
< User:Zephyr
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Embassy Reconstruction

Embassy Crew History
Command Division
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Dates Notes
Commanding Officer
Rear Admiral Toni Turner xxxxxx.xx - Present
Commander Oddas Aria 239507.05 - 239510.30
Transferred to the USS Eagle.
CO of the USS Thunder-A.
First Officer
Lieutenant Commander Geoffrey Teller 239701.20 - Present
Transferred from USS Veritas.
Lieutenant Commander Krindo Pandorn 239603.05 - 239701.20
Became Chief Engineer.
Commander Oddas Aria 239404.13 - 239507.05
Became CO of the USS Thunder-A.
Promoted to Promoted to Cmdr 239412.05.
Lieutenant Commander T'Lea 239511.11 - 239603.05
Served concurrently as Chief Historian & Archaeological Officer.
Lieutenant Commander Delan Han 239507.11 - 239511.07
Lieutenant Commander Brayden Jorey 239304.19 - 239404.13
First Officer of USS Thunder-A.
Promoted 239404.13 and moved to USS Thor as Special Operations.
Second Officer
Lieutenant Ben Garcia 239609.29 - Present
Serving concurrently as HCO Officer.
Lieutenant Commander Gogigobo Fairhug 239507.11 - 239509.26
Transferred to the USS Apollo-A.
Served concurrently as Chief of Security.
Lieutenant Brayden Jorey 239106.01 - 239109.24
Served concurrently as Chief Intelligence Officer.
Chief Helm, Communications & Operations Officer
Lieutenant Commander T'Mihn Ah'mihghan xxxxxx.xx - 239507.08
Helm, Communications & Operations Officer
Lieutenant Ben Garcia 239603.06 - Present
Promoted to Lieutenant 239609.29.
Promoted to LtJG 239505.05.
Became second officer 239609.29.
Ensign Ghant Xerix 239509.26 - 239604.28
Strategic Operations
Lieutenant Commander Irina Pavlova 239505.09 - 239511.07
Captain Tyr Waltas 230503.09 - 239504.30
Mission Specialist
Lieutenant Commander Pandora 239512.10 - 239507.12
Special Operations
Commander Brayden Jorey 239404.13 - 239410.01
USS Thor SpecOps Ofc.
Federation Diplomatic Corps
Ambassador to Duronis II
Captain Brell 239610.16 - 239701.20
Captain Della Vetri xxxxxx.xx - 239512.10
Character change to Pandora
Diplomatic Attache
Ensign Ceilidh Riverview xxxxxx.xx - xxxxxx.xx
Starfleet Intelligence
Chief of Intelligence
Lieutenant Commander Savan xxxxxx.xx - 239412.10
Intelligence Officer
Ensign Nigel Barrett Intelligence Officer
Lieutenant Brayden Jorey 239106.01 - 239109.24
Served concurrently as Second Officer.
Chief Engineer
Lieutenant Commander Krindo Pandorn 239701.27 - Present
Formerly first officer.
Lieutenant Raimy Ambarsan xxxxxx.xx - 239410.24
Lieutenant Commander Oddas Aria 239309.04 - 239408
Promoted to First Officer.
Promoted to LtC 239404.13
Engineering Officer
Ensign Sirok 239702.10 - Present
Ensign T'Pam 239611.05 - 239701.20
Ensign Avarak Riordan 239609.07 - 239609.29
Ensign Richard Walters 239509.26 - 239606.15
Ensign Eleanor Alexander 239512.18- 239604.08
Lieutenant JG Oddas Aria 239305.03 - 239309.04
Promoted to LT & Chief Engineer 239309.04.
Security & Tactical
Chief of Security
Lieutenant Junior Grade Daylan Daroo 239609.29 - Present
Lieutenant Commander Gogigobo Fairhug 239505.09 - 239509.26
Transferred to the USS Apollo-A.
Promoted to LtC 239507.06.
Served concurrently as Second Officer as of 239507.11.
Lieutenant Commander Irina Pavlova xxxxxx.xx - 239505.01
Moved to Strategic Operations
Security Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Melody Delri'ise 239611.20 - 239612.23
Transferred to the USS Eagle.
Transferred from the USS Veritas.
Ensign Daylan Daroo 239603.05 - 239609.29
Promoted to Lieutenant JG & Chief of Security 239609.29.
Ensign Sakinth 239604.30 - 239606.28
Lieutenant Gogigobo Fairhug 239411.24 - 239505.09
Promoted to CoS 239505.09
Promoted to LT 239504.30
Promoted to Lt JG 239503.07
Ensign John Williams 239510.31 - 239603.05
Lieutenant Junior Grade Daniel Cain 239505.16 - 239509.26
Transferred to USS Apollo-A.
