Denali Manual/Sim Format

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Denali Manual

Member Expectations

The sim format used on the Denali Station is the one, mostly, learned at the Academy, detailed in Tutorial 1, and continued in the other tutorials. The modifications we employ include

  • Include TBC at the end of a sim if there is expected to be a continuation of the scene.
  • Include TAG at the end of a sim if there are tags for other players.
  • Include NT at the end of the sim if there are no other tags for other players.
  • Include END at the end of the sim if a scene is considered finished.
The most common ending to a sim will be TAG/TBC, but END, TBC/NT or NT are all perfectly acceptable endings.
  • Try your best to remove formatting from the body of the sim, from location tag to the ending - including bolding, italics, and others.
    • If you wish to use formatting in your signature, please feel to do so.
  • Split really long sims input multiple parts and label them as such.
  • Include JP in the subject line of any Joint Posts.
  • Include BACKSIM in the subject line of any sims that occur in the past and do not advance the story.
  • Do Not include MSNPC, NPC, PNPC or any other qualifiers for characters on the subject line. Try to keep the subject line simple.
JP: Cmdr Oddas & Lt. Cmdr Han: A Difficult Decision
BACKSIM: Cmdr Stelak: Something Wierd this Way Comes
Captain Oddas Aria: Do Not Go Gently

REV SD 239904.26