
Revision as of 01:30, 8 July 2024 by Serala (talk | contribs)

USS Chin'toka


Commander Serala
"Duty is Honor. Honor is Life. Jolan'tru"
— Serala's Personal Motto

"The strongest tactical move is always the one in which you reap the highest gain at the lowest cost. Going out with phasers firing may seem heroic, but in the long run it is merely foolish. Retreat is often the best possible option."
— Lt Cmdr Tuvok, USS Voyager[1]

Commander Serala, a Half-Romulan/Half-Human female, is currently serving as the First Officer aboard the USS Astraeus, NCC-70652. Serala became life-bonded to her new husband, Stevok of Vulcan, when he found her swimming in the pool of a waterfall while she was on shore leave at Lydor IX where he was working as a xenobiologist for the Daystrom Institute. Stevok had just begun his first pon farr and Serala, unaware and rebounding from a perceived unrequited love, fell for him. The next morning, when she woke up in her tent, she found the bond in place. Ever since then, Serala has developed a love for her husband that goes far beyond anything she ever imagined possible, even beyond what she felt for her previous love. However, sadly, Stevok was recently murdered by a delirious victim of a mysterious affliction. This terrible tragedy was countered by the birth of their lovely daughter, T'Saara, though Serala will always feel the loss of her husband deeply.

On Stardate 239901.15, Serala decided that she needed to take an extended leave of absence to raise her daughter and spend time with her mother. She traveled to Mol'Rihan (New Romulus), where she spent several months immersed in the culture of her people and finally getting to experience what it means to be Romulan. While she absolutely loved her time there, Serala knew that it would only be temporary since the Federation and Earth were her home.

Serala was recalled from her leave to assume temporary command of the USS Astraeus and take it to the Par'tha Expanse where she was to relinquish the ship to the command of Captain Mei'konda Delano and resume her duties as his First Officer. Upon arrival at the Expanse, she discovered the USS Chin'toka currently severely damaged after diverting a rogue neutron star that was on course to destroy Lanaxa. The crew of the Chin'toka was transferred to the Astraeus and the Chin'toka was towed back to the Utopia Planitia shipyards for refit and repair. Since then, Serala continued to serve as First Officer of the Astraeus until 2401 when she was given command of the USS Chin'toka as a result of the events that took place during Frontier Day.


  • Full Name: Serala (Serala Elizabeth Davis, or more formally Serala Elizabeth i-Bogotá ei-Terra t'Tuella Davis) [Serala has chosen to use only her given name, but public records still contain her full name for legal reasons]
  • Date of birth (Age): 235407.15 (45) [Human equiv. 25]
  • Species: Half-Romulan/Half-Human
  • Gender: Female (she/her)
  • Height: 1.77m (5'10")
  • Weight: 156
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Green
  • Build: Athletic


Chronological History

235407.15 Earth, Bogotá, Columbia - Born

236504.05 Earth, Bogotá, Columbia - Father dies

239104.22 Accepted into Starfleet Academy

239109.03 Reports to Academy - San Francisco

239411.27 Begins final exam - USS Centris-A

239412.05 Graduates Starfleet Academy; assigned to USS Atlantis

239504.24 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade

239507.30 Gets married to Stevok of Vulcan

239508.08 Promoted to Lieutenant

239602.03 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander

239612.13 Reassigned to Strategic Operation Officer

239703.03 Stevok is brutally murdered leaving Serala a widow while expecting her first child.

239703.04 Serala's daughter, T'Saara, is born

239703.06 Serala's father, James Davis, reveals he has been secretly in hiding, having faked his own death.

239703.28 Promoted to First Officer

239804.25 Promoted to Commander

239901.15 Begins Extended LOA on Mol'Rihan (New Romulus)

239911.27 Serala is recalled to duty by Starfleet Command and ordered to take temporary command of the USS Astraeus

239912.06 Serala relinquishes command of USS Astraeus to Captain Mei'konda Delano and resumes her assignment as his First Officer

240107.08 Serala assumes command of the USS Chin'toka to deal with the Frontier Day threat.


Serala's parents met when her father, seeing R'val's discontent with the way the Imperial Government was treating the Military, began to groom her as an informant. As a Commander of a Warbird, R'Val made a great resource for Commander Davis, until they fell in love. Faced with the difficult position to defect to Romulus, or break off the relationship, Davis was about to do the unthinkable when the Tal'Shiar intervened. Realizing she was compromised, R'Val turned to her Human lover and effected her escape just in the nick of time. Davis settled his lover on Earth and soon the two were married.

