Endaasi (planet)
USS Constitution-B | ||
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The information on this page comes from Sims on the USS Constitution-B. This planet is being developed by the whole of the crew and information is collected from their sims, establishing various pieces of information as ship canon. |
Endaasi is a class M planet in the Marchlands, dedicated to offering a broad variety of Vacation styles. The native species, the Endaasi are famous for their massages.
- Class: M
- Native Species: Endaasi (Species)
- Length of day: 27 hours
- Sun/Moon: 1 sun, 3 moons
There is not one climate on the planet, but various climate zones across the globe.
- I found out there is a whole vacation planet in the Marchlands. It's called Endaasi and it has several climate zones and environments like snow and jungle, even swamp or tropical. And the native inhabitants are famous for their massages. Doesn't that sound great? ~ Jalana Rajel
Endaasi has several continents and Oceans.
- The view screen showed a lovely vivid blue planet, clouds in some parts, others were cloud free. She could see different areas, continents that were clearly different climate zones. It reminded her of Earth that had everything from Jungle, desert, ice, temperate or water nations. Jalana was quite curious and eager to explore some if not all of it. ~ Jalana Rajel
- This planet also has oceans. Real big ones. ~ Edward Spears
Various wildlife inhabits the planet, suitable for their respective climate zone.
- The sun shone and she could hear some sounds that she assumed were wildlife. ~ Jalana Rajel
Endaasi has seven different kinds of arachnid. Three of them small, harmless and dangerous. Four of them are larger.
- Oolathu: Throughout the entire pen was a massive network of webs. And spaced out on those webs were, as he could count, a half dozen arachnid like creatures worthy of a certain tactical officers ‘nope’ status. And while they varied in size, the largest ones were roughly the size of an Argo buggy. Larger, counting the span of their eight legs. They were fuzzy, or looked like it. Covered in hair. Possessed of several sets of compound eyes, six sets or so he counted. Eight legs far larger than the already robust bodies they had. A spinneret. Two of the smaller ones were weaving more web into the larger, if aesthetically lovely framework. And pincers. Or mandibles. Or whatever they were called. He couldn’t ever recall. They are soft. Some breeds of Oolathu are docile enough that one can ride them. They spin much of their silk that the Endaasi weave it into clothing. As well as industrial tethers and the like. It’s quite strong. [1]
Different regions are connected via transports. Transporter platforms provide a menu to choose the destination and beam momentarily. E-Guides are provided as well in lieu of maps and in-person tour-guides. For those who prefer scenic routes, shuttle services are provided to travel from one area to the other.
- I was told that every zone has a transporter system connected to the others and maps as well as an e-guide will be provided. ~ Jalana Rajel
Various Caves
- I’m looking at going caving. I’ve found an interesting collection just north of here. ~ Seja Yito
- The Golguth Caves have a nice walking path through them... Stalactites and stalagmites galore, it looks like. Oh, and it says there are Endassi experts that enjoying walking with tourists. ~ Lazarus Davis
- The caves! They go on for, say, 35 or so of your kilometers. A lot of that is in branching paths, though. The longest single path is about 5 kilometers. ~ Dr. Squash-O
- Every room, as it were, has something impressive to see. But, I can recommend a favorite of mine: there’s a trickling waterfall that dribbles into some hot springs. Those drain into a small lake. ~ Dr. Squash-O
- The path was winding but the floor of the cave was neat and easy to traverse, with only gentle inclines and declines along the way. And true to his word, ever time the path opened up into a room, there was a stunning geological feature. Massive stalactite and stalagmite formations. Some looked like multi-tiered cakes. Others looked like imposing gothic pipe organs. One looked like a stone forest. But in the middle of a corridor, they felt a change in humidity and a slight shift in temperature. As they rounded the bend, the lake was revealed. ~ Dr. Squash-O
Canyons and Oasis
- There's an arid region that advertises incredible canyons and an absolutely paradise oasis. ~ Edward Spears
- Odessia Canyon
- A second later and the cool air of the hotel lobby was replaced by a hot blast of dry desert wind. Ess blinked in the sudden glare and looked around them. Rust-coloured rocks stretched off all around them, dotted here and there with short, wiry trees stubbornly clinging to the sandy ground.
- Off to one side a visitor centre promised information and refreshments to visitors and beyond that the ground suddenly gave way to the start of a steep drop into the canyon below. Essen wandered over to the visitors centre. Several holographic interactive maps sat outside, depicting hiking routes of varying difficulty. "Apparently they offer base jumping from a cliff just up the way." ~ Sinda Essen
- The Gorn looked around at the brown and red boulders and ravines that dotted around the segmented area where the transporter and other tourists were. Nugra shielded his eyes for a moment to peer farther in the clean heat to make out the massive canyon cut across the planet's surface like a badly healed wound. They could see a lot from all the way around. ~Nugra
- Reds and browns as far as the eye could see, and the air on Endaasi was so clear that that was quite a long way indeed. The air way dry, and the temperature warm. ~ Solaris McLaren
- Tehra Desert
- Colours ranging from ocher to purple opened in front of T'Aven's eyes. An ocean of sand in front of her reached further than the horizon, framed by a mountain range on one side and the multi colours dusk sky. The sun peeked out from behind a dune in the far distance, ready to visit the other side of the planet. As T'Aven stepped from the platform she turned to look in the other direction showing the same picture, though she spotted what looked like a temple structure in an acceptable walking distance. Above the mountainrange three orbs faintly glowed in the sky in various sizes due to their differing distances, the Moons of Endaasi. ~ T'Aven
- She found a small area surrounded by random stone formation that protected the area from winds, the ground was hard enough to not sink into it with every step. ~ T'Aven
- The waters were so blue that they didn’t look natural in the slightest. It was so clear that you could see down to the bottom with the clarity of the most expensive diamonds. The water was pool temp and ready to swim in year around. Trees surrounded the area providing optimal shade, but enough sunny spots that Sawyer could work on his tan while swimming. ~ Ravenna Carter
All regions provide rooms to stay, in the style of their respective region, but full service provided is equal in all of them. Some areas may provide extra services depending on their location. Transporter platforms and shuttle transport are located close to the accommodations.
Temperate Zone: Several hotels invite visitors to stay. The buildings are tall and capable to host big groups of vacationers.
- Hotel the crew stayed in (Name coming)
- She couldn't wait to sleep in a hotel and just enjoy the full service and now materialized on a small raised platform outside of a building with - she counted one row after the other - eight floors. It wasn't the only hotel, neither in the area nor on the planet, but it had been one with available rooms for the crew if they desired to stay. There was a second one on stand by not far from here, just in case those rooms were not enough. ~ Jalana Rajel
- Mark Two walked through the greenery speckled ground of the hotel on Endaasi slowly, a look of wonder was creeping over his boyish face. The further he walked the more beautiful it becomes, from the sculptured grounds that looked like someone had carved the greenest, softest moss into voluptuous curves to the archways that were clotted with big red flowers so fat that they trailed down in vines that spilled into bursts of perfume and petals. It was all cut through by a white stone pathway and a million golden lights that promised to twinkle once the sunset. Slowly Mark’s jaw dropped as he twirled to try to take it all in. ~ Cade Foster
- ↑ Ya wanna ride a what? - Elias Kincaid - USS Constitution