Constitution-B PNPC Listing

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The list of established Non-Playing Characters (NPCs) is below. Feel free to add as necessary.


To view a list of Traditional-NPCs that anyone is free to use in their sims click here.

Traditional-NPCs are background characters used to help the plot. Anyone can use them. As such Traditional-NPCs have minimum information and are simply a list of names of the Constitution crew that you are all welcome to use to your own advantage in your sims.

For example... If I was writing a sim on the Bridge and wanted to introduce a Klingon bird of prey off the Starboard bow as a plot twist but my character is not controlling sensors then I could use the traditional NPC Ensign Williams to write a sim as follows:

Rocar looked up.::

Rocar: Report!

Williams: Theres Klingons off the starboard bow.

Rocar: Evasive action. Red alert.

Everyone response.

To view a list of Traditional-NPCs that anyone is free to use in their sims click here.


To view a list of Secondary-NPCs that anyone is free to use in their sims click here.

Secondary-NPC are simmed by one player in addition to their primary character on this ship. They are simmed almost as much as their primary and usually only done by senior players. As such these NPC-Secondaries have a big character backstory, feature in their own sims and have their own personal reactions and B-Plots etc. Everyone is free to do this but MUST be able to commit to simming both their primary and NPC-Secondary regularly. Currently the only NPC-Secondary being played are Lieutenant Keely Lahrel who is in Engineering. This is played by our First Officer Cmdr Taboo (who some of you haven't met yet at he was off ship but will be back now.)

To view a list of Secondary-NPCs that anyone is free to use in their sims click here.


To view a list of Personal-NPCs that anyone is free to use in their sims click here.

Personal-NPCs are somewhere between Secondary-NPCs and Traditional-NPCs. They are similar to Secondary-NPCs in that they are only simmed by one player (belong to them). Despite this, they are just background characters used to help fill gaps in our sims. An example would be Milani the nanny of Rocar and Hilzarie's children. Only Gwen Hilzarie writes the Milani character (as she's personal to her) but we never do whole sims devoted to her or exploring her back story. She's like an extra.

To view a list of Personal-NPCs that anyone is free to use in their sims click here.