A year later, Serala was born. Her parents tried to instill in her the values of both of their cultures, and for the most part they were successful. However, like her physiology, Serala was partial to her Romulan heritage. She was especially drawn to the idea of mnei'sahe, the Romulan idea of honor, and she has modified this concept to fit her mixed values.


Serala tends to be reserved outwardly due to the incessant harassment she suffered from human children when she was a child. This has caused her to be suspicious of people until she gets to know them. The greatest tragedy of her life so far has been the death of her father which left a hole in her heart that has yet to be filled.

One of Serala's strangest quirks is her tendency to slip into Romulan when stressed, but she is aware of this and monitors it to the best of her ability.

Due to her Romulan physiology and her upbringing in Bogotá, Serala has an intense dislike of the cold. A fact that is sure to cause her problems during her time in Starfleet.



  • Father: Cdr. James Davis, SF Intelligence (Ret.)
  • Mother: R'Val, Former Romulan Commander, defector too UFOP 235209.20. Now Ambassador for the Romulan Republic to the Federation and the Par'tha Expanse
  • Siblings: Maria Consuela Gomez (half-sister) (recently revealed)
  • Spouse:
    • Betrothed: Jorin of New Romulus, Junior Ambassador to the Federation, Par'tha Expanse
    • Previously: Doctor Stevok of Vulcan, Xenobiologist, Psychiatrist, deceased
  • Children: T'Saara, daughter of Stevok


Toryn Raga.png

Toryn Raga
Best friend & Godfather to T'Saara

Serala's oldest friend in the fleet, Toryn Raga was at one point a romantic interest. She and Toryn never managed to take that last step, despite a mutual attraction. This ended when Serala met her now deceased husband, Stevok, and bonded with him during his pon farr. This created some tension between them, and Serala feels they never fully recovered that friendship; a fact she regrets to this day. The two of them bonded as friends over a mountain climb on a frozen world, along with Valin Dermont and Christoper Lambert, who has since left the fleet. Serala was miserable during the entire climb due to her extreme sensitivity and dislike for the cold, but despite that was pleased to have been invited along as she was the new kid on the block and feeling very much the outsider. Serala has recently asked her friend to be the godfather to her daughter, T'Saara - a responsibility he gladly accepted despite his being uncomfortable with small children.

Journs LtCmdr.png

Ishkabella Journs
Friend and Godmother to T'Saara

Having the honor of delivering Serala's baby, not to mention finally capturing the heart of her best friend, Toryn Raga, Ishka has managed to secure a spot on Serala's list of friends. While Serala is not as close to Ishka as she is to Toryn, Serala is hoping to eventually develop a closer relationship with her. Ishka has also been named T'Saara's godmother due to her relationship with Toryn, and the fact that her level of responsibility has greatly impressed the Half-Romulan.


Esa Kiax
Chief Operations Officer, USS Chin'toka

A recent addition to Serala's list of friends, though she's not sure if Esa feels the same, Serala has taken the Trill woman into her circle after she recently went through a major heartbreak of her own that rivaled Serala's after the loss of her husband. Understanding that level of grief and needing someone who understands that she can share it with, Serala has determined to make the Trill her friend. She just hopes Esa is willing to let her in. Serala has been watching with growing approval the budding romance between the Trill woman and Master-at-Arm Chief Petty Officer Andrew Davis and hopes Esa can at last find peace after the loss of her wife.

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Noa T'Nessa Levinson
Chief Science Officer, USS Chin'toka and honorary Aunt to T'Saara

Noa Levinson won Serala's heart when she showed up one day at Serala's quarters with a remarkable gift for Serala's daughter, T'Saara. For that, Serala named her an honorary aunt to her daughter and has since begun to actively establish a friendship with the Vulcan woman.


Elizabeth Snow
Chief Medical Officer, USS Chin'toka and honorary Aunt to T'Saara

Since she joined the crew, Serala had taken notice of the Betazoid woman and her skills. Fresh to the ship, Serala became instantly appreciative of the doctor's skills when she watched the woman work furiously to try and save her Captain, although he was beyond saving. And then, Serala took note of the way the woman instantly launched into a full-blown autopsy to determine the Captain's cause of death, although that investigation would yield no result. Still, Serala could only admire the woman's dedication to her job and the thoroughness with which she went about it. And then, when she showed up on Serala's doorstep with a joint gift from her and Lephi, that sealed a place in Serala's heart for her and Serala named her an honorary aunt to her daughter, along with Elizabeth's fiancee, Lephi.

