An Eye for an Eye (Amity)

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An Eye for an Eye (Amity)

  • Episode: S1E4 (2399)
  • Stardate 239901-239902

Act 1


At Amity Outpost in the Delta Quadrant, Ambassador Rivi Vataix is dealing with her first diplomatic crisis. The “Kathesis Pact,” a stellar alliance of Mislenites, Nygeans, and Pensarkans, has filed an official protest with the Federation Diplomatic Corp against Vidiians’ attendance at Amity’s impending science exhibition.

The Pact’s ambassador, Gelehi Falshikai, is said to have threatened economic sanctions as well as blockades of the star nebula system where the Amity rests.

The Kathesis Pact claimed in a news statement that they could not “let any species or polity to become involved in their attempts to rehabilitate themselves while failing to adequately face their history.”

Following a meeting with the pact’s ambassador, Ambassador Vataix despatched the outpost’s Defiant, the USS Independence-B, to advise the Vidiians of the reservations. The crew of the Starfleet starship briefed the Vidiian delegation on the situation. An unknown vessel attacked the Vidiian’s ship moments later.

The Vidiian ship was successfully defended by the Independence against the invaders, who departed the area. The Federation Diplomatic Corps and Starfleet have launched an inquiry into the incident. The Vidiian spacecraft is claimed to be being escorted to Amity Outpost by Starfleet.

It comes as the Kathesis Pact is not the only one raising concerns about the Vidiians. The expo’s opening day overlaps with an Antarian Class Rally. Wylam, the Imhotep Antarian Class Racing team’s Ocampan lead pilot, released a statement in the run-up to the race. Wylam informed the team’s millions of followers of the presence of the Vidiian delegation.

“I am the fifth generation of Ocampans who migrated from Ocampa in pursuit of a better life for future generations,” Wylam wrote on the team’s fan networks. “The Vidiians abducted one of the Great Migration’s starting couples, orphaning two of their children. This is a narrative that has been passed down through generations. My experience is merely one example of the misery and suffering inflicted by Vidiians. The Federation has polluted the next demonstration, and I want to voice my displeasure. And I will take the necessary steps to make your – our fans’ – concerns known.”

It is unknown what action the racer or her team will take.

Act 2


An interplanetary union and a torpedo have disrupted Amity Outpost’s first Antarian class rally. The rally was immediately halted, and racers were instructed to “stop in place.” Racing vessels were required to remain in their current location and await additional orders from race control. The race is yet to resume.

During the early phases of the race, the vessels clustered together as they navigated the curving proto-star nebula track. The Talaxian vessel collided with another vessel, causing it to deviate from its trajectory. Lt. Ikaia Wong, Chief Medical Officer of Amity, and Lt. Scotty Reade, Engineering Officer of Amity, ministered to the racers on the Starfleet shuttle Everest. They discovered the Talaxian racers Oaxurux and Marox wounded, with Oaxurux gravely hurt. Lt. Reade also determined the source of the damage: an unknown torpedo.

When race director O’Zeer learned of the torpedo damage, he called a halt to the rally. That decision was also influenced by the fact that the Kathesis Pact had warped into the area, ready to fight. The Pact is a magnificent alliance of Mislenites, Nygeans, and Pensarkans. They objected not just to the Vidiians’ ongoing presence at Amity Outpost, but also to Ambassador Vataix’s meeting with them. This meeting took place on their ship, the Indefatigable.

The Vidiians are not permitted to leave their ship.

“It is evident that the Federation regards this as a trivial issue. They may believe it is their responsibility to assist the new Viidian state. Such actions are taken by those who can afford to minimise our suffering. Our anguish. Our loss,” declared Kathesis Pact envoy Gelehi Falshikai in her own news statement. “These are the deeds of those who cast aside their own dead at the hands of the Viidians. Such activities are devoid of dignity.”

Vataix responded by dispatching the Defiant-class USS Independence-B. Their aim is to facilitate communication between Vidiian delegates and the Kathesis Pact.

The rally is being conducted in conjunction with a scientific expo on the grand mezzanine of Amity Outpost. The goal is to share information and strengthen scientific ties between the Federation and the Delta Quadrant. Overall, the fair was a success, despite the presence of the Vidians and the Kathesis Pact.

