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=Academy Records=
==Academy Records==
* '''Date of Entry into [[Academy Library|Starfleet Academy]]''': Stardate 237609.10
* '''Date of Graduation''': Stardate 238108.11
* '''Major''': Propulsion/Warp Theory
* '''Minor''': Mathematics
** '''[[/Academy Transcript|Full Academy Transcript]]'''

==Professional History==
==Professional History==
* '''Date Graduated from Academy''': '''238108.11'''
* '''Date Graduated from Academy''': Stardate '''238108.11'''
* '''Current Rank''': '''Lieutenant Commander'''
* '''Current Rank''': '''Lieutenant Commander'''
* '''Current Assignment''': [[USS Independence| USS Independence-A]]  
* '''Current Assignment''': [[USS Independence| USS Independence-A]]  

Revision as of 14:04, 19 October 2008

USS Columbia
Lieutenant Commander Ethan Brice

Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards General BPlot 2011.jpg
Awards General SheathedSword 2011.jpg
Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
Awards General SilverPalm 2011.jpg

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Lieutenant Commander Ethan Brice is the charming, comedic Chief Engineering Officer currently serving aboard the USS Independence-A.


  • Full Name: Ethan James Brice
  • Race: Terran
  • Date of Birth: 235708.22
  • Place of Birth: Manchester, Earth
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: 0


  • Height: 6’2” feet
  • Weight: 134lbs
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Length of Hair: Short
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Skin Tone: Light
  • Birthmarks, Scars: Left foot, right hand and a small scar on his stomach.
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: Celtic Triple Goddess tattoo on left shoulder
  • Build: Tall and Atheltic
  • Carriage: Man on a mission, unless it’s to the Double Shot
  • Poses: He scratches his face, folds his arms and regularly leans on things
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): T-Shirts and Jeans
  • Shoes: Boots or shoes when wearing suits.
  • Handedness: Right


  • Quarters: His quarters don’t portray a man with a lot of time on his hands. Most of Ethan’s quarters are minimalist. On the shelf below his window are the holoimages of his son. There is also the rugby ball from the Eton vs. Cambridge season finals the year he left the College. It is accompanied by a holoimage of the team together, kit on covered in mud. There are also a lot of computer parts strewn around his living room.
  • Favourite Room: Main Engineering.
  • Mannerisms: Scratches his shoulder and whistles. Also sings in the turbolift and shower.
  • Physical Limitations: Basic human limitations; still can’t lick his elbow.
  • Temperament: Very calm in most situations but can get very frustrated.
  • Habits: Lifts his eyebrow (nicked from Danny Wilde and over thinks things.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Agnostic.


Ethan is often found in Main Engineering, as he does find it hard to separate his personal life from his work. However, what Engineer doesn’t live in Engineering?

Hobbies and Pastimes

  • Springball
    • Ethan is technically not a sport head in the least. In his younger years, he was most likely to be found with his hand melded together with some part of a machine during a wild experiment then on the playing fields. However, he found a true passion in playing Springball and likes to when he gets the chance.
  • Tinkering
    • A no brainer for an Engineer. Ethan had been interested in tinkering from a young age and can often be found messing around with things that worked perfectly fine before.
  • Holoprogram Design
    • During his first years at the Academy, Ethan got involved with a few Cadets who liked to program holonovels. Like a book club, they would create a holonovel and shared their experience and program with the others members of their club. It was interesting for the young Ethan and gave him a huge insight into other's tastes in programs. Since then, he has pursued this and believes that if he hadn't been an Engineer, he would've taken up programming professionally.

Likes and Dislikes

  • Food
    • He prefers home cooked meals and traditional food to replicated. He loves Potato Pie and Red Cabbage washed down with old Ale. Food has never really been an issue for Ethan as he is not very fussy over what he eats, despite not liking Pasta. He has a fondness for Bajoran dishes and can only eat Klingon after a drinking session, when it becomes more of a dare.
  • Drink
    • When it comes to drink, Ethan has not many preferences. He likes Guinness and other brands of stout; Bajorans do a particular type of beer that he likes. When not drinking alcohol, he prefers tea to coffee unless he needs an ultra kick start in the morning.
  • Music
    • Classical music is not a favourite of his. He likes 20th century music and listens to it when he is calming down in his quarters or doing something which requires a lot of concentration. In Main Engineering, it gives the message that he doesn’t want to be disturbed. Perfect.
  • Fools
    • A petty hate that he has picked up from Chief King. He has become increasingly unable to suffer fools; however it is not unusual for Ethan to be the one to start the foolishness. Anything for a laugh.
  • Poker
    • What can be said about Poker Night? Ritually, Danny Wilde, Ethan and Ben Walker have held their poker nights to maintain that male bonding thing that Counsellors go on about. Lately Jhen Thelev and Jackford Kolk have joined in the nightly activities, testing poker faces and putting the replicator to the test.

