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USS Astraeus


Cadet 4th Skyler Harrison

“Science is not only a disciple of reason, but also one of romance and passion.”

Stephen Hawking
Basic Profile

Personal Basics

  • Full Name: Skyler Harrison
    • Will answer to either Harrison or Skyler, prefers Bajoran form of address.
  • Gender: Female (She/Her)
  • DOB: 237707.07
  • Age: 2394


  • Height: 5'5"
  • Build: Slender/toned
  • Hair: Long, brown
  • Hair Style: Loose down her back
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Skin Tone: Light
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous

Professional Experience Information Loading . . .

• Personal Information
Quarters ⮟

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Interests ⮟

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Pictures ⮟
• Relationships
Family ⮟
Mother, Ba'ku, Briar Patch

Always supportive and loving, Wila was an original Ba'ku on the planet. She was a woman who shifted partners a few times before finally getting with Nav who never left being her dear friend. Since the two have been a pair for several centuries.

As Gwen grew, she saw how much her mother worked for the village as a healer who made several of her own salves with various plants. To Gwen, Wila shared the love of plants and the use of them beyond consumption.

When the Son'a tried to use Starfleet to relocate the Ba'ku and Gwen met those of the Enterprise, Wila backed her Daughter and pushed her to do what she wanted. A people was meant to change and if this was a sign of the Ba'ku's need to be apart of the universe around them, then Wila was glad her daughter was going for Starfleet instead of chasing the same aspirations of the Son'a.

Wila supported her daughter whole heartedly and even brought technology into their home so she could communicate with Gwen when she could.

Father, Ba'ku, Briar Patch

Nav was one of the original Ba'ku who moved from the Ba'ku's original planet and moved to settle on the planet now known as Ba'ku. He has always been fond of Gwen'ora's Mother and have been a pair for several centuries.

Gwen'ora for the longest time was best friends with her father. He was for a century her biggest hero, role model, and supporter. Nav had always been in the farming sector of the Ba'ku village. One of the many who worked the farm that was on his land and spread the work to his children. Gwen took it up naturally with her love for plants and various odds and ends of Ba'ku.

It was not until Starfleet came to rescue the Ba'ku that Gwen caught the space bug of youth, wanting to explore beyond their home. Gwen's father never came around to being okay with Gwen leaving and told her that she shouldn't go or she'll end up like the Son'a. She shouldn't hold weapons or push for the unreachable. Everything she needed was on Ba'ku.

Instead Gwen'ora left.

On her short trips back to Ba'ku between an Earth university and Starfleet Academy, Gwen did spend time with her father but it was always with a cautious tone and tip toeing.

Older Sister, Ba'ku, Briar Patch

Being the eldest of the Tasen sibilings, Ena is now nearing her second century of life. She was a fantastic older sister to Gwen and was always ready to drag her along to activities and once Gwen hit adult hood, also join her in Gwen's adventures.

She is the type of Ba'ku to want to stay on the planet even after everything.

Younger Brother, Ba'ku, Briar Patch

Risor is just now hitting his half a century of life. Being nearly 50 years old, he is still within his apprenticeships and has promised to not leave Ba'ku or think of it till he has completed these. Though when Gwen communicates home, its Risor that she tells all the crazy stories to. He's excited about finding his place in the stars and might join starfleet.

Friends ⮟
Title, Info, Location

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Character Page: Character Name

• History
Before Starfleet ⮟

Gwen'ora, or Gwen for short, was born on 224908.01 to Wila and Nav Tasen, two Ba'ku who worked one of the large fields for the colony. Gwen was raised on Ba'ku, a planet located within the Briar Patch. With their planet's metaphasic radiation extending slowing their age, the Ba'ku can live centuries.

From a young age, Gwen started helping her parents among the fields. Taking a huge enjoyment in plants and what all they can do for their society. As she grew up, Gwen continued to take an interest in botany and quickly added it to her list of items she wanted to focus on. Eventually when Gwen hit 20, she signed up for various apprenticeships she wanted to follow within the colony. These included botany, artwork with a focus in sketching, and dancing.

For the next 106 years, Gwen focused on herself. Eventually moving out of her parents house and began operating her own farm, focusing on herbal remedies and various unique plants that had not been typically cultivated by other members of the farming community within Ba'ku. She had some of the stranger plants but she had them growing and was developing uses for them within her community.

One of the major things Gwen did during this time was take trips with friends and family that would come with her to document other plants and animals within Ba'ku. Gwen documented and collected on a first hand basis and added the documentation to the Ba'ku's studies. Gwen also during this time period started seeing another Ba'ku male named Faren Blek who was a few years older than her. They did not take the relationship too quickly, especially as they had centuries of life to go.

The year Gwen turned 126 was the year that Starfleet initiated first contact with her people. She was there for the situation and the aftermath that happened. At first the just helped and focused on making sure to bring her research and enough seeds to start again if needed. Then helped with anything else. Her family made it out of the situation with the Son'a bruised but fine thankfully. Some of their fields were damaged by the attacks but that could also be repaired.

Gwen thought she was going to go back to her life. But ever since that day, Gwen had her eyes elsewhere than the roaming planes of the planet she had lived on for over a century. Now her gaze was on the stars. Seeing the bravery of the Starfleet officers and how they were willing to protect them from their own and the Son'a. After the ship that helped her people and do the same to countless others.

