Template:Robin Hopper/Missions-Amity

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Lt. Commander Robin Hopper

Amity Outpost Service Record (239907.26 - Present)

Once her transfer was approved, Robin spent her remaining time aboard the Wall Street tying up loose ends and finishing off projects, as well as training her replacement. She left many of her personal belongings behind, bringing only what she could fit in her duffel bag, a portal transporter buffer, and her prized Stromanthe Triostar plant. Arriving in late July, 2399, Robin quickly became acquainted with her new colleagues and received a briefing in the station's extensive Science and Research Center (or SRC) from Science Officer Lieutenant Kivik.

Kivik also requested Hopper's assistance in supporting an injured crewmember with a personal project; Nathan Richards was building a shuttle - later named the Targhee - from various component pieces and needed assistance getting the various parts' computer systems working together. The two became fast friends and, after initially admitting mutual attraction, went on one date before deciding that they were better off keeping things platonic. As of late 2400, however, the two had finally given in and decided to give dating a try.

That was not the only change late 2400 would bring for Hopper, though - as, following her promotion to Lt. Commander, she was also surprised by Ambassador Vataix asking her to step up her Starfleet duties as the station's Second Officer. Accepting enthusiastically, Robin has since had the opportunity to take Command of Amity's support vessel, the USS Independence-B as well as act as the Acting First Officer of the Outpost... with mixed successes. In mid-2401, Amity's First Officer, Wil Ukinix, recommended her for a First Officer placement aboard the USS Cambridge, but Hopper turned it down - for once, happy just to stay where she was a while longer.

Mission - Protocols (239909 - 239910)
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The crew of Amity was assigned to support the efforts of several noble representatives from various Houses of Betazed in their joint effort to establish colony sites on the recently-discovered world, Idrustix. While aware that the planet was home to a uniquely-telepathic bacterium, none knew of the organisms' origins. Shortly after landing, the crew became trapped under a radioactive net which surrounded the planet. The Trenvonn announced their presence, and their intentions to purify the planet of their dangerous experimental bacteria by eradicating all life on the surface - including the unfortunate Starfleet Officers and Betazoid Nobles.

Robin, serving on a team with Wil Ukinix and Lohani Vananth-Polgonz, was forced to step outside her role as Science Officer - performing lifesaving combat medicine in order to halt the dangerous effects of a Trenvonn Drone and, later, engaging and destroying one such drone. Fortunately, Captain Rahman and the remaining staff and crew in orbit aboard the USS Kitty Hawk, were eventually able to work out a diplomatic solution with the Trenvonn before everyone on the surface were killed.

Mini Mission - Nostalgia (239912)
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While the crew of Amity Outpost, along with several honoured guests, celebrated Wil Ukinix's successful completion of his Command Practical and subsequent promotion to Commander, a rogue Temporal Integrity Commission agent attempted to change the past - stranding Ukinix, Captain Rahman, and the other VIP guests, on a remote world from their past. Shielded by their proximity to the 'time bubble' effect - Rivi Vataix and Robin were the only two people aware of the sudden change to the timeline. As they put together the pieces of what happened, they were able to work with the crew of Amity Outpost to undo the TIC's meddling and restore the timeline to its proper order.
Mission - Worthy Prey (240001-240002)
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Following an unprovoked attack on Ambassador Vataix in unmarked Hirogen hunting grounds by the traditionalist provocateur, Ravarj, Amity Outpost played host to several prominent Hirogen Tribes in an attempt to establish a revitalized diplomatic relationship with the Delta Quadrant hunters. The peace talks began with group tours of Amity's facilities, demonstrating the technological advancements made by the Federation since their last contact with the Hirogen approximately thirty years prior.

Making unprecedented use of several Starfleet ships sent (with skeleton crews) to reinforce Amity's defenses, Vataix arranged for a joint operation with the Hirogen - including a simulated "War Games". Hopper was temporarily assigned as the First Officer aboard the Intrepid Class USS Jemison, along with Acting CO Wil Ukinix, Acting Chief Engineer Nathan Richards, and the civilian science analyst Nadeshiko. The Jemison, along with the USS Halsey, under Commander Addison MacKenzie, and several other Starfleet and Hirogen vessels, led "Blue Team" to victory over the Kitty Hawk-led "Red Team".

