Cadfael Peters

Revision as of 22:34, 13 March 2015 by Zephyr (talk | contribs) (corrected typo, graduation/graduate)

Lieutenant JG Cadfael Peters is currently serving as an engineer aboard the USS Darwin-A.

Lieutenant JG
Cadfael Peters
USS Darwin

Species: Human
Gender: Male

Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards General GenesisAward 2011.jpg
Awards General Neelix 2011.jpg
Awards General 1Year.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg

Genesis Badge
Neelix Award
1-year Member
Innovation Ribbon
Purple Heart
First Contact Ribbon
Explorer's Ribbon
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon


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  • Height: 5'11"
  • Weight: 75 kg
  • Hair: Dark Brown
  • Eyes: Dark Brown
  • Build: Muscular
  • Birthplace: Shrewsbury, England, Earth
  • Age: 35
  • DoB: 236701.01
  • Serial Number: CP - 000 - 981


  • Likes:
    • Andorian Ale. First exposed to it during his drink with Lt. Commander Sharpe, he's discovered he a lightweight. He'll want to sleep if he drinks a whole bottle by himself, if he doesn't land in sickbay first.
  • Dislikes:
    • Toothy smiles. Not a commentary against all Gorn, but when Nugra smiles at him with all teeth, it makes him nervous.
    • Formal dress parties. He doesn't like wearing the dress-whites and gets nervous around large groups of people. Looks for a convenient excuse to leave quickly.


During his time at Starfleet Academy, he was a bit of an isolationist. Since his graduation, he hasn't shared much about his background with anyone.

Ayiana Sevo

Ayiana Sevo

Ayiana Yorval, before she became joined to the Sevo symbiont, was a regular correspondent of Cadfael's during his time at the academy through the Cadet Cultural Exchange Subspace Friend program.. Little did he know that Fate had a sense of humor and put the two of them together on the same ship, the USS Victory; where they met face to face for the first time.

Peters: I used to hit the 602 every night, drinking beer, doing homework, and constantly checking my padd to see if you had responded to the most recent letter. Talking to you was the most correspondence I got that wasn’t class related. Distant friends seemed closer than anyone else… :: Pause. :: Or I should say, friend. I think you were the only one I had.
:: Ayiana seemed taken aback at Peters’ admittance.  ::
Sevo: I...had no idea you looked forward to them so much. Honestly I just saw it as an extracurricular assignment. You know - get to know other cultures and stuff. They really emphasized that on us since most of the students were Trill. Not many aliens with whom to intermingle.

During their second mission together, Cadfael had noticed how uncomfortable she was during the away mission due to the EVA suit. In the aftermath, he had a ruptured eardrum and she entered a coma. He sat by her side, and even put his favourite watch on her wrist, to let her know he was there.

When she woke up from a coma, she and Cadfael exchanged news of what happened after they returned from the mission. He told her of his promotion to chief followed by his subsequent hearing loss, and she returned his watch. In that same conversation, Cadfael had stated he was in love with her.

During the following mission, he left for an away team. Just as the Victory was needing its chief engineer, he was getting transferred to the USS Darwin-A and was not able to say good bye to her. It'll likely be eating at his mind for a long time.

Leland Bishop

Leland Bishop

His relationship to Leland Bishop is that for now, they are acquaintances. After an already bad day, he encountered Mr. Bishop outside the Back 40 and the two exchanged words. They struck up a possible beginning to a friendship during the awards dinner, and Leland offered to cook at some point for him and Ayiana.

Paul Sharpe


Friendship formed after their mission, during which time Cadfael used some ingenious engineering to bring the Sunak weapons online despite hearing loss. After the mission, he was promised a drink by the lieutenant commander. During that conversation, Cadfael discovered he likes Andorian Ale, but if left to his own devices he will either pass out from excess or land in sickbay if he doesn't have a drinking buddy.



Upon first meeting the Gorn captain, the human discovered he didn’t like toothy smiles because they made him nervous. Apparently, his performance during his first full mission was sufficient enough on the reports from several people to get the captain’s notice. Thus resulting in a random happenstance that got him promoted to chief engineer.


  • 236701.01: Born in Shrewsbury, England, Earth.
  • 238701.01: Applies to Starfleet Academy.
  • 238704.07: Cadet Cultural Exchange Subspace Friend Program (hereafter referred to as CCESFP) links him up with Trill Cadet Ayiana Yorval.
  • 239109.16:
    • Receives Ensign commission to the USS Victory as engineering officer.
    • Receives Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon.
    • Assigned to beta shift out of space dock.
  • 239109.30: Assigned to Alpha shift where he meets Ayiana Sevo for the first time face to face.
  • 239112.16: Sustained hearing loss in left ear because of ruptured eardrum.
  • 239201.07: Treated for hearing loss. See Medical Record.
  • 239201.09: Promoted to Chief Engineer.
  • 239201.25:
    • Promoted to Lieutenant JG and awarded ribbons by Commander Nugra.
      • Innovation Ribbon
      • Purple Heart
      • First Contact Ribbon
      • Explorer's Ribbon
  • 239202.23: Transfers to the USS Darwin-A as an engineer under Commander Renos.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Assignment
USS Victory
Ensign 239109.30 - 239201.07 Engineer
239201.07 - 239201.25 Chief Engineer
Junior Grade
239201.25 - 239202.23
USS Darwin-A
Lieutenant Junior Grade 239202.23 - Present Engineer

Victory Tour of Duty
Choices 239111.10 - 239201.05 What Happened At Luxix III 239202.01 - 239202.23
Darwin-A Tour Of Duty
The Lost Souls 239202.23 - Present TBA TBA

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Starfleet instructor.png Cadfael Peters Awards History Starfleet instructor.png

SIM Archive

See full Sim Archive


Primary Cast
Support Cast
Deck by Deck
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Varaan WIP.jpg
John Valdivia
Merrick R'Ven
Graeme Cook.png
Graeme Cook
Isabel Pond
Jora Kalis
Didrik Stennes
Ren Rennyn.png
Rendal Rennyn
Shayne, Randal.png
Randal Shayne
Nicu Icavoc
Kurt Logan
Emery Rhyn
Kael Thomas.png
Kael Thomas