Image Gallery

Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
DS9style-cadet4 gold.png
Cadet 2390 - 2394 Starfleet AcademyAcademy Transcripts Tactical & Security Major
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Ensign 239412.04 - 239504.24 USS Atlantis Security Officer
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Lieutenant JG 239504.24 - 239508.08 USS Atlantis Security/Tactical
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Lieutenant 239508.08 - 239602.03 USS Atlantis Asst. Chief & Chief of Security/Tactical
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Lieutenant Commander 239602.03 - 239609.12 USS Atlantis Chief of Security/Tactical
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Lieutenant Commander 239612.13 - 239704.05 USS Atlantis Strategic Operations Officer
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Lieutenant Commander 239704.05 - 239709.01 USS Atlantis First Officer
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Lieutenant Commander 239709.01 - 239804.25 USS Chin'toka First Officer
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Commander 239804.25 - 239901.15 USS Chin'toka First Officer
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Commander 239911.27 - 240107.08 USS Astraeus First Officer
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Commander 240107.08 - Present USS Chin'toka Commanding Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards General BPlot 2011.jpg
B-Plot Award Stardate 239506.25
USS Atlantis
Awarded to those simmers who manage to show a good portion of the character's life despite the demands of the main plot
Awards General Pathfinder 2015.png
Pathfinder Award Stardate 239606.27
USS Atlantis
Given to those who have shown great care in the mentoring of fellow members
Awards General 1Year.jpg
1-year Member Stardate 239606.27
USS Atlantis
Awarded for active membership greater than 1 year
Awards The Khan Award.png
Khan Award Stardate 239706.27
USS Atlantis
Awarded to a simmer who thoughtfully develops a three-dimensional villain over the course of a mission or more.
Awards General SheathedSword 2011.jpg
Sheathed Sword Stardate 239706.27
USS Atlantis
Presented to those to decide to inflict mental and/or physical trauma on their character, and then dive into the resulting emotions and choices in a realistic manner.
Vega Award.png
Vega Award Stardate 239806.20
USS Chin'toka
Awarded to those who bring the worlds of their crews to life with art, videos, and all kinds of artistic endeavours.
Awards General 3Year 2011.jpg
3-year Member Stardate 239806.28
USS Chin'toka
For those who have been members continuously for three years
Awards DutyPost StrangeMedallionAward 2011.jpg
Strange Medallion Stardate 239808.06
USS Chin'toka
Awarded to First Officers who perform above the call of duty.
Awards General Pathfinder 2015.png
Pathfinder Award Stardate 239906.27
USS Chin'toka
Given to those who have shown great care in the mentoring of fellow members
Combs Cross.png
Combs Cross Stardate 239906.27
USS Chin'toka
Awarded to individuals who bring their ships to life with well-rounded PNPCs, enhancing plots and character development, without detracting from the main story and characters of the sim. They add depth and colour to the universe, and make the journey the experience. Named for Jeffrey Combs, guest star of a thousand faces.
Combs Cross.png
Combs Cross Stardate 239906.27
Denali Station
Awarded to individuals who bring their ships to life with well-rounded PNPCs, enhancing plots and character development, without detracting from the main story and characters of the sim. They add depth and colour to the universe, and make the journey the experience. Named for Jeffrey Combs, guest star of a thousand faces.
Community Champion Award.png
Community Champion Award Stardate 239906.28
USS Chin'toka
Awarded to members who participate in – or help facilitate – simming community events, representing the best of StarBase 118 RPG to other organizations by hosting events, acting as contest judges, or otherwise contributing their expertise in a way that benefits the wider community.
Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
TOSMA Stardate 240007.04
USS Astraeus
Awarded to members who show great dedication in their behavior and simming abilities. A candidate for TOSMA gives strong, solid ideas to the storyline and character development on a regular basis. They also take the time to edit and proofread their sims to guarantee that their writing is of high quality.
Awards General Neelix 2011.jpg
Neelix Award Stardate 240007.04
USS Astraeus
Awarded to officers who go above and beyond the call of duty by displaying additional, Out of Character commitment. This includes assisting fellow officers in need of simming assistance, facilitating Out of Character discussions with the crew, maintaining wiki articles, and more.
Awards General Neelix 2011.jpg
Neelix Award Stardate 240007.04
Denali Station
Awarded to officers who go above and beyond the call of duty by displaying additional, Out of Character commitment. This includes assisting fellow officers in need of simming assistance, facilitating Out of Character discussions with the crew, maintaining wiki articles, and more.