However, following the formal expo opening, Amity security officials Cmdr. Cassian Iovianus and Ens. Rebecca Iko apprehended an anti-Federation protestor.

Act 3


The Imhotep racing team won the inaugural Antarian Class rally at Amity Outpost, while Klingon scientists almost brought the station to a standstill. A Federation outreach to Delta Quadrant species resulted in various dramas, yet it is still regarded as effective.

The first Antarian class gathering at Amity Outpost was overshadowed by a series of mishaps. A stray torpedo hit the Talaxian team’s racers, forcing them to be evacuated to Amity’s medical facility. The rally resumed after a 24-hour delay. The Imhotep racing team, commanded by Ocampan pilot Wylam, finished first and took the victory.

Cav Kato’s ship came in second. Many race observers were surprised when the Federation team of pilot Lt. Ceciri_Ariadust and Operations Officer Ens. Paarus_Zalbac finished third. They executed a hazardous race manoeuvre, causing their spacecraft to spin off the track and collide with Amity. This resulted in their lower ranking. Ariadust’s quick thinking to employ their racing vessel’s tractor beam prevented the accident.

However, it came at a cost: Ariadust and Zalbac, who were both unconscious, were also airlifted to Amity’s medical centre for treatment by Chief Medical Officer Lt. Ikaia Wong.

The three-day Scientific Exposition that ran concurrently with the rally had its own challenges. A Klingon delegation exhibited an experimental power relay device on day two. This was done in tandem with Ildarian’s quantum kiln system. The majority of Amity Outpost’s systems were impacted. Lt. Reade, a Starfleet Engineer, stabilised the situation, averting disaster and allowing the fair to proceed.

Many Delta Quadrant species objected to the Vidiian delegation’s participation at the fair. The Kathesis Pact organised these demonstrations, threatening to obstruct the Amity’s solar-nebula system. The Vidians were barred from Amity by Ambassador Rivi Vatiax and her Diplomatic Corps crew. Dr. Merik Saqit, a Vidiian virologist, was forced to present to the expo’s delegations remotely. Meanwhile, on board Amity’s auxiliary USS Independence-B, Vataix met with Pact delegate Gelehi Falshikai and a Vidiian citizen group.

Following these incidents, an article published in the Briori Sun by journalist Arthur Summerside sparked controversy. Starfleet was billed as the Federation’s “paramilitary force” in the book “The Blinding Light of Friendship: The Federation’s True Colors, Revealed.” The Federation’s intention in returning to the Delta Quadrant, it speculated, was to “ingratiate itself with the inhabitants and redraw boundaries as it sees appropriate.” First Secretary Keehani Ukinix, an aide to Ambassador Vataix, dismissed the implications.

“Starfleet is the Federation’s scientific research, peacekeeping, and defense service.” Amity is only a Federation Diplomatic Outpost in the Delta Quadrant. The Federation does not have an expansionist policy, as member worlds are fully aware. Any claim to the contrary is just speculative.”

Despite the difficulties, guests praised the events.

“The exhibition was instructive, and I developed many new professional contacts as a consequence of the show,” said Traygn Oiut, a Naddordin propulsion specialist. O’Zeer, the rally race director, praised Amity Outpost for hosting the enriched deuterium-fueled sport. “Problems at new rally sites are to be expected. Amity Outpost was extremely well-organized and aggressive in guaranteeing the rally’s success. The rally route is distinctive and difficult, and we are looking forward to a larger and brighter event at Amity next season.”



First Appearances


(Edit Listing)

Season 1 (2398-2399)

"Amicitia Vera Illuminat" · "Providence" · "1x03" · "An Eye for an Eye" · "Means to an End" · "House of Mirrors" · "Pieces" · "Protocols" · "1x09" · "Nostalgia" · "1x11"

Season 2 (2400)

"Worthy Prey" · "2x02" · "Dark Roses" · "2x04" · "It's Always Sunny in the Delta Quadrant" · "2x06" · "Toxicity"

Season 3 (2401)

"3x01" · "Bless This Home" · "3x03" · "Frontier Day" · "3x05" · "Time Gone By"

Amity Mission Archive