K'Vrilsgynstl Jhotta

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Ensign Jhotta is currently serving aboard the USS Atlantis as a Science Officer.

USS Atlantis
K'Vrilsgynstl Jhotta
Position Science Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Rigelian
Gender Male
DOB 2367
Age 35
Writer ID A239510J10

Biographical Information

  • Full Name: K'Vrilsgynstl Jhotta
  • Preferred Name: Jhotta
  • Race: Rigelian ((Vulcanoid))
  • Birthdate: 237003.11
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Male


  • Height: 5'10"
  • Hair: Brown-Black
  • Eyes: Dark Brown
  • Skin tone: Light skinned
  • Build: Slender and slightly muscular


  • Likes: Puzzles, botany, novelty, various combat sports, and people (though you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who would believe it. People are only another kind of puzzle, after all.)
  • Dislikes: Being mistaken for a Vulcan (unless he can get a good joke out of it)


  • Parents: Alive and well, all three
  • Siblings: Numerous sisters
  • Spouse: n/a
  • Children: n/a

Chronological History

Raised in typical Rigelian fashion with a focus on home-life and agriculture, Jhotta never quite fell in with his well-meaning family and their tight-knit community, who expected him to carry on in the same vein. At the earliest opportunity he found a cargo ship willing to overlook his age and inexperience (as well as his legal status regarding employment) in favor of a cheap hand, and he struck out into the universe- determined to seek something more (though unsure what that more might be.)

A long, convoluted path of serving on a string of ships and stations in the private sector began to lose it's luster after several years. Though he'd progressed in shipboard status during this time, he began to feel the limits of always moving on a commercial agenda. Upon a chance encounter with a group of ensigns on shore leave from a ship returning from it's tour, he caught a spark of inspiration from their tales of exploration for exploration's sake, and the strange things encountered on the fringe. He resigned his post that week, setting out to see if he was one of the talented few who could make the cut.

He settled into his studies with a new and unusual drive, making it through the entrance exams on his first attempt, to his own surprise. Much to his own amusement, he enjoyed and excelled at biology and botany, the very things his parents had been driving him towards back on Rigel, albeit to be put to other means. In addition to selecting a science track with specializations in biology, botany, and xenology, Jhotta leveraged his checkered career with a secondary specialization in tactical.

Never getting too close to his peers at the academy, perhaps because his deadpan commentary and interjections can be difficult to pin down as good-natured, or perhaps due to his casual attitude towards Starfleet and its formalities, he' happiest with a problem in front of him and the tools to tackle it.

USS Atlantis

NPC Listing   ·   USS Atlantis Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Jarred Thoran 5.png
Commanding Ofc.
Jarred Thoran
First Officer
LtCdr Toryn Raga.png
Mission Specialist
Toryn Raga
Ilana Ganarvuss.png
Act. Chief Sec. Ofc.
Ilana Ganarvuss
Tactical Officer
Varik Tal'Aura
Lael Rosek LtCdr.png
Chief Engineer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Engineering Officer
Esa Kiax LCDR.png
Ast. Chief Ops Ofc.
Esa Kiax
USS Atlantis-logo.png
Doc Snow.jpg
Medical Officer
Elizabeth Snow
LtCmmdr Noa Levinson.png
Science Officer
Noa T. Levinson
Science Officer
Thalas th'Koro
Science Officer
Chief of Marines
Amuro McKnight
Kurt Logan
USS Atlantis-logo.png
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