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Hi there! I'm currently playing as Lia Rouiancet, CO of the USS Octavia E Butler. Most recently, you'll probably have known me as one of my many PCs, including Aron Kells, Niccolò del Vedova, Ossa V'Airu, Cassandra Egan Manno, Zalea Solzano, and Domane Mint. As those characters, I was the CO of the USS Thor, USS Za, USS Invicta, USS Garuda, and USS Mercury. If you've been around for a long while, you may remember my first PC, Lily Ventu. I've been with the group since 2005, including a couple of long-term LOAs and a few shorter ones.

Fleet Activities

I also am and have been involved in many activities around the fleet, including those listed below. At the moment (2401), I'm a member of both the Executive Council and the Captains Council, a sometimes-contributor to the Department of Veterans Affairs, and a grader for the exams for promotion to commander and captain.

Character Stable

My Personal Crew History
Command Division
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Dates Notes
Commanding Officers
Lia Rouiancet Capt.png
Lia Rouiancet 2397, 2401-Present
Current PC, CO of USS Octavia E Butler. Previously PC briefly aboard the USS Veritas, as operations officer. Has since been a PNPC strategic operations officer, first on the USS Thor and then on the USS Oumuamua.
Commodore Ossa.png
Ossa V'Airu 2399 to 2401
PC as CO of USS Oumuamua.
Aron Kells.png
Aron Kells 2388-2390, 2392-2393, 2397-2399
PC as CO (commander, captain, fleet captain, and commodore) of the USS Mercury, USS Invicta, and USS Thor. Also PC science officer on the USS Drake at ensign through commander.
Fleet Captain
Zalea Solzano.png
Zalea Solzano 2393
PC as CO (fleet captain) of the USS Za. Haven't checked in with her lately but she's probably still kicking around out there.
Rear Admiral
Cassandra Egan Manno 2390-2392
PC as CO (captain, fleet captain) of the USS Garuda. Now PNPC admiral who often assigns missions to USS Oumuamua.
Lily Ventu 2387
PC as CO (commander) of Starbase 118 Ops. Now a semi-regular PNPC who serves as Federation Secretary of the Exterior.
Other Previous PCs
Niccolò del Vedova 2396-2397
PC aboard the USS Veritas as chief medical officer. PNPC before that, from 2388, and has returned to PNPC since, before being semi-retired (for now).
Senior Chief Petty Officer
Domane Mint 2395
Very briefly PC aboard the USS Veritas as an R&D specialist. Now occasional PNPC.
Current & Recent PNPCs
Zimedia Nijal LT.png
Zimedia Nijal 2399 to present
Mission specialist and former engineering officer aboard the USS Oumuamua.
Lieutenant JG
Dime De Scheppes 2398 to present
Diplomatic specialist aboard the USS Oumuamua, formerly the same on the USS Thor.
Tenna emond.jpg
Tenna Emond 2398 to present
Science officer aboard the USS Oumuamua, formerly the same on the USS Thor.

Award History

Awards Staff StaffMemberOfTheYearMedal 2011.jpg
Awards Staff PikePendantMedal 2011.jpg
Awards Staff KirkCrossMedal 2011.jpg
Awards Staff SarekStarMedal 2011.jpg
Awards Staff JanewayMedal 2011.jpg
Awards DutyPost ValiantHeartAward 2011.jpg
Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
Awards General SilverPalm 2011.jpg

Former Ships

This one's just for fun. I've simmed on 15 different ships and stations! Ops should be down here too but I can't make it play nice with the others

USS Octavia E Butler-logo.png Sagan-scale.png
USS Octavia E ButlerSagan classCommander Lia Rouiancet, Commanding Officer
USS 'Oumuamua-logo.png Luna-scale.png
USS OumuamuaLuna classCommodore Ossa V'Airu, Commanding Officer
USS Thor-logo.png Vesta-scale.png
USS ThorVesta classFleet Captain/Commodore Aron Kells, Commanding Officer
USS Veritas-logo.png Veritas-scale.png
USS VeritasVeritas classLieutenant Commander Lia Rouiancet, Ops Officer & Commander Nic del Vedova, Chief Medical Officer
ZaLogo.png Chariot-scale.png
USS ZaChariot classFleet Captain Zalea Solzano, Commanding Officer
InvictaLogo.png Cardiff-scale.png
USS InvictaCardiff classFleet Captain Aron Kells, Commanding Officer
GarudaLargeLogo.png Galaxy-scale.png
USS GarudaGalaxy classCaptain/Fleet Captain Cassandra Egan Manno, Commanding Officer
Mercurylogo.png Oracle-scale.png
USS MercuryOracle classCommander/Captain Aron Kells, Commanding Officer
USS Drake-logo.png Miranda-scale.png
USS DrakeMiranda classEnsign through Commander Aron Kells, Science Officer
UFOPgrayseal-square.png Steamrunner-scale.png
USS TigerSteamrunner classLieutenant Commander Lily Ventu, First Officer
Fleetopslogo.png Prometheus-scale.png
USS Independence-APrometheus classLieutenant Commander Lily Ventu, Counselor
UFOPgrayseal-square.png Defiant-scale.png
USS TriumphantDefiant classLieutenant Commander Lily Ventu, First Officer
USS Constitution-logo.png Galaxy-scale.png
USS Constitution-BGalaxy classLieutenant Commander Lily Ventu, Second Officer
Victorylogo.png Intrepid-scale.png
USS VictoryIntrepid classEnsign through Lieutenant Commander Lily Ventu, Counselor