Danny Wilde

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Lieutenant Commander Danny Wilde is currently a Deck Officer aboard the USS Ronin.

Danny is an extremely proud person, and has some trouble understanding the balance between duty and personal time, but does have a sense of humour. He is usually seen walking hastily around the corridors of the ship trying to complete his work. He is a strict, disciplined person with Security constantly on his mind and likes to think he has a lot of authority. He values loyalty and duty over many things, but knows where his heart is kept. It is known that he can be sometimes patronising but it is because of his upbringing that he doesn't like to fraternise. He tries to be the 'perfect' officer, but usually makes errors of judgement leading to him acknowledging his own flaws and thus making him a better person, and Starfleet officer.


  • Full Name: Danny Wilde
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Race: Terran
  • Date of Birth: Stardate 235602.14
  • Place of Birth: London, Earth
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: 0


  • Height: 6' 0"
  • Weight:
  • Hair Color: Light Brown
  • Eye Color: Blue


  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Sidney Wilde - Starfleet Merchant
    • Mother: Joanna Wilde - Federation Diplomatic Liaison
  • Siblings: Sister, Commander Amber Wilde


Danny grew up in the pleasant suburbs of London. His sister was an officer in Starfleet and was presumed missing after the Changeling Threat on Earth. Despite his best efforts to find her, she was gone. Danny tries his best to live up his families expectations of a Starfleet officer, since they have already lost a daughter through their involvement in Starfleet. Note: Commander Wilde rescued from Cardassian prison after SFI ordered her release via actions taken by Lt. Wilde under SFI's command.

Danny joined Stafleet Academy and was posted to the USS Constitution as a Security Officer. Assigned to the USS Pheonix as Assistant Chief of Security. Transfered to USS Independance after the promotion of his Captain with the position of Chief of Security.

USS Constitution - T'lithian Mission

USS Phoenix-C: Cardassia Prime Mission. Caught in explosion.

USS Independence:

  1. 237910.3 - Serpentai Mission. Held captive by Trill Symbiont Brokers.
  2. 238001.11 - Joint Mission with USS Kodiak: Badlands Mission. Caught in Temporal Stasis Bubble. Reprimand placed in folder for withholding personal medical information in order to join away team.
  3. 238005.4 - Mirror Universe Mission: Fought with Mirror Double.
  4. 238007.28 - Crew reassigned to Midway Repair Facility: Promoted to Acting CoS of Station.
  5. 238008.02 - Crew transfered to USS Grendel in pursuit of rogue vessel USS Trillium - being commanded by its maniacal Artificial Intelligence hologram.
  6. 238011.05 - Joint Mission with the USS Steadfast. Assigned as Chief Tactical Officer.
  • Upon completion of the mission with the STEADFAST, crew of INDEPNDENCE reassigned to duty on Midway Repair Facility. Danny discovers his Acute Cellular Decay is terminal.
  1. 2381 - INDEPENDENCE investigates the spore like substance devouring Sabre class ship. Lt. Wilde is frozen in liquid nitrogen for the remainder of the mission.
  • Danny is cured of ACD via restricted Borg Technology on loan to him by Starfleet Intelligence.
  1. 238104.15 - INDEPENDENCE is sent to Q'onos to search for the missing 'Blood Wound' Aftefact.
  • 238104.15 - 238306.17 - Danny recruited by Starfleet Intelligence to carry out a series of missions. Details are classified but Lt. Wilde was allowed to return to active duty after their completion.
  1. 238307 - DEEP SPACE 17

Returns to acive duty on Deep Space 17 in Ithassa Region to help prepare the station for Gorn invasion. Is re-promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.

  1. 238401 - USS RONIN Transferred with Commander Mar to USS RONIN. Sent to Lememda IV to investigate the Eye of the Sun aftefact. Katalina Briyal resurfaces and is captured. Danny undergoes surgery for severe disruptor wound.
  • 238401.23 - Officially engaged to Commander Idril Mar.
  1. 23843.13 - DEEP SPACE 17: Whilst on Leave on the station, the Ronin crew were required to find certain missing persons which led them to a confrontation with their counterparts from an Alternate Universe, where one single event changed the lives of hundreds.
  2. 238404.23 - Joint leave with the crew of USS TRIUMPHANT to witness to wedding of Lt.jg Kassa Quay and Lt.jg Thompson Kirby.
  • Danny called back to Earth to be debfriefed on the knowledge of classified weapons during their last mission. He is temporarily replaced on the RONIN by Intelligence Operative Lieutenant Synak until further notice.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Ronin Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
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