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Par'tha Geography
Spatial Phenomena
Map of the Par'tha Expanse
JenatrisCloud.png Jenatris Cloud
RintaniNebula.jpg Rintani Nebula
Norlin Nebula.jpg Norlian Nebula
Jenatris Corridor Siiden Passage
K'tem Hyperlane
Planets and Systems
Freeworlds Planets
Expanse Sector Planets
Valcarian Planets
Points of Interest
Aelann Imperial Shipyards Midway Station
Jirissa Gardens Lastelle Island
Shemsh Valley.png Shemsh
OP89D.jpg Outpost Ganzera
Neighboring Regions
RSE Solerian Sector
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  • Planet Name: Oscion
  • Location: Par'tha Expanse
  • Class: O
  • System Data: Oscion has one moon
  • Gravity: 1.0 G
  • Year and Day: 343/27
  • Atmosphere: Nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere with ozone and carbon dioxide content, at Earth-normal pressure
  • Hydrosphere: Moist, with 93% surface water
  • Climate: Moderate and temperate
  • Sapient Species: 480 million, mostly Caraadians
  • Technological Classification: Rating N on the Richter Scale
  • Government: Aristocracy
  • Culture: Cosmopolitan
  • Affiliation: capital world, Par'tha Expanse Great Council
  • Resources: no natural resources, no exports; everything needs to be imported
  • Ship Facilities: Oscion has three orbiting stations to route traffic, with only modest repair facilities

Other Details: Oscion is a verdant world of warm oceans, and thousands of large islands of grassy plains and small woods. The weather is mild throughout most of the year along most of the island chains (except for those close to either pole). Though there is a rainy season along the equator which runs through most of the winter.

Par'tha Society

Par'tha Expanse

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Valda is Oscion's one proper continent. Located on the southern pole, it is pummeled by gale-force sub-zero winds through most of the year - when it isn't being buried by molten lava from the hundreds of active volcanoes seething across its surface. Needless to say, few people live there all year around, though numerous lodges dot the coast in areas least likely to be buried in volcanic ash. In the brief summer months, nobles and politicians travel here to hunt the elk-like ovin and to fish (or at least pretend to while hatching plots and alliances).

Large urban centers are built upon many of the islands. Many are private preserves owned by houses; residential zones for the house nobility when they stay on Oscion. Others are devoted to government or the service industries which surround government.

Politics: Oscion is the capital of the Par'tha Expanse, and has been since Kaen Tan chose it as the seat of his empire long ago. It is the center of official power in the Expanse, and the social trend-setter for the Expanse and the Freeworlds Region.

The Great Council, Senate, and lesser sector governmental bodies meet on Oscion, and most of the sector's senior rulers live here at least part of the year. The Imperial Grand Governor maintains his official residence here as well, though he is as likely to be on Aelann or Yrocyn as in his offices.

Oscion has a small care-taker government which maintains police protection, and such services as power and water desalination (natural fresh water is rare on Oscion). Larger issues, such as global defense, taxation, and tariffs are decided by whatever house or coalition dominates in sector affairs. Currently, Houses Larokon, Barahn, and Beruna hold the ruling coalition.

Culture: Oscion culture is dominated by politics. Everywhere one goes, one sees statues, marble halls, great shining spires, and noble museums that serve as a constant reminder of Par'tha's great glories.

By ancient tradition, Oscion is neutral territory - no house quarrel or feud can be pursued through violent means while on the capital world. This means no duels, no poisonings, and no assassinations (even common fist fights among nobles are frowned upon here, and may mean social ostracism for weeks or months for the participants).

This edict is strictly observed, and woe to the noble who violates it - his own house may disown him. In a sector where house relations are so delicate, no one can afford to have government disrupted by blood feuds and house wars. Of course, there are those who break the taboo, but they take extreme care to avoid detection.

Oscion is the political center of the sector all year around, but for the four summer months of capital season, it becomes the social epicenter as well. During these months, the entire planet becomes little more than a playground for the Par'tha nobility - who descend on its many palaces, resorts, fine restaurants, balls, and casinos. Of course, those with more have more to lose, and there are dangers which lie in wait behind the glittering façade for the unwary or careless noble.

Non-nobles visiting Oscion during capital season will find it difficult to obtain rooms in good hotels, reservations in the better restaurants, and so on. Nobles get the first of everything in the Par'tha Expanse, but especially during capital season when the planet's luxury resources are stretched to the limit.

Economy: Again, Oscion's lifeblood is politics - and it has no other significant export. In addition to the expatriate community, the planet has a sizable native population, mostly made up of people who contribute to the many service industries which support the government - consultant companies, cleaning services, entertainment centers, and so on. Directly or indirectly, the whole world is funded almost exclusively through taxes.

Points of Interest: The Great Council is located on Lastelle Island, one of the larger islands in the southern hemisphere. Nearly the entire island is dedicated to the Council, the Senate, and various committees. Lastelle is a beautiful city built in the ancient Caraadian style of domed towers and temples. The island is networked with canals, which serve as an inefficient but elegant method of getting around.

The Jirissa Gardens on Malak Island are owned by House Rettaan, and is very popular during capital season.

There is good hunting and fishing to be had on Valda during the summer, if the festivities of capital season begin to become tiresome. Privacy is a much-valued commodity on Valda. Groups happening upon one another are expected to steer well clear unless there is some evidence of distress on the part of one party. Those ignoring this custom will likely be coldly invited to move on, though there is always the risk of being shot at by spooked bodyguards, especially if there is someone particularly important in the other party.