The Sincerest Form (Constitution)

Revision as of 18:41, 7 August 2023 by Danny Wilde (talk | contribs)
Episode 21


Officers taking part in the mission
Name Position Notes
Jalana Rajel Commanding Officer
Azura Ada First Officer
Laria Herren Mission Specialist
T'Ama Comm/OPS Officer
Maxwell Tannhauser Helm Officer
Atan T'Seva Chief Tactical Officer
Lystra Security/Tactical Officer
Mingxing Shimisi Engineering Officer
Kimberly Stapledon Engineering Officer
Kimahri Rehn Counselor
Maz Rodan Science Officer
Shedet Science Officer
Name Position Played by
James T. Kirk Commanding Officer Shedet
Spock First Officer/Science Officer Azura Ada
Nyota Uhura COMMS Officer Mingxing Shimisi
Hikaru Sulu Helm Officer Laria Herren
Leonard H. McCoy Medical Officer Jalana Rajel
Montgomery Scott Engineering Officer Atan T'Seva
NPC's & PNPC's
Name Position Notes

The Sincerest Form

After the recent Syndicate Activity the Conny is sent on patrol through a sector in the Marchlands. It is pretty quiet and nothing weird happens, maybe a freighter had a flat ‘tyre’ or something but generally nothing is weird at all.

When they believe that this is going to be the most boring mission ever - did someone hear about Jalana’s tone with Prendar and is now punishing them? - they receive a distress call. To their surprise the call claims to have been placed by none other than Captain James Tiberius Kirk himself and the Enterprise is in trouble.

Act 1

The Constitution is ordered to a remote sector of the Marchlands in order to perform routine patrols. While there, they receive an odd distress call - one from a ship that 'definitely' shouldn't be there. The USS Enterprise - under the command of James T. Kirk, is in need of assistance. While the senior staff try to figure out how - and why - the Enterprise is there, they still have to attend to the ship in crisis.

As the Constitution edges closer to the nebula in which the Enterprise is stranded, the crew agree that they need certain modifications in order to blend in with Kirk's timeframe. They agree on period uniforms, complete with all the technology and gadgetry of the day. While the Ops department use holo-emitters to disguise most of Deck 12 as a starship from the 2260's, the engineers modify a shuttle so it will pass for one from that time frame too. They plan to fly into the nebula to dock with the Enterprise in order to offer assistance.

Act 2

Act 3

Important Sims

Honorary Mentions