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Al-Leyan Martial Arts

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Al-Leyans have very few martial arts, but each have there pros. Today in the Izalla region illegal fights occur between some of the most brutal trained fighters.


Sore is a deadly brutal marital art formed that masters used during the Romulan Occupation of Luraul. However due to recent times Sore has the become a sport to many al-leyans and is now more of a competition. However the true raw form is still taught in some Izalla regions.

Sore has some of the deadliest kicks in any martial art, some that are enough to break a humans rib cage. The arts philosophy is generally one kick to end all.


Mukhol is a martial art that has several different fighting styles to suit different types of physique. It also focuses on a person center of balance, so that when in a confrontation the fighter is adept enough to fight as effectively as possible.



The origins of this art come from the southern, Sez Toural Polar Regions of Leya-I. It utilizes fast, harsh strikes from any limb. Fists, elbows, forearms, knees, calves, feet. It's quite similar in most respects to ancient Terran KFM. It's designed to be used in tight confined spaces where one doesn't have room for more traditional fighting styles. Though it was originally intended to be used by climbers who came under attack while hanging from the side of a mountain and who needed to keep one handhold and or foothold in order to not fall from great heights.

Unlike Sore, which relies on a singular kick to end a fight. Jaia seeks to overwhelm an opponent with a dizzying array of strikes to the chest, head and occasionally legs. While the hits can be quite powerful, enough to dislocate a jaw, blind, or otherwise disorient an opponent, often it's used in conjunction with other martial arts when an enemy has gotten too close for Sore. Jaia's intense volley's of close strikes often give incentive for an attacker to retreat to a safer distance if possible.

Some of Jaia's practice movements borrow from aspects of Klingon Mok'bara, so many practitioners of the art are also skilled in or masters of Mok'bara as well.

In recent generations, a few have taken to adding in techniques to use climbing ropes as apart of the art. Giving the user momentum with their strikes when swinging. It's risky, as there's a chance that ropes can become frayed and snap when caught on jagged rocks.

There is no set location one can learn Jaia from, though there are bi-annual festivals that happen concurrently to the two largest Sez Toural mountaineering competitions that run for several months. During which time, masters of the art offer to instruct anyone willing to learn. Concluding with a sparring match with their Tai're (Sensei) several thousand feet up on the side of a mountain.



Juio is an art form that is unique and different to other Mukhol art forms. It originates in the Uz Sabahnuor islands, and involves swordsmanship, and other arts. Juio is an art form that many label as a taboo, because the philosophy of the art encourages you to enjoy and relish in the satisfaction of winning. Juio also focuses on the learners flexibility first since it is key to being a master of Juio.

Juio is unpredictable, and paradoxical. Though not many people know of this art form, those who do describe it as a "Malignant grace". Juio practitioners are known for wearing black silk uniforms with silver and gold linings.

Juio practitioners learn at a place called Jojoba. A Jojoba is similar to a Dojo except it has a chiropractor, a masseur, and a room for conditioning. Masseurs use many massage practices, which includes deep tissue massage, and stone massage. A Jojoba also include a philosophy library, and room to discuss issues on morals, ethics, and metaphysics.

Juio masters promote the art as a lifestyle, rather then a fighting style, and the art has strong close-knit underground communities. Though many people on Dinja, or Luraul will have ever heard of this martial art.

Juio can be trained for anyone's physique, however it mainly focuses, on slim/slender builds. It also isn't as acrobatic, but masters will eventually teach you some acrobatic manoeuvres which is essentially in mastering the art.



Walloon is a martial art named after the caintone it had originated from.


Is the only fighting style that evolved as a hybird of sore, Juio, Pejia, and Shujjai. It uses fundamental strikes from sore, but uses unique grappling techniques and quick counter-attacks. It is considered one of the hardest art forms to master. Verida is sometimes considered a variant of Juio since it has the swordsmanship, and philosophy found from Juio. The difference in this instance is that Verida is chaotic and erratic with a heavy focus on offence.

The form is not very attractive to many students because of the amount of training required to master the art form, however Verida strengths are its unpredictability. Verida also utilizes bold, direct movements in hand-to-hand combat, as well as swordsmanship.