Awards General 5Year 2011.jpg
5-year Member Stardate 240007.05
USS Astraeus
Awarded for active membership greater than 5 years
Awards Staff ChiefCitation2015.png
Chief's Citation Award Stardate 240007.06
USS Astraeus
Awarded to essential Staff Members whose determined work has benefitted the group In Character, and/or Out Of Character, even while their primary service was not as the Commanding Officer of a simming installation. Inspired by the non-commissioned and enlisted personnel who are the backbone of any starship but were rarely recognized in Star Trek lore in favor of the officers.
Awards General Neelix 2011.jpg
Neelix Award Stardate 240106.26
USS Astraeus
Awarded to officers who go above and beyond the call of duty by displaying additional, Out of Character commitment. This includes assisting fellow officers in need of simming assistance, facilitating Out of Character discussions with the crew, maintaining wiki articles, and more.
Awards Staff StaffMemberOfTheYearMedal 2011.jpg
Staff Member of the Year Award Stardate 240107.03
USS Astraeus
Awarded to Staff Members who have contributed tirelessly to the organization through any number of Out of Character channels, while maintaining excellence in simming on their vessel. This is an award granted to any staff member, regardless of rank.
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Stardate 239412.05
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Legacy Ribbon.png
Legacy Ribbon Stardate 239501.17
USS Atlantis
Awarded for service during the reactivation of the USS Atlantis
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation Stardate 239501.17
USS Atlantis
Awarded for exemplary or honorable actions taken in the line of duty
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart Stardate 239504.24
USS Atlantis
Awarded for injury in the line of duty
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award Stardate 239606.01
USS Atlantis
Awarded for a joint action with an ally or neutral force toward a common goal
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Legion of Merit Stardate 239504.24
USS Atlantis
Awarded for meritorious service
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Legion of Merit Stardate 239508.08
USS Atlantis
Awarded for meritorious service
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Lifesaving Ribbon Stardate 239510.31
USS Atlantis
Awarded for saving a life in the line of duty
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart Stardate 239602.03
USS Atlantis
Awarded for injury in the line of duty
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Legion of Merit Stardate 239602.03
USS Atlantis
Awarded for meritorious service
Awards ServiceRibbons DepartmentChief.jpg
Department Chief Ribbon Stardate 239602.03
USS Atlantis
Awarded for holding the title of department chief for no less than 6 months
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon Stardate 239608.28
USS Atlantis
Awarded for participation in the exploration of a Chon station
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award Stardate 239612.09
USS Atlantis
Awarded for a joint action with an ally or neutral force toward a common goal
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon Stardate 239612.09
USS Atlantis
Awarded to an individual who shows conspicuous gallantry in the line of duty.
Awards ServiceRibbons DepartmentChief.jpg
Department Chief Ribbon Stardate 239612.09
USS Atlantis
Awarded for holding the title of department chief for no less than 6 months
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award Stardate 239704.05
USS Atlantis
Awarded for a joint action with an ally or neutral force toward a common goal
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation Stardate 239704.05
USS Atlantis
Awarded for exemplary or honorable actions taken in the line of duty
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Diplomacy Ribbon Stardate 239710.03
USS Atlantis
Awarded to an individual who has distinguished herself by resolving a significantly dangerous or hostile situation through diplomatic means.
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award Stardate 239710.03
USS Atlantis
Awarded for a joint action with an ally or neutral force toward a common goal
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation Stardate 239710.03
USS Atlantis
Awarded for exemplary or honorable actions taken in the line of duty
Maiden Voyage Ribbon.png
Maiden Voyage Ribbon Stardate 239712.31
USS Chin'toka
Awarded to an individual who has served in the first mission of a newly commissioned vessel or installation.
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Diplomacy Ribbon Stardate 239712.31
USS Chin'toka
Awarded to an individual who has distinguished herself by resolving a significantly dangerous or hostile situation through diplomatic means.
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon Stardate 239804.25
USS Chin 'toka
Awarded for participation in the exploration of an Uncharted Region of Space
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
