User:Doz Finch/Sandbox 3

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Science Labs

Tahna Meru LCDR.png
Vesela Pace Ensign.png
Nera Ay Ensign.png
Solkon Ensign.png

Lieutenant Commander Tahna Meru along with Ensigns Nera Ay, Vesela Pace, and Solkon led the charge in locating civilian scientists and family of crewmembers trapped in the science labs on the lower decks, including Lieutenant Vylaa zh'Tisav's daughter. The group encountered blown conduits and a raging fire on Deck 17, which they successfully put out before locating the civilians in a series of wrecked labs. With the civilians in tow, the group relocated to a storeroom on Deck 18, away from the action, and borrowed a few Bajoran resistance tactics to set defensive traps for the Borg along the way. With no Borg detected on their deck and battles raging overhead, the group used the Gorkon's computers to send out false life signals to lure Borg on the upper decks to less populated areas of the ship. Ultimately four civilian casualties were reported from the science labs, with three others transported to sickbay for treatment. - by Tahna Meru

Main Engineering

Vylaa zh'Tisav.png
Doz Finch 2401.png

With the warp core offline, due to a crack in the intermix chamber established during the fight, as well as damaged dilithium crystals, Lieutenant Gnaxac climbed inside to launch immediate repairs. Lieutenants Vylaa zh'Tisav and Doz Finch arranged his equipment as fires and other mechanical issues raged in their vicinity, leading to at least one fatality. Although tumultuous, the core was fixed, but the reinitialisation delayed as they discovered a second microfracture. To prevent fatigue, Finch and zh'Tisav swapped places with Gnaxac and with use of sealant and a welder, worked quickly to repair it a second time, doing so in difficult heaving conditions as the ships inertial dampeners struggled to keep up with its violent thrust manoeuvres.

Once the core was brought back online, they tracked its progress meticulously, disturbed soon after by the arrival of drones that had infiltrated their deck using unknown micro-transportation technology. A deadly skirmish ensued. With blades, Finch defended Gnaxac from a wandering drone, as zh'Tisav and a security team took on the rest. Once the core was secured and safe again, an EMP reverberated throughout the decks, setting conduits and consoles ablaze in Main Engineering, adding the next stage to their Damage Control: Firefighting. - by Doz Finch