Information Control and Classification/Information Security

< Information Control and Classification
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1.0 Information Security

Information security covers the practice of keeping information secret that could be harmful, the control of dissemination of restricted information, and controlling access and use. The primary method this document examines to achieve information security is security classifications. There are more methods (such as controlling physical access.)

1.1 Basic Classifications

The classifications are as follows

  • Unclassified - No restrictions on information release at all. This information is widely available to anyone who asks. (How a warp core works - the science level. I.E Warp Theory)
  • Restricted - This information is generally available to a set of specified personnell - in many cases, restricted information is the physical implementation of a unclassified theory. (Example: Enlisted personnel in Starfleet have a Restricted clearance - they know the specifics of how the warp core works and is integrated into the systems.) However, it is not publically available. Most information generated by characters will be Restricted.
  • Secret - Secret information is information that could harm the Federation if given out to enemies, used improperly or poses an risk to Federation civilians. This information is restricted to specific personnel - and typically, are read into the program. (Example: the physicals of how the Quantum Slipstream Drive integrates into Starfleet Deflectors. The history of how we acquired the QSD is also more than likely still classified as Secret by Starfleet Command. Essentially, any post 2380's technology Voyager produced would be rated Secret as how it works and where it was acquired.). There are several times where characters will generate Secret information - but think twice about applying this. Secret classification should be used sparingly. In many cases, Secret information may be withheld from people even with Top Secret clearances if they are not read into the program. Dissemination Limiters begin to see usage here. Any temporal incident not released by the DTI or obviously cannot be classified should be considered Secret
  • Top Secret - Top Secret information is information that will harm the Federation's interests. Generally, Top Secret is subdivided into special access programs. A blank Top Secret clearance would let you know certain programs exist but wouldn't tell you anything about them. People are read into Top Secret programs only as required. An important note is that there are several Top Secret programs that even someone with a Top Secret clearance would know. Just because you have the clearance doesn't mean that many people would know all that is under this classification. Almost any information Top Secret will be stamped with other dissemination limiters. Generally, not even the CO will know it. An example is the Omega Protocol, which not even COs of ships know. This is a very need to know basis.
  • Most Secret - A rumored classification, but not one that officially exists. If it DID exist however, Section 31 might fall under it.. (OOC Note: This is also conspiracy theory territory. Please do not use this. It's added just as a thing that is a popular rumour.)

1.2 Dissemination Limiters

Even with the above classification, information may be desired for specific classes of personnel, allies or planetary governments. In these situations, additional limiters will appear on the information, immediately following the broad classification principle (i.e //RESTRICTED//FOUO//)

  • For Official Use Only (FOUO): Information here is strictly meant for use by law enforcement, planetary governments, or allies. This information generally is not critical. (Example: Law enforcement bulletins. Information that one must request if it has no attached classification principle. The Federation has processes to release and manage it. Note: Ongoing investigations are by default //RESTRICTED//FOUO - which is NOT automatically released, and not generally released at all.)
  • No Foreign Nationals (NOFORN) : Information tagged this CANNOT be released to citizens who aren't part of the Federation. (Example: Information the Federation does not want being exported to other star nations, but is commonly available in the Federation. Anything tagged NOFORN will also be tagged //RESTRICTED, and will remain so unless relations with that other star nation are reconsidered.)
  • Core Federation Only (COREFED): Information tagged this is not to be released to planetary governments or ambassadors unless it's a need-to-know. (Example: Needed.)
  • Not for Public Release (NOPUB): Information tagged this is for eyes-only, not to be released. This information must not be above Restricted. (Because anything above Restricted shouldn't be released anyway.) (Example: Needed.)
  • Release to <> (REL TO ): Information that can be released to a specific stellar nation. Such as the Klingon Empire (usually KLIN), Romulan Star Empire (RSE), Cardassian Union (CAR), for examples. (If it's tagged //COREFED// there may be //COREFED//REL TO VULCAN - for something that only Vulcan needs to know, as an example.)
  • THAR: Outdated, but during the Dominion War, anything being released to alliance partners was tagged //THAR// (three arrows - Romulan, Klingon, Federation). Older variants of this include TWAR - two arrows.
  • Code Black' (CDBLK): Information titled Code Black is not to be kept on the main computer of a starship and is limited to the only those involved and the Chief or Deputy Chief of Starfleet Intelligence. Once CDBLK is invoked, the mission is to be aborted if at all possible.

1.3 Special Access Programs

There are projects or intelligence that needs to be restricted even further for various reasons. Examples include the development of new ship classes, the intelligence gathered by covert listening posts, and ongoing infiltrations of criminal groups. These programs are given codenames, and are all considered Top Secret until declassified. (Examples: The Sovereign class development project was at the time Top Secret Project Sovereign but referred to in any documentation as NOPEBADGER. Currently, it is considered unclassified. However, the project for a new class of ship, referred to as TIGERRUN, is considered Top Secret.) An example (from the Sovereign-class project) is: //TOPSECRET//xNOPEBADGER.
Ongoing Projects:

  • DISCONNECT - Top Secret. This deals with specifics of Borg nanotech, engagements, structure, locations, sightings - anything to do with Borg.
  • OMEGA - Top Secret. ANYTHING to do with Omega is in this project.
  • JAGURARSCREAM - Top Secret. Any temporal artifacts and their locations.

1.4 Examples of Information That Might Be Classified

Starfleet (and the Federation) have general guidelines as to what types of information is classified. In certain situations, other kinds of information might become classified, but situations outside the norm are generally also directives from Command.


  • Military Plans, Weapons Systems, Ongoing Operations
  • Information gathered on Foreign Governments
  • Intelligence Method, Activities, Sources, Cryptology.
  • Foreign Relations/Activities of the Federation (including confidential sources)
  • Scientific, Technologic or Economic Matters directly relating to Federation security (may include defense against threats that are more than Federation wide, although generally, the Federation tries to share information)
  • Programs for safeguarding antimatter facilities - such as deuterium and anti-deuterium manufacturing facilities.
  • Vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, infrastructures, projects or plans, or protection services relating to Federation security, which includes defense against galactic threats;
  • Weapons of mass destruction

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