User:Robin Hopper/sandbox

Family Members [Click to show/hide]
Melissa Hopper
  • Relationship: Birth Mother
  • Age: 64 years
  • Retired FDC Diplomat, Earth

Born in Oregon, USA, on Earth, Melissa Hopper was drawn to space at a young age. She had an aptitude for languages, communication, and politics, and brought those strengths with her to the Federation Diplomatic Corps, in which she served for several years as a staffer before becoming an Envoy. Her placement was at the Federation Embassy on Alpha Centauri IV, also known as Velestus by the Centaurans. It was there that she met her future wife, Ansyra, who worked on interplanetary projects as a terraforming expert.

Several years later, the two married and decided to seek out a quieter life - eventually settling on Theta VII, an old frontier mining and agricultural world, where they oversaw the operations of a large high-tech hydroponic farm estate. There, with some help from 24th century medicine, they also had their two children. Melissa carried Robin and Ansyra carried Kerilyn. The two have always joked about that fact that each sister seemed to take more after their non-birth mothers.

Ansyra Hopper
  • Relationship: Mother
  • Age: 90 years
  • Retired Artist & Terraformer, Velestus

Originally from Velestus (Alpha Centauri IV), Ansyra spent much of her younger days as a professional artist before discovering terraforming later in life, springing from her long-term hobby: gardening. Her work centered around consulting on balancing aesthetic and biological considerations in world-planning initiatives. This work eventually led her to the Federation Embassy, where she joined an interplanetary team of consultants based out of Velestus - a world known for its skilled terraformers.

Eventually, she met Melissa Hopper, who worked as an Diplomatic Corps Envoy at the Embassy. The two would eventually marry and settle down together, choosing to move to the less-intense setting of Theta VII to start their family.

Ansyra's private Centauran name is Kalitikne.

Kerilyn "Keri" Hopper
  • Relationship: Sister
  • Age: 23 years
  • Politics Student (Tellar Prime University) & FDC Intern, Theta VII

When Robin was six years old, her mothers decided they wanted to have a second child. At first outraged by their decision, Robin came around to it eventually - around the time Keri turned three. At that point, Robin decided she was cute enough to be accepted into the family. The two would feud again later, when Robin was in her teenage years, which Keri once described as "exceptionally stupid and awkward". Since then, the two have worked things out (mostly), with Robin attributing much of their improved relationship to the long time she's spent away from home while studying, citing the old adage that 'absence makes the heart grow fonder.'

Keri is currently studying Politics and History at university on Tellar Prime.

Keri's private Centauran name is Zoirana.

Phoenyra Keox
  • Relationship: Grandmother
  • Age: 150 years
  • Scientist, Velestus

Growing up, Robin always idolized her grandmother as a personal hero. While she didn't fully comprehend Phoenyra's work as a child, she did understand that her grandmother was some sort of scientist and was involved in biological studies and, subsequently, holographic technology development.

Phoenyra lives on Velestus, where she is still affiliated with ongoing research into biological integrations with holographic environments at the Keox Conservatory[1] - an institution named in honour of her accomplishments within the field.

Phoenyra was part of the Centauran-led team that developed the modern Federation Holodeck in the mid-24th century, following up and improving on decades of work into the earlier "Rec Room" technologies, in order to recreate more immersive and lifelike simulated environments.

Closest Relationships [Click to show/hide]
Nathan Richards
  • Character Page
  • Relationship: Dating, Close Friends
  • Nickname(s): Nate, Lover Boy
  • Starfleet Officer (Operations), Amity Outpost

As in most great relationships, Robin and Nate first connected over coffee and legacy computer operating systems. Working together on the "franken-shuttle" Targhee project, the attraction between the two was immediate and it didn't take long before they tried their luck on a date - however, they quickly determined that their relationship goals were incompatible. Over the following year, the two of them agreed to cool things down and and remain friends. During that time of immense struggle, Robin still found Nathan to be an honest, reliable, and genuine friend - and the two of them would come to each others' aid repeatedly, both during missions and throughout their personal lives.

Working and playing together, their commitment to remaining 'just friends' was tested over and over as they did their best to enjoy mutual distractions. Following a desperate kiss during a particularly harrowing experience in the Mirror Universe, Robin and Nate talked things over and decided to, once again, explore their mutual romantic interest more openly and are currently trying to keep their "situationship" on the down-low (with somewhat dubious success).

Ikaia Wong
  • Character Page
  • Relationship: Academy Buddies, Colleagues
  • Starfleet Officer (Medical), Amity Outpost

Despite their mutual disinterest in violence, Ikaia and Robin met buddying up during a Small Weapons Combat class at the Academy - at the recommendation of their mutual friend, Alieth. While they were never quite as close with each other as they were with their Vulcan compatriot, the two still enjoyed each others' company. Robin was thrilled when she learned that he too had been posted to Amity Outpost when her transfer was confirmed, and she made certain to visit him in the station's Medical Center shortly after her arrival. Since they've begun working together, the two have spent more time getting to know each other and they've become quite close.

Alieth profile ltcmmdr2.png

Robin and Alieth could hardly be more different people - but that didn't stop them from becoming fast friends while attending Starfleet Academy together in San Francisco. While Alieth majored in Medicine and Robin in Physics, the two had numerous overlapping science-based classes. Rather than clashing, despite their apparent differences, they managed to find compliment and compromise, and Robin remains fond of Alieth to this day (though they haven't kept up contact as well as she'd like!)

