Resolution takes leave at Vulcan. Captain Nicholotti, in a perilous state, is treated by Vulcan doctors while the crew attempts to distract themselves with the sights and locales of Vulcan.

Following a surprise visit by Captain Nicholotti during a dinner at the estate of a Vulcan Ambassador, the crew is given their awards, including a promotion for Aine to Lieutenant Junior Grade.


The Saural Inquisition 239712.13-239801.30

Called upon to search for the lost freighter Andalucia, the USS Resolution encounters a temporal anomaly in the Celendi Nebula. They are transported 200,000-300,000 years into the future where they encounter a violent race of enslavers, the Sau. Outgunned, the Resolution hides in an asteroid field while a small away team attempts to free and rescue prisoners of the Sau.