Veritas Deck Layout
USS Veritas | ||
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Commonly Referenced Locations
- Main Bridge: Deck 1
- Captain's Ready Room: Deck 1
- Briefing Room: Deck 1
- Captain's Mess: Deck 2
- Transporter room 1: Deck 3
- Primary science labs: Deck 4
- Library: Deck 4
- The Brew Continuum (coffee shop): Deck 4
- Holodeck 1: Deck 4
- Officer's mess: Deck 4
- Officer's lounge: Deck 4
- Stellar cartography (Astrometrics): Deck 4
- Holodeck 2: Deck 5
- Search & Rescue Operations (SAR) room: Deck 5
- Enlisted Mess hall/Auditorium: Deck 5
- Auxiliary Control/Command Information Center (CIC): Deck 6
- Security center (including armory, brig, phaser range): Deck 6
- Counselor’s office: Deck 6
- Sickbay: Deck 6
- Transporter room 2: Deck 6
- Main Engineering: Deck 8
- Main computer core: Deck 8
- Navigational Deflector: Deck 9
- Shuttlebay 1 (port) and 2 (starboard): Deck 9
- Transporter room 3: Deck 9
- Cargo bays 1 (port) and 2 (starboard): Deck 9
- Fitness center/pool: Deck 10
- Ship's chapel: Deck 10
Room Numbering System
Room numbers aboard Veritas are comprised of 6 digits divided into two groupings. The first two digits refer to the deck number. The second grouping of four digits specifies the sector (first and second digits) and compartment number (third and fourth digits).
In the saucer section, sector numbers go from 01 to 36 and correspond to one of 36 ten-degree sectors that divide the saucer section. In the secondary hull, the sector number always starts with 5 and the second digit corresponds to one of five sectors (labeled 0-4). First sector digits of 6, 7, 8, and 9 correspond to the upper port, upper starboard, lower port, and lower starboard nacelles and pylons respectively.
Room Number Format: DD-SSCC
- DD: deck number (01-12)
- SS: sector number (01-36 in the saucer, 50-54 in the secondary hull, and 60-64 (upper port), 70-74 (upper starboard), 80-84 (lower port), and 90-94 (lower starboard) for the warp nacelles and pylons)
- CC: compartment number
- Room 04-2105: a room on deck 4, sector 21 of the saucer section in compartment 5 of that sector.
- Room 08-5203: a room on deck 8, sector 2 of the secondary hull in compartment 3 of that sector.
Interior Design
As a Starfleet cruiser, the interior design of Veritas is more comfortable than its smaller Defiant class cousin but not as extravagant as larger explorers such as the Galaxy class and Sovereign class starships.
Crew Quarter Assignments
Deck 2
Captain, XO, and VIP guest quarters
Deck 3
Share junior officers (ensign and lieutenant JG) quarters: 2 persons per room
Deck 4
Senior officer (lieutenant and higher), guest, and civilian quarters
Decks 5-9
Enlisted crew quarters: 4 persons per room (crewmen), 2 persons per room (petty officer)
09 |
- Deck 9, Room 09-1026
- Crewman Tasnim Shandres
- Crewman Buyisiwe Mncedisi
- Crewman Nixis Qarr
- Unnamed Roommate
Deck 10
Senior enlisted crew quarters: 2 persons per room
Full Deck Listing
01 |
- Main Bridge
Modified bridge illustration by ResidualRose, based on images from Ex Astris Scientia originally created by the Star Trek Fact Files. Used with permission.
01 |
- Captain's Ready Room:
- A small room with a desk and two chairs opposite the captain's chair. Along the wall is a small couch that also serves as a bunk when necessary. The room is also equipped with a replicator and its own private head/toilet.
- XO's Office
01 |
- Head/Toilet
01 |
- Briefing Room:
- Much like the rest of Veritas, the briefing room is modest in size but well-outfitted for its function. The room's layout takes the form of a rounded triangle at the front of deck 1. Six windows, three on each side, look out towards the bow of the ship. In between the two sets of windows is a large holographic display. A narrow conference table, also triangular in shape, stands in the center of the room with additional chairs along the back wall. Etched into the metal of the back wall is an illustrated history of early space travel for the four founding members of the Federation, from Earth's Apollo lunar program and NX class vessels to Tellar's Starlight missions. Each world's historical timeline rises up like a pillar, culminating together at the founding of the Federation in 2161, with the great seal of the Federation emblazoned above the words "United Federation of Planets."
