German Galven/Service History

Lieutenant JG German Galven
LTJG German.png
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons WarWithBorg 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Captain's Commendation
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon
Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal
Prisoner of War Ribbon
Good Conduct Ribbon
Explorer's Ribbon
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon


Current Posting: Science Officer
Current Assignment: USS Veritas
Species: Denobulan
Telepathic Status: T0/E0
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Height: 5’11
Weight: 175 lbs
Build: Average
Hair Color: Dark Brown & Pepper
Hair Length: Short
Eye Color: Hazel
Place of Birth: Denobula
Marital Status: Single






  • Rank: Ensign
  • Duty Post: Science Officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain Roshanara Rahman
  • Stardates: 239507.21 - 239510.31
The Omega moleculue.
Veritas VII Poster

The Omega Paradox

Act II

Ensign German Galven was requested per Acting Captain Evan Delano to report to him in the Briefing Room. During a brief meeting, Lt Cmdr Delano and Ensign Galven went to Engineering because security had captured a Borg drone trying to get hack into a conduit. Although, the drone was unsuccessful because of a weak connection to The Collective. Lt Cmdr Delano and Ensign Galven tried to talk with the drone, who's designated number was Three of Ten, and through Galven's modified headset, he was able to get through to her mind.

Lt Cmdr Delano had to go to the Bridge to deal with the rest of the crew in order to get back to the present. Before he went, he made sure to order Ensign Galven to disconnect the drone from The Collective. His PADD picked up that neither Three of Ten or The Collective were responding as medical officers Ensign J'vreh and Lt Cmdr Dassa Alexander came to provide medical attention to the drone once she was back to full consciousness as a human female. Ensign Galven deactivated the drone using a virus to sever the connection to the Collective's Hive Mind.


Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation 239509.01
USS Veritas
Awarded by Commander Evan Delano for helping to liberate Mary Audron from the Borg Collective and eliminating the Borg threat both on and off the ship in The Omega Paradox
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon 239509.01
USS Veritas
Awarded by Commander Evan Delano for participation in The Omega Paradox
Awards ServiceRibbons WarWithBorg 2011.jpg
Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal 239509.01
USS Veritas
Awarded by Commander Evan Delano for participation in The Omega Paradox

Veritas VIII Poster

Hope Lost

Act I

Captain Roshanara Rahman receives orders to help the colonists at Havley's Hope search for a group of missing miners. She informs all the senior officers to report to the briefing room. Due to the amount of ground to cover, there are three teams assigned. Commander Mei'konda's team would go and speak with general manager Starit Proz about the disappearances. Lieutenant Commander Lael Rosek's team would be investigating the disappearance site, and Team 3 led by Commander Evan Delano's team would be looking into the questioning of witnesses, investigating homes and so forth.

Act II

While Lt. Commander Rosek's team is investigating the last known locations of the missing miners, they get attacked by the creatures and are kidnapped. Ensign German Galven is injured by a mine collapse while saving Lt. Commander Rosek. With some group effort, German survives his wounds. Ensign Valoru attacks a guard while Rosek is away dealing with negotiations with the Queen. His efforts prove worthwhile as he manages to grab a phaser rife from the unconscious guard.

When the Queen finds out what Valoru did, she orders her guards to go get him. While he's away, Ensign Galven, Doctor Skyfire, Lt. Commander Moonsong, and Crewman Shandres figure out a way to get a signal back to the ship by using the doctor's EARS device. When Rosek and Valoru are taken back, a much needed signal boost is added by modifying the phaser rifle and it is successful.


After Lt. Commander Rosek's team is safely back on board the ship, Captain Rahman decides to make contact with Tk'Ton, a forager, and makes 2 teams. One that stays aboard the ship while her team goes to the surface and have peace talks with the newly discovered species. After some tense negotiations, she is successful and Tk'Ton goes and speaks with her own.

While on the Bridge, Mei'konda and his team search for any type of information regarding the what was taking place under the surface of the planet all the while keeping a watchful eye over Rahman's teams meeting with the species. They found a thoron field under Proz's facility that had several life forms. It was found out that Proz was keeping Orion women as services for him and his men. He was arrested for sentient trafficking among other things to be determined.


Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Prisoner of War Ribbon 239510.27
USS Veritas
Awarded to an individual who has been taken prisoner.
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon 239510.27
USS Veritas
Awarded to an individual who shows conspicuous gallantry in the line of duty.
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 239510.27
USS Veritas
Awarded to a member of Starfleet who participates in, and successfully completes, a mission where keeping the peace is the primary goal.
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon 23910.27
USS Veritas
awarded to an individual who participates in the discovery of a new planet, region, or species.


  • Rank: Lieutenant JG
  • Duty Post: Science Officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain Mei'konda
  • Stardates: 239510.31 - Present