USS Eagle Master Crew List

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The USS Eagle NCC-74659 is an Intrepid class starship with a total crew of 125. Of that crew 35 are officers and 90 are non commissioned crew members. It has a maximum evacuation capacity of 500.

Like all ships in starfleet it runs under a three shift system; Alpha (0600 to 1400 hours), Beta (1400 to 2200 hours) and Gamma (2200 to 0600 hours). Crew assigned to one of these shifts will use the first letter of the shift to show which shift it is they are assigned to. A for alpha, B for beta and G for Gamma.

The bridge on the USS Eagle has the standard Intrepid lay out with locations for 7 officers. At the back are the stations for the tactical and operations officers. In front of them are the seats for the Captain and his first officer. To either side of them are located the engineer and science stations. At the front is helm control.

Accomadations on the USS Eagle are as follows. 1 large Captains quarters, 14 large senior officers quarters, 20 small junior officers quarters, 10 single crew quarters for senior crew and 40 double occupancy for the rest of the crew. Other than the first 15 quarters, the rest of the quarters are all the same size.

Crew Breakdown - This is by department, listing number of officers and crew in the department. Staff directly transfered from the academy are listed at the end in brackets, ie. (2E,8c) for ensigns and crewmen, 3rd class.

  • Command - 2 officers. Beta and Gamma shifts are handled by rotating senior staff
  • Operations - 4 officers, 1 crew (3E)
  • Tactical - 4 officers (2E)
  • Helm - 3 officers, 8 crew (2E,9c)
  • Medical - 5 officers, 12 crew (3E,9c)
  • Science - 5 officers, 12 crew (3E,9c)
  • Engineering - 5 officers, 30 crew (3E,24c)
  • Security - 5 officers, 20 crew (3E,18c)

@@@Still to be worked on - Crew breakdown - I Ensign to be assigned, 9 crewmen to be promoted above crewman 3rd class and 5 senior crewmen to be placed still unassigned to departments.@@@


  • PC - These characters belong to players. They have complete control over their actions.
  • NPC - These characters are non player characters that can be used by anyone.
  • PNPC - These characters are non player characters that are controled by one of the players. They are the only one who can use it.
  • to be added - As they are used these crew will have all their info added like rank , name and race. As a newly refit vessel 20 officers are ensigns and 60 crew are crewmen, 3rd class straight from the academy.

USS Eagle Master Crew List

Command Staff

Post Insignia Rank Name Race Status
A - Commanding Officer 06-Capt-Red.png Captain Daydan Taboo Betazoid/El-Aurian PC
A - First Officer 04-LtCmdr-Red.png Lt. Commander Victoria Yladro El-Aurian/Terran/Zeonian PC
B - Rotating Officer 03-Lt-Red.png see note above Senior Officer
G - Rotating Officer 03-Lt-Red.png see note above Senior Officer


Post Insignia Rank Name Race Status
A - Chief of Operations 04-LtCmdr-Gold.png Lieutenant Commander Keely Lah'rel Bajoran/El-Aurian PNPC
A - Ops/Comm Officer 01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign to be added
B - Operations Officer 01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign to be added
G - Operations Officer 01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign to be added
A - Captain's Yeoman E4-PO3rd-Gold.png Petty Officer (3rd Class) Darla Devitt Terran NPC


Post Insignia Rank Name Race Status
A - Chief Tactical Officer 04-LtCmdr-Gold.png Lt. Commander Keely Lah'rel Bajoran/El-Aurian PNPC
A - Tactical Officer 03-Lt-Gold.png Lieutenant William Hitchman Terran NPC
B - Tactical Officer 01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign to be added
G - Tactical Officer 01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign to be added

Helm Control

Post Insignia Rank Name Race Status
A - Chief Helm Officer 04-LtCmdr-Red.png Lt. Commander to be added
A - Shuttlebay Ops Manager 03-Lt-Red.png Lieutenant Jonathan Taljan Terran PNPC/Yladro
B - Helm Officer 01-Ens-Red.png Ensign to be added
G - Helm Officer 01-Ens-Red.png Ensign to be added
A -Lead Shuttle Pilot E6-PO1st-Red.png Petty Officer (1st Class) to be added
A - Shuttle Pilot E1-Crew3rd-Red.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Shuttle Pilot E1-Crew3rd-Red.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Maintenance E1-Crew3rd-Red.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Maintenance E1-Crew3rd-Red.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Flight Deck E1-Crew3rd-Red.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Shuttle Pilot E1-Crew3rd-Red.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Flight deck E1-Crew3rd-Red.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Shuttle Pilot E1-Crew3rd-Red.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added