Ensign Ezaya K'Ghim xxxxxx.xx - xxxxxx.xx
Chief Tactical Officer
Lieutenant Kawakame Shin 239611.21 - 239701.20
Transferred from the USS Veritas.
Tactical Officer
Ensign Kel Tarren 239607.16 - 239608.14
Lieutenant Junior Grade Cadfael Peters 239603.06 - 239606.14
Lieutenant Junior Grade Wallace Williams 239504.11 - 239512.18
Ensign David Martel 239410.30 - 239505.16
Starfleet Marine Corps
Marine Commanding Officer
Major Hannibal Parker 239511.11 - Present
Marine CO of the USS Thunder-A.
Civil Affairs Group
Lt. Colonel Rode Mitchell 239511.11 - Present
CAG of USS Thunder-A.
Lt. Colonel Rode Mitchell 239512.10 - 239511.11
Moved to CAG of USS Thunder-A.
Marine Officers
Second Lieutenant Wes Greaves 239702.10 - Present
First Lieutenant Stefan Germanovich 239604.10 - 239608.14
Marine Officer USS Thunder-A.
Marine Operations Officer
Major Hannibal Parker 239412.10 - 239511.07
Moved to Marines CO of the USS Thunder-A.
Sciences Division
Chief Science Officer
Lieutenant Lorian Lovar 239609.29 - Present
Lieutenant Commander Delan Han 239504.18 - 239507.06
Became First Officer.
Promoted to LtC 239507.06.
Lieutenant Commander T'Lea xxxxxx.xx - 239504.11
Character change to Iperia Sh’relis.
Science Officer
Ensign Tara Wilkins 239702.03 - Present
Lieutenant Junior Grade Stennin 239611.20 - 239701.20
Transferred from the USS Veritas.
Lieutenant Junior Grade Lorian Lovar 239604.10 - 239609.29
Promoted to Lieutenant and Chief Science Officer 239709.29.
Ensign Jicheld Iza 239512.17 - 239604.08
Ensign Charlie Knox 239511.11 - 239603.07
Ensign Baelor 239509.26 - 239511.07
Lieutenant Junior Grade Delan Han 239410.24 - 239504.16
Promoted to LT & CSO 239504.18
Promoted to Lt JG 239411.27
Chief Historian
Lieutenant Commander T'Lea 239603.05 - 239604.08
Served concurrently as Archaeological Officer.
Lieutenant Commander T'Lea 239511.11 - 239603.05
Served concurrently as First Officer & Archaeological Officer.
Lieutenant Commander Iperia Sh’relis 239504.18 - 239511.07
Character change to T'Lea.
Served concurrently as Archaeological Officer.
Archaeological Officer
Lieutenant Commander T'Lea 239603.05 - 239604.08
Served concurrently as Chief Historian.
Lieutenant Commander T'Lea 239511.11 - 239603.05
Served concurrently as Chief Historian & First Officer.
Lieutenant Commander Iperia Sh’relis 239504.18 - 239511.07
Character change to T'Lea.
Served concurrently as Chief Historian.
Medical Division
Chief Counselor
Lieutenant Commander Alexander Brodie 239609.29 - Present
Lieutenant Alexander Brodie 239507.08 - 239609.07
Promoted to LtC + Chief Counselor 239609.29
Lieutenant Lan Riel xxxxxx.xx - 239412.19
Ensign Yai'enek Kortar 239502.13 - 239504.11
Ensign Rosalee xxxxxx.xx - xxxxxx.xx
Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Commander Addison MacKenzie 239701.20 - Present
Transferred from USS Veritas.
Lieutenant Quen Deena 239609.29 - 239701.20
Lieutenant Commander Boris Hendon 239412.10 - 239609.07
Medical Officer
Ensign Alieth 239702.10 - Present
Lieutenant Quen Deena 239701.20 - Present
Lieutenant Ishkabella Journs 239603.05 - 239604.12
Transferred to USS Atlantis.
Lieutenant Junior Grade Quen Deena 239603.05 - 239609.29
Promoted to Chief Medical Officer & Lieutenant 239609.29.
Promoted to Lt JG 239605.05
Lieutenant Junior Grade T'Karra 239412.10 - 239504.11
Promoted to Lt JG 239411.28
Ensign Jemma Thatcher 239502.15 - 239504.11
Chief Surgeon
Lieutenant Commander Boris Hendon 239609.29 - 239701.20


"Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." -- Albert Camus
  Service Ribbons  
Ribbon Name of Award Recipient
Decoration Name of Award Recipient
  OOC Awards  
Award Name of Award Recipient