Mandany Rose/Personal Logs

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The Personal Logs of Ensign Mandany Rose, Counselor Starbase 118

Starbase 118

Dany, standing.jpg

Mandany Rose


  • Gender: Female
  • Position: Counselor
  • Ship: USS Excalibur-A
  • Rank: Lieutenant, Junior Grade


Personnel File

Personal Log

Counselor's Log

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Stardate 201308.03

Dear Computer,

A word to summarize the first full day of my life on Starbase 118: tiring.

I came back to the starbase at the start of a crisis. At first it was a welcome change from the boring dregs of politics and law that I had to deal with during the previous week with the trial on Earth (it was too boring to go into here again). I could never be a lawyer. With luck I’ll never have to be a judge. Maybe with time that’ll change. Time changes everything eventually.

The freighter the Astrolabe docked with SB118 for repairs. Then it exploded. Evidentially.

I spent most of the morning cleaning and moving junk from the suite assigned to the counseling department located in Tower Seven. Counselor Chibitsu and I had Commander Breeman fix the lights and a few other things.

The engineer seemed to appreciate the break from the chaos. I’m glad because I’m a poor hand with a screwdriver.

I was briefly assigned as liaison to her captain, Mimgar. A Benzite with a bad attitude I originally thought, but that turned out to be completely false as I found out early this morning. More on that later.

Computer, pause.

Dany got up and paced her office. She stared at her mother’s painting of El-Auria for a long minute. Connections. The universe was connected in so many ways and in the most unlikeliest of places. Mimgar was one of those. She sighed.

Resume log.

More on that now. I’m not going to do a blow by blow account of my day. If you’re reading this I refer you to the official log for details.

I want it known I consider Mimgar kin. I also want it known I consider him this for our shared experience of Cardassian prison, torture, and other unsavory events during the Dominion war. I also want the record, this personal record, to show that I commend what he did in light of that experience he had. I wish I weren’t so proper, so Vulcan, to be unable to take such actions on my own.

But time changes everything, like I said.

Oh, and I hallucinated Terani.

End log.

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Gogigobo Fairhug Commander.png
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Wyn Foster.jpg
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
LT Madison Marsh.png
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Sasch Trek.png
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Theo Whittaker Captain.png
Capt. of Engineering
Theo Whittaker
Corey Wethern Ensign.png
Corey Wethern
Ryden Kel.png
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Vitor Tito LT Science.png
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
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