Ambitions and Goals

Ethan has no long-term ambitions other than to be a good father to his child. Matthew’s birth changed a lot of aspects of the Engineer’s life. If he were pushed, he would comment that he would like to head his own Shipyards.

Personal Achievements and Disappointments



  • Marital Status: Single



  • Mother: Gillian Clarice Brice ((nee. Fraser))
    • Date of Birth: Stardate 232602.09
    • Place of Birth: Ilchester, Somerset, England Earth
    • Date of Death: N/A
    • Short Biography: Gillian is one of those mothers’ that was proud of Ethan for his choices in life. No matter which way his career decisions had taken him, she found a way to disapprove in an approving manner. Needless to say, Gillian will always be a tower of support for the young Engineer as he moves through his career. She works for a local school near Eton and still enjoys teaching.

  • Father: Anderson Arthur Brice
    • Date of Birth: Stardate 232312.07
    • Place of Birth: USS Indianapolis
    • Date of Death: N/A
    • Short Biography: Anderson is another story entirely. His own experiences with Starfleet have left him slightly bitter towards their work in the Ithassa Sector. He worked teaching Applied Science to First Year Cadets but resumed his original posting in Tactical for Wolf 359. Anderson decided afterward never to step foot on a vessel again and resides in Eton, England with his wife. He is the Headmaster of Eton College, which has since been revamped into a prestigious Academy for the education of pupils from 1-18.


  • Brother: Joshua Anderson Brice
    • Date of Birth: Stardate 235911.20
    • Place of Birth: Eton, Windsor, England Earth
    • Date of Death: N/A
    • Short Biography: Joshua is currently studying Science at Starfleet Academy. He has been interested in off-world microbiology and biogeography. At present, Joshua has no intentions of taking a tour of duty and would prefer to be stationed on a base somewhere studying nearby life, although the decision could change.

Personal History

Ethan was born in Manchester, England Earth to Gillian Fraser and Anderson Brice. Shortly after Joshua’s birth in 2357, the family moved to Eton, Windsor, England to be closer to Anderson’s work. With both parents involved in schooling of other children, Ethan and Joshua were shipped off to boarding school. After a traditional English upbringing of toast and jam for breakfast and a boarding school education, Ethan developed an interest for all things tinkerable. He was often found wandering the halls of his school looking for left objects like tricorders and holonovel diskettes to take apart and rework. It was often noted that he could take something apart and forget how to put it together again, leaving a few very disgruntled Professors in his wake. Ethan joined Starfleet at the age of 18 and has continued to study the developments in Engineering Science since. He has worked on many vessels as well as buildings, a nod to his earlier career decision to be an architect. He has a fascination for the very Gothic in architecture and design from early periods of Earth history
While in Starfleet Academy, Ethan wasn’t interested in female students, instead he had his nose buried in PADDs and constantly in the Engineering department testing and creating. His first relationship, properly, was with Rebecca Hollendale on the USS Independence and now separated, they are parents to Matthew. Ethan has maintained that he will be a father to Matthew, despite the separation.
At the moment, Ethan and Karynn Ehlanii, Lieutenant Counsellor on the USS Ronin have solidified their couple status and are openly dating one another. While sometimes it is difficult for them to get a lot of time together, they both try to set aside enough time to spend in one another’s company.


