Deep Space 10
USS Mercury | ||
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Deep Space 10 (DSX) is one of two known stations in the Menthar Corridor, and except for their shared dilapidation, has almost nothing in common with the Menthar Anchorage.
DSX orbits the fourth planet of the Eta Corvi star system, a class-O world (about 83% water, with several large islands) that can support humanoid life, has indigenous life, but does not support an intelligent species.
While of alien construction, Deep Space 10 is currently a Federation Starfleet installation, used as a base of operations for the region. A growing staff of Starfleet personnel maintain and repair the installation, as well as explore its many sealed compartments. Although the personnel of the USS Mercury spend a great deal of time on DSX between missions and augment the station's personnel, DSX maintains its own roster of personnel assigned solely to the station. Civilians have also began to make their way onto the station, providing a variety of services — and competition for the nearby Menthar Anchorage.
As it stands, DSX is ugly, woebegone, and barely functional -- but for the crew of the Mercury, it may be just what they're looking for.
Deep Space Ten was originally discovered by the crew of the USS Mercury in the summer of 2389. On the lookout for a place for a bit of shore leave, they discovered the abandoned station and set about exploring it. Away teams discovered that it had been abandoned centuries before and that it had been built by a race no longer operating in the Menthar Corridor; the crew named that race the Menthar. Communiques dispatched to Starfleet authorized the Federation (or, in the case of the lone Mercury, the Mercury's) takeover and subsequent rehabilitation of the station. Appropriately, the old Deep Space 10, located beyond the Romulan Star Empire, was recently decommissioned, freeing up the name to match that of its sister station on the other side of Cardassian space.
In earlier 2390, Star Fleet Command sent a SCE contingent to get Deep Space 10 operational. Despite challenging circumstances and the loss of most of the original SCE team, Star Fleet still believed in the potential of the ancient space station. Through a combined effort of the SCE team and the crew of the USS Mercury, Deep Space 10 was made safe to live in and further Star Fleet personnel and equipment was sent into the Menthar Corridor to further ensure the station's prosperity. Although DSX was deemed a safe working environment it still requires a massive amount of repair work to be done. This repair work will only increase the capabilities of the station. Among the Star Fleet personnel to be assigned to DSX was Commander Melitta Herodion, she would become the new commanding officer of the station. Commander Herodion was tasked with getting the station fully operational and repaired to it's former glory as well as to follow up on any future diplomatic opportunities discovered by the USS Mercury. To that end Commander Herodion was also given command of a freshly built Argonaut Class Runabout for occasions when she needs to leave Deep Space 10.
Civilian Businesses
Jikku's Tastes of Home
Owner -
Burnt Cow House, (translated)
Owner -
The Pit
Owner - Sakic Urdin is a Antican businessman.
- 3 refurbished cargo bays right off the central quad with a connecting office and short corridors.
- 1st cargo bay has showers, steam room, lockers.
- 2nd cargo bay has weights and exercise equipment.
- 3rd cargo bay has 3 different fighting areas set up inside it.
Sardin Transportation Services
Owner - Nurvin Mold, is a Yridian businessman.
- 1 small office right on the central quad.
- 2 docking ports, 2 small older freighters with 4 rooms for passengers.
- 4 cargo bays right near their assigned docking ports.