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Crew of the USS Veritas


Ensign Valoru
Ensign Valoru
Helm/Navigation Officer
USS Veritas

Valoru is a rather fit and toned Andorian who has served a good portion of his adult life in service to Andor, prior to joining Starfleet. He is a keen martial artist, but has become just as fine in the Flight Control and Operations departments. Valoru got his start on the USS Constitution-B, but has now been moved over to the USS Veritas at the helm. He is a multi-tool of sorts for the senior officers, and seeks to serve all those around him.



Looks like your typical Andorian, except with slightly longer hair that is not as neatly trimmed. He usually wears a midnight blue tight body armor suit, showing off his muscular, slender tone. He's definitely fit. He is older - especially for his rank, but he doesn't show it physically.

  • Height: 1.8m
  • Weight: 91kg
  • Hair: White
  • Eyes: Blue


Federation Martial Arts

General Overview

A bit sly and laid back, but also joking and snarky. Valoru tends to hang back until he feels like the fun starts, then he is fully engaged.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Valoru is proficient in many methods of martial arts, trained by his own people as well as Vulcans, Klingon, and Humans. He does not shoot a phaser hardly well at all and thus is only really a threat in close combat. And unless he wears the dark grey cloak he has in his stow-away, he's sticks out in a crowd.


He just wants to survive and watch out for the little guys. Probably considered "chaotic good" in alignment. He has recently found an increased interest in the Federation after joining Starfleet and fighting alongside them.

Hobbies & Interests

Martial arts, simulated melee combat scenarios, has a thing for Romulan women


Fluent in English, Romulan, and Andorian dialects; basic/conversational Vulcan and Klingon



  • Father: Biito (Deceased 2395)
  • Mother: Mallua
  • Others: Gaburr, Distant Cousin


Mei'konda [supervisor] - Mei'konda is the first officer of the USS Veritas and has been labeled as a key figure for Valoru in HCO. The Caitian may just serve as a mentor in the Helm, Navigation, and Operations areas, having served a good portion of his career in the areas as well.

German Galven [friend] - Quirky German Galven annoyed Valoru at times, but has been a good friend in welcoming him on board and being there for the crew on missions.

Sky Blake [friend] - The security officer Sky Blake seems to be a fellow martial artist, which makes sense as the chief of her department. But the melee sparring her and Val had might just be a healthy training dose for the both of them.

Jalana Rajel [former CO] - The CO of the USS Constitution-B, Jalana Rajel swiftly became Valoru's first assignment in a way, having to play the bodyguard role aboard the SS Medina Ascending. Jalana could very well have taken care of herself, but Valoru was there to lend a hand - or a neck, as it were. His first stint on the Conny, though, gave him great respect for her commanding officer.

Personal Record

Andoria Above and Below Surface

From a young age, Valoru was always trained in combat. It was not necessarily the common thing for his town or his family, but it was what he wanted and his parents provided. He served in local and global protection services (police, etc) before leaving Andoria for more study of martial arts. He studied with the Klingons, the Vulcans, and Humans for a variety of martial arts skills

He had floated in the galaxy getting trained and doing odd bodyguard jobs where possible. He eventually turned to mercenary work, but tried to stay clear of less-than-favorable dealings (he mainly worked for Federation entities and businesses).

Valoru eventually settled down on a small outpost and began working more closely with Starfleet. He received basic training - more like sailed through it - and then was given an honorarium from his homeworld for all he had done in protection of the innocent and Andorians and the Federation. These formative years on the Starfleet Outpost made him a better person by far.

The Andorian oddly enough studied Operations in Starfleet, even though he was a keen martial weapon. This was driven by his work with the command officers on the Outpost and the strategy and logistics work he did therein. He was eventually sent to Starbase 118 for his Academy Cadet Cruise.

Personal History
Dates Location Notes
2376 - 2379 Andor Andorian Academy
2379 - 2380 Ty'Gokor Klingon mok'bara training
2380 Regulus Vulcan Suus Mahna training
2381 - 2383 Sol System Training in various Human martial arts (Tai Chi, Aikido, Taikwondo)
2383 - 2388 Outpost 234 Civilian Security
2388 - 2392 Starfleet Academy Comm/Ops Major, Security Minor, Helm/Nav Minor
2392 - 2395 Andor Enforcement Agent

Service Record

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 239207.13 Graduated Starfleet Academy USS Centris-A
Ensign 239207.13 - 239208.20 Security Officer USS Constitution-B
Ensign 239208.20 - 239210.19 Communications/Operations Officer USS Constitution-B
Civilian Agent 239210 - 239508 Andorian Enforcement Agent Andor
Ensign 239508.14 - Present Helm/Navigation Officer USS Veritas

Communications and Operations
Commissioned on 239207.13
Andrus Jaxx Chen
Academy Commandant
Starfleet Academy
Training Officer
Starbase 118 Campus

Mission Listing

Mission Ship and Position Dates Key Posts
Medina_Ascending_(Constitution) USS Constitution-B, Security Officer 239206.23 - 239208.24 Holodeck Fun (Flashback), Secondary Reason for a Visit, As of tomorrow (follow-up to Secondary Reason), Exercise (backsim)
Hope_Lost_(Veritas) USS Veritas, Helm/Navigation Officer 2395 - 239510.21 One of the New Faces, Through the ropes, part 1 part 2 part 3, Blue Ninja does ninja stuff, Queen discussion, part 1 part 2 (Rosek) part 3 (Galven/Queen) part 4
Flashpoint_(Veritas) USS Veritas, Helm/Navigation Officer 239511.01 - Present TBD...


Veritas Player Achievements

It's all in the details
Friends in high places
Penny for your thoughts
A face for the name
On the road again
Data hound
What's up, doc?
It takes two
Mining caste

OOC Attribution

The following entities have attribution worth noting:

  • Current Avatar (Valoru2.png) courtesy of User:Jalana
  • Veritas Banner image courtesy of User:Sky_Blake
  • Worf martial arts image courtesy CBS/Paramount [1]
  • Andorian image is mostly original using Star Trek Online resources

NPC Listing   ·   USS Veritas Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Roshanara Rahman
First Officer
Sky Blake
Physician Assistant
Ikaia Wong
Ship's Counselor
Katy Toliver
Science Officer
Zhanyt Lafizatar
Science Officer
2O/Chief Engineer
Wil Ukinix
Engineering Officer
Scotty Reade
Operations Officer
Hannibal Parker
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Lilith Thorne
Dipolmatic Corps
Jansen Orrey
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