Keehani Ukinix
  • Character Page
  • Relationship: Close Friends
  • FDC Diplomat (Envoy), Amity Outpost

Meeting after Robin's transfer to Amity Outpost, the two women at first had a pleasant, yet wholly-professional relationship - each respecting the others' enthusiasm and work ethic. Over time, it became apparent they shared a few common interests (including mystery literature) and the two decided to spend more time getting to know each other socially and found they had an easy chemistry. At first, Keehani was - unbeknownst to Robin - slightly smitten, but when it became clear that she wasn't Robin's type, she easily moved on from the notion and the two have continued to enjoy each others' platonic company.

Good Friends [Click to show/hide]
Rivi Vataix
  • Character Page
  • Relationship: Commanding Officer & Friend
  • FDC Ambassador, Amity Outpost

While they may have met under unusual circumstances, the two have hit it off straight away and Robin looks forward to getting to know her CO better! After attending dinner at the Vataix residence, Robin was convinced to find an apartment in the Beijing District - a fortuitous turn of events. Not long after, both Rivi and Robin were the only two unaffected by a malicious alteration to the timeline and, from an alternate reality, were able to restore the timeline to its prior state.

Wil Ukinix
  • Character Page
  • Relationship: First Officer & Friend
  • Starfleet Officer (Command), Amity OutpostThe two met and served together during a tense mission to Idrustix. A bit confused about the fact that there were two Wil Ukinix's aboard when she came to Amity, Robin nonetheless has found the man to be a solid and personable leader. She looks forward to getting to know him better and see what she can learn from him.
  • Character Page
  • Relationship: Colleague & Friend
  • Starfleet Officer (Helm/Com/Ops), Away on Leave

During a tense first mission (for Robin, her first aboard Amity) on Idrustix, Robin and S'Raga got to know one another and quickly developed a rapport. When S'Raga was injured, Robin came to his aid - stabilizing him until he was able to receive more attention post-mission. Later, S'Raga would help Robin find her apartment. Hopper thinks S'Raga is a sweet, lovely, and interesting person who she wants to continue spending her time with.

John Carter
  • Character Page
  • Relationship: Colleague & Friend
  • Starfleet Officer (Counseling), Amity Outpost

John is Robin's Counselor and the two of them hit it off during their first session (which Robin describes as more of a friendly 'chat'). While she doesn't know him well yet, they've discussed the possibility of meeting up for a workout and Robin intends to invite him to her eventual housewarming party.

Bec Iko
  • Character Page
  • Relationship: Colleague & Friend
  • Starfleet Officer (Security/Tactical), Amity OutpostWhile the two haven't spent much time working together yet, Robin instantly liked Bec's open and in-your-face personality. Spending some time together in Peace Park, Robin was reminded of her sister, Keri - which she swear she means in the most complimentary way possible! She looks forward to getting to know the young Security Officer better.
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Cassian Iovianus
  • Character Page
  • Relationship: Colleague & Friend
  • Starfleet Officer (Security/Tactical), Amity OutpostWhile Robin doesn't know the mysterious Magna Roman well yet, she wants to - as she's convinced he must be the most interesting person on Amity Outpost. Iovianus also oversaw a firearms/weapon training session that Robin requested.
Scotty Reade
  • Character Page
  • Relationship: Colleague & Friend
  • Starfleet Officer (Operations), Amity Outpost

While the two haven't spent much time working together yet, Robin is very grateful for Scotty's assistance installing holo-emitters in her apartment (a special request) and appreciates his focused work ethic. She looks forward to getting to know him, and his partner, Evelyn, better as time goes on.

Other Relationships [Click to show/hide]
Talos Dakora

After meeting out-of-uniform in a civilian establishment on Amity and, subsequently, having an intimate rendezvous which neither of them anticipated going anywhere both Robin and Talos were surprised to find themselves working together on a special project for the Sixth House of Betazed. During this work, they determined that Talos was a Noble Son of the Sixth House by birth - and that they would stick with their original inclination and not continue to see one another. Robin may not know it, but this outcome left Talos unexpectedly shaken.

Robin would subsequently be shaken when, during a mission into the alternate universe known colloquially as the "Mirror Universe", she learned that her alternate self (Raven Hopper) was, in fact, married to that universe's Talos (Talos Dakora - Mirror).


Kivik, now the Chief Science Officer aboard the Kitty Hawk, was Robin's predecessor on Amity. The two of them worked together briefly during the transition period. The two Science Officers also served together during an ill-fated mission on Idrustix, during which Robin appreciated Kivik's cool head.

Tidrid Vataix
  • Character Page
  • Relationship: Acquaintance
  • Civilian, Amity OutpostDESCRIPTION
Addison MacKenzie
  • Relationship: Former Commanding Officer & Inspirational Figure
  • Starfleet Officer (Command), USS Wall Street

Andorian Captain of the USS Wall Street who Robin described as "running a tight ship".

  • Relationship: Former Department Head & Inspirational Figure
  • Starfleet Officer (Science), USS Wall StreetRobin's described Trisha - the Chief Science Officer on the USS Wall Street - as a mentor figure and friend.
Egan Retel
  • Relationship: Colleague & Former Romantic Partner
  • Starfleet Officer (Operations), USS Wall StreetA Betazoid Ops Officer whom Robin dated briefly. She described him as sweet, sensitive, and rather timid.