  1. 235708.22: Born in Manchester, England, Earth.
  2. 236002.05: Relocated to Eton, Windsor, England Earth
  3. 236209.02: Attended Eton College, during the Michaelmas Half and became a regular feature in the Tardy Book.
  4. 237309.04: Became a Scholar at King’s College, Cambridge, England Earth].
  5. 237609.10: Joined Starfleet Academy
  6. 238108.11: Assigned to ma:Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards for construction and refit training.
  7. 238201.17: Assigned to the USS Independence as an Engineering Officer at rank Ensign.
  8. 238204.19: Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade by Rear Admiral Jessa Anassasi.
  9. 238207.01: Re-Assigned to Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards to work on repairs of Gorn War vessels for a year. Also works on a Starfleet Intelligence protocol when repairing the Achilles vessel.
  10. 238307.16: His first son, Matthew James Brice is born to Ethan Brice and Rebecca Hollendale without Ethan's knowledge.
  11. 238308.01: Joined the USS Ronin as the Chief Engineer.
  12. 238408.24: Promoted to Lieutenant by Captain Idril Mar].
  13. 238507.28: Is wounded by a falling chandelier from the ceiling of The Inn on the Moor while investigating Captain Idril Mar's disappearance. He was punctured in the chest, stomach, right hand and left foot by the metalwork.
  14. 238507.29: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander by Captain Robert Morgan.
  15. 238510.12 - Transferred with Captain Idril Mar to the USS Independence-A as Chief Engineer.

Academy Records

Professional History

  • Date Graduated from Academy: Stardate 238108.11
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Current Assignment: USS Independence-A
  • Duty Post: Chief of Engineering

Awards & Commendations

Professor Commendations

Professor Abersmyth, Cochrane Academy
“Well, what more can a Professor want? Cadet Brice has shown impeccable attention and interest toward Propulsion Theory. I have to admit, his overall interest in the subject has surprised me and undoubtedly he will only continue to become even more devoted to this area of his Academy and Professional life. However, he still owes me three pieces of coursework from his second year.”
Professor Sar-Lek, Cochrane Academy
“I am still not impressed with the conduct of Cadet Brice. Trust him with a Starship? I’d rather entrust my collection of dilithium crystal particles to a Kagor. Sure, he can calculate with the best of the Cadets in this institution as long as the hangover from the night before has worn off!”

StarFleet Assessments and Records

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Assignment Post
001-Cadet4th-White.png Cadet, 4th Class 237609.10 - 237707.31
Starfleet Academy,
San Fransisco,
Major: Engineering/Warp Theory
Minor: Calculus
002-Cadet3rd-White.png Cadet, 3rd Class 237709.01 – 237807.31
003-Cadet2nd-White.png Cadet, 2nd Class 237809.01 – 237907.31
004-Cadet1st-White.png Cadet, 1st Class 237909.01 – 238007.31
004-Cadet1st-Red.png 238008.23 – 238106.31
USS Centris-A
004-Cadet1st-Red.png 238108.11 – 238201.17
Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Training Deployment
01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign 238201.17 - 238204.19
USS Independence
02-LtJG-Gold.png Lieutenant J.G. 238204.19 – 238310.04 Assistant Chief Engineer
Award 238301.09
Silver Palm
02-LtJG-Gold.png Lieutenant J.G. 238204.19 – 238310.04
USS Ronin
Assistant Chief Engineer
02-LtJG-Gold.png Lieutenant J.G. 238310.04 - 238408.01
Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Propulsion Refit Engineer
03-Lt-Gold.png Lieutenant 238408.01 - 238507.29
USS Ronin
Chief of Engineering
Award 238501.17
04-LtCmdr-Gold.png Lieutenant Commander 238507.29 - 238510.12
USS Ronin
Chief of Engineering
04-LtCmdr-Gold.png Lieutenant Commander 238510.12 – Present
USS Independence-A
Chief of Engineering

Working Areas

Chief Engineer’s Office

When not pottering around Main Engineering on the different levels or climbing through the endless lengths of Jefferies Tubes, Ethan can be found in his Office sat in his comfy chair, drinking tea and finger drumming on his wooden desk. It’s not always in a perfect state and usually has bits and piece strewn around on the multiple shelves. His reports are conducted from the office and it’s his usual meeting place for a morning drink with Jackford whenever he turns up.

Main Engineering

Level One is the haven for the young Engineer. He nicknames it the “drive room” because for him, it is the main room for the ship. Without it, the ship wouldn’t run hence “drive room”. He takes great pride in Main Engineering and has threatened a few times to decorate it himself.


USS Ronin – Main Engineering

As Chief Engineer of the USS Ronin, Ethan had multiple teams to rely on when it came to repairs. He could happily split the levels into sections and assign his trusted staff to lead the teams. These comprised of his Assistant Chief Lieutenant Jackford Kolk, Lieutenant Junior Grade Sarah Reed and CPO Lars Garrick. Chief Joshua King is the unofficial ruler of the Main Engineering kingdom.

USS Independence-A

At the moment, Ethan has not been on the Independence-A long enough to work out who’s who yet.

SIM Archive

Coming Soon… When I work out which ones I want letting out…