- Forward quantum torpedo launcher
- Torpedo magazine
- Two Forward Photon Torpedo launchers (port & starboard)
- Torpedo magazines
- Two rapid-fire pulse phaser cannons (port & starboard)
- Secondaries engineering workshops (mainly for nacelles repairs and maintenance)
- Captain's Mess/VIP Lounge
- Captain's quarters
- XO's quarters
- VIP guest quarters
- Sensor palettes
03 |
- Transporter room 1
- Junior officer's quarters
- Upper portion of Holodeck 1
- Phaser array (Dorsal saucer)
- Auxiliary shield generators
04 |
- Primary science labs
- Science Officer's office
04 |
- Library
- Though not as extravagant as the library on Cardiff or Galaxy class vessel-there is no wood paneling here covering the bulkheads for instance—the library aboard Veritas still offers a cozy sanctuary for book lovers. The ship’s librarian is Dr. Rosemary Shriver, a human woman in her mid-forties. She acquired from a bookshop on Esperance a rare hard copy of The Happy Return, the first of the Horatio Hornblower novels written by C. S. Forester. Alongside the novel is a traditionally crafted ship in a bottle. The ship in question is a detailed replica of the 36 gun frigate HMS Lydia. Both are proudly on display along the wall near the library’s modest reading area, along with the other few physical books and documents that are carefully placed behind a thin plate of transparent aluminum. One such physical artifact is a rare paper map of the Shoals from an early atlas of star charts, published before the Federation even existed. Early colonists and traders often kept a physical atlas as a back up to the virtual copies. Of course, in this day and age, these physical tokens are more ornamental. The vast majority of the library’s collection is found in the ship’s computer, and so the bulk of the library is devoted to terminals and alcoves for study.
04 |
- The Brew Continuum, a coffee shop built by then-Ensign Geoffrey Teller
- Small gymnasium
04 |
- Lower portion of Holodeck 1
04 |
- Officer's mess
- Officer's lounge
- Senior officer's quarters
04 |
- Guest and civilian quarters
- Stellar cartography (Astrometrics)
- Secondary computer core (upper)
- Main sensor arrays
- Secondary life support control
- SIF secondary generator
- Holodeck 2
- Secondary computer core (lower)
05 |
- Search & Rescue Operations (SAR) room
- Tractor beam (Dorsal/Forward)
05 |
- Enlisted Mess hall/Auditorium
- Galley
- Enlisted crew quarters
06 |
- Auxiliary Control/Command Information Center (CIC)
- Operations Officer's office
- Tactical room
- Weapons control
- Strategic Operations
- Intel office
06 |
- Security center
- Chief of Security's office
- Armory
- Brig
- Target practice room/phaser range
- Counselor’s office
06 |
- Main sickbay (Chief Medical Officer's office)
- Adjacent sickbay rooms (ICU, Morgue, operating theaters)
- Upper portion of saucer impulse engines (Port & Starboard)
- Primary life support control
- Transporter room 2
- Enlisted crew quarters
- Transporter emitters
- Observation deck
07 |
- Docking ports 1 & 2 (port & starboard saucer rim)
- Lower portion of saucer impulse engines (Port & Starboard)
- SIF primary generator
- Main engineering (upper level)
- Warp core (upper)
- Engineering workshop
- Main replicator core processor
- Secondary science labs
- Docking port 3 & 4
- Primary shield generators
- Main computer core (upper)
- Enlisted crew quarters
- Transporter emitters
- Phaser array (aft)
- Enlisted crew quarters
- Upper sections of Shuttlebay 1 (port) and 2 (starboard)
08 |
- Main Engineering (lower level)
- Chief Engineer's office
- Warp core (lower)
- Engineering storage facility
- Deuterium tanks
- Lateral sensor arrays (upper)
08 |
- Main computer core (mid)
- Aft photon torpedo launcher
- Enlisted crew quarters
- Navigational Deflector
- Primary deflector control
- Lateral sensor arrays (lower)
- Main computer core (lower)
09 |
- Lower sections of Shuttlebay 1 (port) and 2 (starboard)
- Aft Photon Torpedo launcher
- Tertiary SIF generator
- Transporter room 3
09 |
- Cargo bays 1 (port) and 2 (starboard)
- Engineering workshop
- Waste management
- Phaser array (Ventral saucer)
10 |
- Fitness center/pool (25 meters in length, four lanes)
- Enlisted crew lounge/rec deck
- Senior enlisted (chief petty officers) mess aka the Chiefs Mess, off-limits to anyone not a chief petty officer (including commissioned officers), except by specific invitation
- Along the wall of the Chiefs Mess were photographs of past chiefs from previous tours of duty. A Federation flag was hung along another wall, alongside some other memorabilia. Interestingly enough, there was also a full set of Klingon body armor on display on a mannequin in the corner. A small dining table doubled as a poker table.
- Senior enlisted crew quarters
10 |
- Ship's chapel
- Antimatter storage tanks
- Antimatter injectors assembly
- Ventral sensor dome
- Forward Ventral phaser array
- Main impulse engine
- Emergency batteries
- Antimatter storage tanks
- Antimatter injectors assembly
- Antimatter injectors reactor
- Lower nacelles pylons
12 |
- Stargazer Lounge
- Ventral sensor arrays
- Tractor beam (Ventral/Aft)
- Reinforced landing protection structure