Jocelyn Marshall/Relationships

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USS Gorkon
Jocelyn Marshall
Position Operations Officer
Rank Lieutenant Junior Grade
Species Human
Gender Female
DOB 236902.05
Age 33
Birthplace Volan III
Writer ID G239304JM0
Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons ExtendedService 2011.jpg
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon.png
Orion Syndicate Service Medal.png
Awards ServiceRibbons War of Shadows 2016.png
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg

Good Conduct Ribbon
Distinguished Service Ribbon
Legion of Merit
Extended Service Ribbon
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon
Orion Syndicate Service Medal
War of Shadows Ribbon
Explorer's Ribbon

Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
Awards General 1Year.jpg

1-year Member

Top Sim Judge
Badge 1.png
Badge 1.png
Featured Bio Nominee
Badge 1.png



Robin and Luther Marshall

The two people to bring Jo into the world are still living in their family home in the Federation colony of Volan III. They were stationed on the planet after the Dominion War to help the Bajoran and Cardassian people aclimatise to one another's presence. With an elder son already in Starfleet and the youngest enrolled in the Academy, Jo's accomplishments are not at the forefront of their attention and they encourage independence in their children from a young age. However, they are loving parents and keep in touch with their daughter when they can.


Orson "Bear" Marshall
Older Brother

Jo and Bear's relationship is good, at the moment, and has been rocky in the past. Being the eldest child, and the first one to pass through the Academy into active duty, Bear was always a little resentful of Jo's Engineering abilities, and she was always trying to keep up with his academic prowess. They cultivate healthy competition between them and when they get chance to demonstrate it, they don't hold back. Bear is now stationed aboard the Gorkon as the Logistics & Communications Ranger.


George Marshall
Younger Brother

George is in the Academy presently, on his third tier of Cadetship. He hasn't elected a Major yet, but is under heavy influence from the eldest of the family to choose Strategy and Tactical Operations. With an aptitude for planning and leadership, George excels where his siblings failed in that he isn't terribly competitive. He likes taking things at his own pace and lets the world roll on by.


Caedan Nkai.png

Caedan Nkai
Good Friend

Caedan and Jo met in the Operations department, him the Chief, her the underling. They developed a taste for going out and partying on shore leave, getting very, very drunk, and garnering a reputation for living it up. Jo considers Caedan to be a close friend and loves his hair.

Sera zh' Aella.png

Sera zh'Aella
Best Friend

Jo and Sera first met on the underground spider station that was Leutra IV, when Sera surfed a wave of eight-legged arachnids, taking a chunk out of one of them. Since then, they've become firm friends, fending off Orion pirates, faceless beings, and the odd poker hand or two in a top hat. Jo loves Sera's easy humour and enjoys being around the Andorian when they get chance. They are raising a socialist penguin together. It's a joint custody thing.

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Erin Reynolds

While in the "other universe" tripping on the Gorkon, the Doctor, then Chief Engineer of the USS Triumphant (alternate) spent a lot of time helping the Gorkon Engineers keep the ship afloat. During this time, Jo was reassigned to the Engineering department. As the crew had already been whittled down, they found their shifts coinciding more often than not, and spent a lot of time together. Now that Erin is part of this universe, and stationed as a Civilian botanist on the Ereina Ark Project, the two swap subspace messages often while apart for long stretches, and try to find some time to spend in one another's company when they can.


Emilia Krugol

Starting the post-mission shore leave on Trill as near strangers, Jo and Emilia nipped out for a spot of white water rafting on one of the many rapid run rivers the planet offered. They relied on one another, to make sure they didn't die at the hands of some large rocks, and in the end made a friend out of the experience.


Cory Stoyer

Cory is a stalwart and reliable friend whom Jo has come to love spending time with. If they're not trying some ridiculous food that melts brain cells, or dragging one another to see terrible holo-movies, they can be found every now and then swapping a drink and chatting in Main Engineering.