Calavar IV

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Par'tha Geography
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Map of the Par'tha Expanse
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RintaniNebula.jpg Rintani Nebula
Norlin Nebula.jpg Norlian Nebula
Jenatris Corridor Siiden Passage
K'tem Hyperlane
Planets and Systems
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Aelann Imperial Shipyards Midway Station
Jirissa Gardens Lastelle Island
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  • Planet Name: Calavar IV
  • Location: Par'tha Expanse
  • Class: M
  • System Data: Calavar IV has one moon
  • Gravity: 0.99 G
  • Year and Day: 377/23
  • Atmosphere: Nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere with ozone and carbon dioxide content, at Earth-normal pressure
  • Hydrosphere: Moderate, with 70% surface water
  • Climate: Moderate and temperate
  • Sapient Species: 4.5 million, mostly Cullum and Caraadians
  • Technological Classification: Rating N on the Richter Scale
  • Government: Participatory Democracy
  • Culture: Cosmopolitan
  • Affiliation: Freeworlds Region Council member
  • Resources: Ukia wood, tourism, foodstuffs
  • Ship Facilities: Calavar IV has four major starports

Other Details: Calavar IV is a temperate world with four continents. The continents consist of rolling plains, deep forests, and weathered, low mountains. The world was settled - and then deserted - thousands of years ago by a Senali trading empire, long before humans came to this area of space. It was rediscovered and settled by Cullum traders only a few decades before the first Caraadian survey ships entered the system. Today, Calavar is a cosmopolitan planet with large Cullum and Caraadian populations.

Most cities are divided into separate Cullum and humanoid zones, primarily because the size differences between the two makes living in the same communities impractical; Cullum require much bigger homes, furniture, transports, and so on than do humanoids.

The capital of the planet, Yaga City, is a metropolitan sprawl located near the equator. Yaga City is composed of several districts, including the concerto district, theatre district, and a shopping and restaurant district. Cullum and humanoids mix much more in Yaga City than in most other communities.

A Cullum mining company is based on Calavar's only moon. It doesn't produce much ore anymore - and has become a popular Cullum retreat.

Culture: The majority of Calavar citizens are Cullum, and the dominant culture is that of the Cullum; staid, sensible, and pacifistic. This is reflected in the government's position on compromise and appeasement over armed conflict. Calavar has good relations both with the Empire and the other Par'tha powers.

Because Cullum are so susceptible to it, gambling is illegal on Calavar. And not just a little illegal; penalties for gambling in the presence of a Cullum rival those for dealing in Flash (both involve life sentences).

There is some conflict between the Cullum and near-humans, because the cultures are so different. Many humanoids see the Cullum desire to avoid conflict as cowardly, while Cullum regard the human tendency to take stands and invite conflict inherently destabilizing. Fortunately, disagreements seldom get too heated.

The Shapan Alera Festival is an annual event which brings the biggest artists, actors, and musicians in the Expanse together for a week of revelry, parades, and the famous reenactments of traditional Calavar dramas and folk plays. During the festival, which envelops most of Yaga City, millions of tourists, celebrants, and professional party-goers from all over the region descend on the planet, creating a temporary but substantial economic boom for the entire planet.

Economy: Calavar's economy is stable but not spectacular. It derived a good bit of its income from the trade up and down the Kaen'anti Bypass. There are also quite a few trading companies who are based on Calavar; unlike most of the Freeworlds, Calavar is free of Mining Guild interference, and some companies prefer that sort of environment.

The Shapan Alera Festival is also an important source of credits. During the festival, local merchants triple prices on food, lodging, and souvenirs, and the government institutes many temporary tariffs.

Calavar has an active manufacturing industry based on the bountiful ukia wood forests. The forests are logged, and then reseeded to insure ample supply for the future. The wood is dark and extremely dense - perfect for sculpture, furniture, and even weapons.

Points of Interest: Some contemporary cities are built up near the ancient Senali settlements. Numerous Cullum archaeologists comb the ruins, looking for traces of the long-dead society. There is some popular speculation that the ancient Senali were more technologically advanced than the current inhabitants, but no one has brought forth any real proof of this as of yet.

Despite strict edicts against unauthorized digging in the ruins (enforced by rangers posted at he perimeters), artifact hunters and smugglers occasionally embark on secret expeditions in search of technological wonders and old-fashioned booty.