First Contact Ribbon Stardate 239804.25
USS Chin'toka
Awarded for First Contact with the people of Eladar IV
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal.png
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal Stardate 239804.25
USS Chin'toka
Awarded for action against Caraadian Pirates.
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Distinguished Service Ribbon Stardate 239804.25
USS Chin'toka
Awarded for Demonstrating the ideals of the Federation during a First Contact Mission
Par'tha Expanse Colonization Ribbon.png
Par'tha Expanse Colonization Ribbon Stardate 239808.28
USS Chin'toka
Awarded to a member of the Chin'toka who participated in the mission to secure permission from the Par'tha Expanse Great Council to establish a colony in this new area of space, thus furthering the Federation's goals of exploration, diplomacy, and scientific discovery.
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Diplomacy Ribbon Stardate 239808.28
USS Chin'toka
Awarded to an individual who has distinguished herself by resolving a significantly dangerous or hostile situation through diplomatic means.
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart Stardate 239812.28
USS Chin'toka
Awarded for injury in the line of duty
Awards ServiceRibbons FederationCross 2011.jpg
Federation Cross Stardate 239812.28
USS Chin'toka
Awarded for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of her life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in an action against an enemy of the Federation which involved personal bravery or self-sacrifice so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish herself above her comrades and which involved risk of life
Legacy Ribbon.png
Legacy Ribbon Stardate 240001.10
USS Astraeus
Awarded for service during the reactivation of the USS Astraeus
Awards ServiceRibbons medicalscience 2013.jpg
Medical Science Ribbon Stardate 240005.27
USS Astraeus
Awarded to an individual who participates in, and successfully finds a cure to a deadly, infectious disease that threatens to infect an entire planet or crew. This ribbon will serve as recognition for a job well done in saving the lives of others through scientific research, determination, and personal risk.
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award Stardate 240005.27
USS Astraeus
Awarded for a joint action with an ally or neutral force toward a common goal
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon Stardate 240005.27
USS Astraeus
Awarded to an individual who participates in, and successfully completes, a mission where keeping the peace is the primary goal.
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Diplomacy Ribbon Stardate 240005.27
USS Astraeus
Awarded to an individual who has distinguished herself by resolving a significantly dangerous or hostile situation through diplomatic means.
Starfleet Medal of Commendation.png
Starfleet Medal of Commendation Stardate 240005.27
USS Astraeus
Awarded to individuals who have distinguished themselves with extraordinary bravery and courage, although not to the extent of warranting the award of a Medal of Valour, while not engaged in conflict with an enemy of the Federation. The act or acts of heroism must be particularly notable and involve a conspicuous risk of life, setting the recipient apart from their comrades.
Awards ServiceRibbons RomulanCampaign 2011.jpg
Romulan Campaign Medal Stardate 240103.17
USS Astraeus
Awarded to an individual who participates in a conflict against the Romulans.
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon.png
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon Stardate 240103.17
USS Astraeus
Awarded to an individual who participates in a mission within an alternate universe.
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Distinguished Service Ribbon Stardate 240103.17
USS Astraeus
Awarded for Demonstrating the ideals of the Federation during a conflict with the Romulan Star Empire in an alternate universe.
First Officer Ribbon.png
First Officer Ribbon Stardate 240103.17
USS Astraeus
Awarded to an individual who has completed no less than one year of continuous service as a First Officer. This ribbon recognizes those First Officers who have served their vessels (or stations) for at least one year. It acknowledges the dedication and effort required of these officers to assist their Commanding Officers and to help lead their crews through a year's tour of duty.
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart Stardate 240105.27
USS Astraeus
Awarded for injury in the line of duty
For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons

The Crew

NPC Listing   ·   USS Astraeus Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
First Officer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Mission Specialst
C. Caldwell
HCO Officer
Dazra Kol
Chief of Operations
Esa Kiax
Tac/Sec Officer
Divya Tam
Chief Engineer
Wyatt Ral
Hana Wright
Senior Science Ofc.
Timothy Alentonis
Science Officer
Medical Officer
Alix Harford
Medical Officer
August Winslett
Edit This Nav

REV SD 240107.08


  1. Star Trek:Voyager, Learning Curve