Mission - Dark Roses (240005 - 240008)
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During a mission to an alternate universe (the Mirror Universe) that remains classified under the Parallax Protocol, Hopper participated in the rescue of several FDC, Starfleet, and Betazoid Noble personnel (including Rivi Vataix, Cara Veers, Tri'lea Polgonz, and Nathan Richards) who had been captured by the Betazoid Empire (Unified Houses of Betazed). The mission, which greatly affected many of the Officers that participated in it, definitely shook Hopper and she will likely be processing and attempting to work through the 'dark reality' she witnessed there for some time. Shortly after returning to Amity Outpost, Robin was presented with a promotion to Lieutenant Commander.
Mission - It's Always Sunny in the Delta Quadrant (240009 - 240011)
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An unusual radio pulsar drew Amity's First Officer, Wil Ukinix, and Chief Science Officer, Robin Hopper on a routine expedition to investigate the astral phenomenon. When they arrived, however, they were surprised to detect a faint warp signature. A fateful decision was made by Ukinix to investigate the nearby planet for signs of advanced life, however the 'pulsar' suddenly seemed to react to their presence, disabling their shuttle and forcing an emergency 'landing'. Both officers were quickly greeted by the local populace, however due to unforeseen shortcomings with the Universal Translator's ability to process the Paak's unique language, they wound up accidentally gravely insulting the Paak's leader and people.

The pair awaited trial in prison and, when a prospective rescue operation began, were dismayed to find that their rescuers had also been apprehended and now all were awaiting trial. Eventually, the decision was reached that several of the crew would face penalties for their actions, which primarily took the form of 'educational experiences'. Following this mission, Robin was offered the position of Second Officer.

Mission - Toxicity (240012 - 240101)
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A runaway Malon antimatter waste freighter was reportedly on a collision course with the nearby Betazoid colony world, Idrustix. In a swift response, Amity's senior staff launched an intervention mission aboard the USS Independence-B. Newly promoted Second Officer Hopper led one of the away teams that would board the freighter, quickly determining that it had been largely abandoned - save a few stalwart engineers, and a few crewmembers who had succumbed to intense radiation poisoning, leading them to act in unpredictable and violent ways.

Separated from her team, Robin crawled through the vents in order to reach engineering and restore communications, but was hotly pursued by one of these irradiated 'feral' Malon. Encountering Bec Iko, Charlena Vanlith, and Kaito Moore, she joined with them in order to overload the ship's warp engines with antimatter waste. While this action would eventually lead the ship to explode, it provided sufficient thrust to redirect it away from the planet. The Indy-B, along with a friendly Malon vessel, were then able to tow the ship into the sun - the Starfleet crew aboard able to escape with minimal time to spare.

Mission - Bless This Home (240103 - 240105)
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Amidst the backdrop of a visit from Federation President Narala, Amity Outpost is also set to host a delegation from New Talax who are interested in presenting the first application from a Delta Quadrant species to join the United Federation of Planets. For the first time, Robin was tasked with taking command of the USS Independence-B and provide a tour of the Nuriootpa Solar Nebula, its benamite-rich asteroid field, and the Hawlat Angels to some of the visiting representatives. However, an incoming call for support from New Talax diverts Amity's plans.

Evidently, there are several rather die situations unfolding on New Talax. Chief among these, are tensions between the colony's leadership and its mining workers, who believe that conditions are becoming too dangerous as a result of the hostile Nedic Dreznin, who claim the asteroid belt housing New Talax rightfully belong to them. There have been numerous acts of sabotage that have damaged mining equipment and, in several cases, injured Talaxian workers. As Hopper and her team are sent to investigate and offer aid, they quickly realize the situation is devolving far more quickly than expected, and the miners have taken a Nedic Dreznin hostage, demanding change. As the diplomatic situation between Nedic Drez, New Talax, and the Federation became more heated, the miners took several more hostages - the Starfleet Officers sent to investigate the sabotage!

Hoping to avoid a worst-case scenario, Robin takes a team down to the asteroid's surface in order to rescue the Starfleet team covertly and there encounter a Nedic Dreznin team performing their own secretive rescue mission. Working together, they manage to breach the Mining rig and locate their people. Just as a firefight seems inevitable, word comes from the Nedic government that they will be prioritizing peace and the aggressive mining conglomerates will be stopped. As a show of good faith, the rebellious miners call a stop to their actions and released the hostages into Hopper's custody.

Mission - Frontier Day (240105 - 240107)
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This mission is currently ongoing.