User:Sky Blake
Madam President | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
User:Sky Blake | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
My name is Deliera Jay, I am an Australian, and I play Lieutenant Commander Tristam Core! I am also Vice Chief of Wiki Ops, so if you need anything wikish, don't hesitate to let me know!
User-Handy pages
- Rank Pips
- If you're trying to find it manually, search Category:Pips. It took me forever to find this page...
On the wiki
- Updated version of the 2collar template available! Meet it's baby brother: Template:Pips2Collar.
- Meet the new Wiki Operations team!
- Found the cross-out tool from Clio Magariti.
- Made this: Template:GarudaCrewPNPCs
My rant for today . . .
Why Intelligence is a red and not a black
Though Starfleet Intelligence has been a department of which wasn't exclusively used on any of the shows, we've still seen a few characters here and there from SI - many of which wore a uniform. What colour was the uniform? Black.
Wrong. They were red.
- Luther Sloan wore a red uniform when posing as an officer of Internal Affairs, a Starfleet Intelligence branch.
- Erik Pressman was attached to Starfleet Intelligence - and wore red.
- Worf was also an Intelligence Officer aboard DS9. And guess what? He also wore red.
The only time a uniform has ever somehow been black was because it was the uniform for Section 31 - and SB118 doesn't allow Section 31 characters. So really, Intelligence officers should have a red collar, as they part of Starfleet and take orders from their ships captain.
It's like how Science and Medical should also both be teal, but I'll leave that for another day...