So she started the endeavor to figure out what her heart wanted. This started with slowly breaking ties with Faren Blek who was also already planning to travel the Alpha Quadrant on his own. So she decided that was fine. They had enjoyed their time. Loved for a time. And it hadn't felt like that love that swept your heart away to being only it was alright to let that go. As for her own journey, Gwen soul searched a bit prior to applying to a university on Earth. She had decided to make the leap and see what she wanted. And that was to learn more than her small home and the scans she now had access to allowed.

Soon after being accepted to the esteemed program, Gwen left her homeworld for the first time and loved every moment of it. Sure it meant she was no longer affected by the Briar Patch's unique effects. However, overall she was glad to be out and about in the stars and aging normally wasn't odd. Especially because she was aging at what seemed to be a bit slower than the standard way Terran's age.

After Gwen graduated, initially, Gwen returned home and began integrating herself back into her homeworld. Bringing her knowledge back with her. However, it became clear that her wants of adventure would no longer be taken care of via her home. Gwen tried to fit back in. Enjoy home and the calm of it. But she missed the loud and the people...the amount of information at her fingertips. The amount of opportunities.

Gwen stayed home for several years, taking trips off the world to see other nearby planets. However, eventually she realized where her heart was and applied to Starfleet in 2397.

Her family overall approved as long as she promised to not loose herself to the stars like the Son'a. Though her father heavily told her the moment she picked up a weapon she could become a Son'a and not of the Ba'ku. After swearing she would not loose herself and who she was, Gwen was allowed to leave.

Starfleet Academy ⮟

Gwen'ora Tasen was accepted into Academy and began attending in 2397 as a Biology Masters on the science officer track with a focus in Xenobotany and Xenoecology.

Overall she enjoyed academy and quickly realized that this was hopefully where she would find her place among the stars, as Ba'ku did not feel like her place any longer.

Throughout school she met many other cadets and attended several classes throughout the years. Overall science was her strong suit followed by bits and pieces of engineering. She was a tinkerer that could be dangerous or successful. Combat was not her strong suit that was for sure. An elective she enjoyed was that of studying Klingon's and their culture. They were a species that prized their strength in battle and everything along the lines of who Gwen had always seen as evil, the Son'a. The Klingon's though showed that not all species that picked up a weapon were evil. It proved to her that it depended upon the person, not their species.

By 2401, her classwork was complete and Gwen'ora Tasen had been transferred to Starbase 118 for her final exam before she passed alongside Dr. Sevantha Saa and Linna Farvor. While Gwen and Sevan were assigned to the Astraeus.

Joining the USS Astraeus ⮟

Gwen'ora arrived via shuttle to the USS Astraeus, her first assignment with Dr.Sevantha Saa who were greeted by Commander Serala[1] and welcomed aboard during the ships shoreleave. Due to the shore leave having been ongoing for a bit, Gwen and Sevan got tossed into a ship that was having a traveling leave and were also tossed into an assigned room together. Though during one of her trips to meet her new CSO, Gwen'ora got lost and ended up running into Lieutenant Commander Anjar Thoran [2] who gave her a bit of guidance on how to get around the ship, as well as offering her a friendly bit of information on her CSO.

Quickly Sevan and Gwen became the exploratory duo outside of shifts. Due to the shift layout having them both on Alpha shift, Gwen and Sevan happily got to go between work and exploring. At first their explorations were just the standard areas, but eventually they delved to odd locations. Though no matter where they ended up the arboretum was quickly becoming one of Gwen's favorit locations for both work and relaxing. One day though, the two ended up wandering into the Pagrati Lounge and ran into Christopher Caldwell, Cadfael Peters, and Charles Matthews who decided to invite the two new Ensigns to their holodeck planning of a program meant to follow a Terran adventure called Power Rangers[3].

Frontier Day ⮟

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Shore Leave Post Frontier Day ⮟

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• References
• Service History
Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
PICstyle-cadet1 blue.png
Cadet SD 239705.15 - 240105.19 Starfleet Academy
Science Masters in Biology
PICstyle-ens blue.png
Ensign SD 240105.20 - 240108.18 USS Astraeus
Science Officer
PICstyle-ltjg blue.png
Lieutenant JG SD 240108.18 - Present
• Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 240105.20
Starfleet Academy
Awarded for graduating Starfleet Academy.
Awards ServiceRibbons WarWithBorg 2011.jpg
Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal 240108.17
USS Astraeus
Awarded for the Defense of Sol on Frontier Day.
Frontier Day Ribbon.png
Frontier Day Ribbon 240108.17
USS Astraeus
Awarded for the Defense of Sol on Frontier Day.
Ribbon-Recovery Ribbon.png
Recovery Ribbon 240108.17
USS Astraeus
Awarded for the Defense of Sol on Frontier Day.
Awards ServiceRibbons MedalOfFreedom 2011.jpg
UFP Medal of Freedom 240108.17
USS Astraeus
Awarded for the Defense of Sol on Frontier Day.
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Distinguished Service Ribbon 240108.17
USS Astraeus
Awarded for the Defense of Sol on Frontier Day.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Astraeus Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Meikonda 2022 Icon.png
Commanding Ofc.
Lael Rosek LtCdr.png
First Officer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Mission Specialst
C. Caldwell
HCO Officer
Dazra Kol
Esa Kiax LCDR.png
Chief of Operations
Esa Kiax
Divya Tam Ensign.png
Tac/Sec Officer
Divya Tam
Wyatt RalLT.jpg
Chief Engineer
Wyatt Ral
Hana Wright
LtCmdr Tim Alentonis.png
Senior Science Ofc.
Timothy Alentonis
Sulok Art.png
Science Officer
Alix Astraeus JG.png
Medical Officer
Alix Harford
Medical Officer
August Winslett
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