Shore leave: DS9 (USS Artemis-A)

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Shore Leave Begins

As taken from Ding, Dong, the Wicked CloQ..., written by Addison MacKenzie on SD 240104.04

Her arms, now tightly gripping the arms of the captain’s chair on the Artemis, had braced her forearms for the inevitable impact of the pickaxe on the cave wall. Instead, she now found herself in a familiar, far more safe setting than she had been only seconds ago. She blinked for a moment, adjusting to the sudden shift in setting, including the image of Deep Space Nine on the viewscreen. She turned to see Talos on her right and Genkos on her left. As she surveyed the rest of the bridge, the rest of the senior staff all seemed to be accounted for, though they were all frozen in time.

…except for one interloper.

CloQ gestured to the viewscreen languidly.

CloQ: Captain, welcome back.

MacKenzie: Back? Back where? ::pointing to the viewscreen:: That’s certainly not where I was… What time is it, CloQ?

CloQ: Right time, wrong place. The timeline is all hunky-dory, back to normal. No thanks to your crew - they were so desperate not to murder, not to escape, not to piece together Sisko’s crimes, it was rather embarrassing. I’m embarrassed for you.

MacKenzie: ::flatly:: Sorry to disappoint you again, CloQ.

CloQ: Still, this is the best crew you’ll have for a while - and I love the new ship. ::they ran a finger along the top of a console, as if checking for dust:: Shame what’ll happen to it. ::they grinned:: Keep an eye on the Betazoid, by the way, not everything is what it seems with them.

She cocked her head to the side, alarmed by the implications.

MacKenzie: Why? What’s going to happen to the ship? And what’s wrong with Genkos??

CloQ pressed their combadge that was shaped like a clock face one last time and the ship started to move again in time. The crew all jolted forward as their physical bodies restarted.

CloQ: Well, until next time… Ciao.

Addison opened her mouth to try and delay their departure, but CloQ melted from sight. A voice from her right gave her a small jolt.

Dakora: Good to see you, Captain. ::He gestured to the image of Deep Space Nine on the view screen.:: It seems we might have drifted just a little off-course…

MacKenzie: ::nodding slowly:: It would certainly appear so… ::gesturing:: It appears everyone made it back from whenever they were…

He nodded. The general consensus, judging by the looks on the faces of the rest of the crew, was one of surprise and bewilderment.

Dakora: Orders, M’am?

She stood and moved forward, closer to the stations in the front of the bridge. Taking a breath in through her nose, she put her hands on her hips, then raised them in an expression of her own bewilderment.

MacKenzie: Request permission to dock, I guess.

Shore Leave Scenes

  • Lt.Cdr. Salkath || The newly arrived Lt. Commander takes his time to settle into his new quarters, and ruminate on what to do for shore leave.

  • Ens Chevalier & LtJG Sadar || Ensign Chevalier arrives to update Sickbay's biobeds, and hesitantly enlists medical aid for phantom pains.

  • Cpt MacKenzie || The Captain reflects on a journey of trauma that brought her to where she is today.

  • LT Yellir & LtJG Sadar || A routine physical examination turns tense when a slip of the tongue creates a rift between the two.

  • LT Silveira || Still grieving over the loss of what could have been, he visits her grave to mourn.

  • Lt.Cdr. Salkath || They say absence makes the heart grow fonder... They clearly never met Vulcan families.

  • Lt.Cdr. Dakora || Newer memories erasing old ones may not always be such a bad thing...

  • LtJG Sadar & Ensign Kel || Nothing like a bit of morning medicine to put a spring in your step! Unless you're Vulcan...

  • PNPC CPO Shaw || Not everyone enjoys working this close to Bajor.

Participating Officers