Post Insignia Rank Name Race Status
A - Chief Medical Officer 04-LtCmdr-Teal.png Lt. Commander Emirry MacGowan Terran/El-Aurian PC
A - Medical Officer 01-Ens-Teal.png Ensign
A - Counsellor 01-Ens-Teal.png Ensign
B - Surgeon 03-Lt-Teal.png Lieutenant Derek Harp Terran PNPC
G - Forensic Pathologist 01-Ens-Teal.png Lieutenant Koer Jnaii SC/Yladro
G - Junior Counsellor 01-Ens-Teal.png Ensign Ashley Anderson Terran PNPC
A - Chief of Nursing E7-CPO-Teal.png Chief Petty Officer Alina May Terran PNPC
A - Nurse E6-PO1st-Teal.png Petty Officer (1st Class) Premba Deltan PNPC
A - Microbiologist E5-PO2nd-Teal.png Petty Officer (2nd class) to be added
A - Surgical tech E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Diagnostic tech E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Paramedic E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Physical Therapist E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Lab tech E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Nurse E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Lab tech E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Nurse E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Lab tech E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added


Post Insignia Rank Name Race Status
A - Chief of Science 04-LtCmdr-Teal.png Lt. Commander Xoet Twelve h92oets PC
A - Stellar Cartography 01-Ens-Teal.png Ensign to be added
A - Science Officer 01-Ens-Teal.png Ensign to be added
B - Science Officer 02-LtJG-Teal.png Lieutenant(jg) Elva Inera Kobliad NPC
G - Science Officer 01-Ens-Teal.png Ensign to be added
A - Lab tech E6-PO1st-Teal.png Petty Officer (1st Class) Kavis-Abro Grazerite NPC
A - Anthropologist E6-PO1st-Teal.png Petty Officer (1st Class) to be added
A - Geneticist E5-PO2nd-Teal.png Petty Officer (2nd class) to be added
A - Chemist E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Geologist E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Biologist E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Physicist E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Zoologist E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Paleontology E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Meteorologist E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Biochemist E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Linguist E1-Crew3rd-Teal.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added


Post Insignia Rank Name Race Status
A - Chief Engineer 04-LtCmdr-Gold.png Lt. Commander to be added
A - Engineer Officer 01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign to be added
A - Engineer Officer 01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign to be added
B - Engineer Officer 01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign to be added
G - Engineer Officer 03-Lt-Gold.png Lieutenant Edward Chalmers Terran NPC
A -Transporter Chief E7-CPO-Gold.png Chief Petty Officer to be added
A - Transporter tech E5-PO2nd-Gold.png Petty Officer (2nd Class) Heidi Rush Terran NPC
A - Engineer E4-PO3rd-Gold.png Petty Officer (3rd Class) to be added
A - Engineer E2-Crew2nd-Gold.png Crewman (2nd Class) Endara Falia Risan NPC
A - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Ship System Tech E6-PO1st-Gold.png Petty Officer (1st Class) Toaxx Bolian NPC
G - Warp engines E5-PO2nd-Gold.png Petty Officer (2nd Class) Teg'ik Tellerite NPC
G - Impulse engines E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Computer tech E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Engineer E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added


Post Insignia Rank Name Race Status
A - Security Chief 04-LtCmdr-Gold.png Lt. Commander to be added
A - Security Officer 01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign to be added
A - Security Officer 02-LtJG-Gold.png Lieutenant(jg) Tal Tel-ar Andorian PC
B - Security Officer 01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign to be added
G - Security Officer 01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign to be added
A - Brig Security E5-PO2nd-Gold.png Petty Officer (2nd Class) to be added
A - Security E5-PO2nd-Gold.png Petty Officer (2nd Class) T'la Mo'Bala Terran NPC
A - Brig Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
A - Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Brig Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Brig Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
B - Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Brig Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Brig Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
G - Security E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png Crewman (3rd Class) to be added
Blank Page - ignor E3-Crew1st-Gold.png Crewman (1st Class) Blank NPC page ignor Blank Page